Thursday, May 7, 2009

Man’s Oldest Drug


Through the ages, alcohol has been one of the pleasures of life. Since the Stone Ages, alcohol has played a role in human culture and has been used for medicinal, religious and social purposes.

The Greeks promoted moderation in drinking and temperance was praised by Plato. As the Roman Empire started to decay the abuse of alcohol became more rampant. Throughout much of history the use or misuse of alcohol is a reflection of the society.

And so it goes – Social pressures and society disorder find us in a world that promotes drinking. The number of alcohol abusers of all ages is increasing.

Young people raid their parents liquor cabinets, Workers meet at the bar after high pressure jobs and older people seek alcohol as a relief for loneliness.

No matter the age or social condition overdrinking contributes to cirrhosis, pancreatitis, brain damage and destruction of the nervous system. In the present time, the majority of traffic deaths are caused by driving under the influence.


Alcohol is the most commonly used and widely abused psychoactive drug in the country. Its abuse contributes to thousands of deaths and ruined lives.


Ø Loss of self control

Ø Depression of the central nervous system and lowers your inhibitions.

Ø Loss of coordination

Ø Poor judgment

Ø Slowed reflexes

Ø Double vision

Ø Loss of memory

Ø Possible blackouts.


Ø Hangover and vomiting.

Ø Alcohol poisoning, which can lead to coma or even death.


Ø Tolerance to alcohol

Ø Cancer

Ø Gastrointestinal problems

Ø Diarrhea and ulcers

Ø High blood pressure

Ø Malnutrition

Ø Sexual dysfunctions

Ø Lowered resistance to disease.


Withdrawal symptoms can be severe require hospitalization. Many symptoms also describe DTs (delirium tremens) which are caused by the abrupt cessation of alcohol.

Ø Hallucinations

Ø Seizures

Ø Rapid pulse rate

Ø Elevated blood pressure

Ø Nausea

Ø Sweating

Ø Shakiness

Ø Temperature elevation.

Other Alcohol Facts

Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the U.S. According to the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health 119 million Americans (20.1% of the population) use alcohol.

Every 30 minutes someone is killed in an alcohol related traffic accident in the U.S.

Drunk driving is proving to be even deadlier than what we previously knew. The latest death statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), using a new method of calculation show that 17,488 people were killed in alcohol related traffic accidents last year. This means that nearly 800 more people were killed by alcohol abuse than the previous year.

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the result of chronic alcohol use during pregnancy. It is a serious health problem that tragically affects its victims and their families. Babies born with FAS weigh less and are shorter than normal. They tend to have smaller heads, deformed facial features, abnormal joints and limbs, poor coordination, learning problems, and short memories.

Fact: 750 infants are born with a severe pattern of physical, developmental and functional problems due to FAS each year in the U.S. Another 40,000 children are born with fetal alcohol effects (FAE) in the U.S


Every year it seems that there are more and more studies or articles on the hazards of alcohol abuse. The point has been made, with the real question remaining, “What can we do about the situation?”

For the society, the answer lies in drug and alcohol education at school and more controls over alcohol advertising at sports events.

For the individuals who have a loved one addicted to alcohol, the answer is Narconon New Life Program. There is no better answer.


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