Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Here is another success story from a Narconon of Georgia student. The success story bodes well for the future of this student in 2009.

“It is essential to be aware of what you can have from your environment that serves your benefit. It is also crucial to be aware of distractions and counter productive things in y our environment. Interact embrace and obtain things that you need and that promoted wellness within. Ignore of the worldly things and people who seek to deviate wellness and promote more negative than positives.

Rebuilding my world is easy. I choose to interact with things that serve me well. Symbiotic relationships are necessary for progress. I dispense of poisons and have success.

I have good things so I allow them to remain in place as long as they stay good.”

This could be the success story of anyone – whether it be a heroin, cocaine, or Oxycontin user. Narconon success carries on. 877-413-3073



Here is another Narconon success. I hope that it makes it way to someone who needs some hope – The hope we give is real.

“Life throws many obstacles at you. There is always a way around or though those obstacles. One always has a choice. One should assess the situation, analyze the best way to get through it and then choose the appropriate course of action that best benefits himself and his environment.

If I am offered a drug, I can accept or decline. The obstacle is the drug, the choices are simple, but the course of action is much more complex.

If I decline, I maintain a body and mind of sound quality or even strengthen it. Also the environment and those in it can stay the same or hopefully I can affect them and that environment positively. By saying “no”, some might see the error in their ways and the environment has one less affected subject. Any progress no matter if slight or large is progress. The potential is the point here. In the process of declining to use the potential for positive growth in me, those around me and the environment is greater.”

Narconon is the New life program and we have successes like this every day. Whether it is heroin, methamphetamine, pot, cocaine or oxycontin – the result is the same – a new life. 877-413-3073


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Eye of the Storm

Narconon Success Story

In the eye of the storm there is stillness. Chaos surrounds me on all sides and the sound of whipping winds invades my ear canals and shakes the drums deep into my body. Fear is the last thing on my mind. There is a calmness that sits inside me, knowing that for now, I am safe.

A question resonates from the inside out….will I remain here or will this storm shift and swallow my spirit into this mess that is worldly? My mind yells to my body to hold tight and hold steady. This is the safest place you can be. This is where you want to be and this is where you shall remain. Do not allow your eyes to wander and grow weary with what surrounds you. Live from inside yourself and out and you will defy the odds.

I am as pure and calm as the eye of this storm. I do not sway – I sustain.

This is a Narconon success as only a genuine Narconon can produce.

Whether it is methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin or pot – these successes are available –Narconon the New Life Program



Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Narconon Success

“I realized how far I have come in only 10 weeks. I’m able to work through intense emotions that I always just swept under the rug. When I first came into the program I was so hateful with tons of aggression and many nervous habits. I couldn’t even make it 10 minutes without upset. Now I can make it through anything.

I have learned patience I though I’d never find within myself and an attitude I thought drugs shattered almost 10 years ago. I’ve learned how to love again, myself and others and I found the smile I lost as a little girl. The pain I’ve felt for so long has been handled now and I’m no longer afraid.

I feel like I can conquer the world. I’m actually excited for the next obstacle that I may face because I have the tools to handle it.”

This is one of many successes, just today. Whether it is methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, we can address it. 877-413-3073

(This is a genuine Narconon story)



Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy to be alive!


“As someone who has been high at many past holidays I want to say the following – I am happy to be alive and this Christmas when I see my family I plan to enjoy the people and the places I am connected to. Because of this, I do not feel the need to drink or do drugs for fear that it would cloud the clear vision I am gaining. Vision is being used here in the spiritual sense. Not just this holiday, but forever and always for the rest of my life.”

Most people would not believe that drug treatment is the place to spend the holidays or that it could be a place from which such joy and hope could come but is true as evidenced by the many wins that we have each and every day here at Narconon.

Let success, happiness and joy replace the cocaine, methamphetamine and pot.

Narconon is the New Life Program 877-413-3073


Happy Holidays from Narconon!


Happy Holidays from Narconon! Here is a little joy to put in your stocking and to pass to others who might need it. For those who are feeling blue – have hope. These are the stories of people whose lives had been devastated by heroin, cocaine and Oxycontin.

“On this course I cam to the realization that I have control over my own destiny. I can look and find something in my life such as a new job or family.”


It was like I was in an airplane climbing above the thick gray storm clouds. I began to see myself and my choices and my surroundings from a new perspective. I had abundant realizations about my environment and self control. Once I realized some very important mistakes I was making, my attitude changed over night. No longer was acting or feeling silly. I saw my present space, time and problems in the large scheme of things. I know I’m on my way to discovering some very important things about my past choices and most definitely about my future choices in regards to what I can actually consider important in my life.


I realized that not only do I exist, but objects around me exist and I can touch them. I have felt alive since sauna and now I realize that there are things that exist besides me. These things exist to such a high level that those objects around me fit together to form the larger physical universe around me. I realized I am not merely a living entity that is separate from my surroundings, but rather an actual part of my environment.

877-413-3073 - New Life Program


Healthy Lifestyle


Here is another success story from a Narconon student. It is our hope to spread holiday cheer.

“I realized there are friendships that I have to detach from. I had always taken the stance they might change and choose healthy lifestyle and I could be that model of sobriety in their lives. Instead, I always ended up falling back into the using life style I was trying to help them out of. Now I see it is not my responsibility to pull these people out of addiction. I can offer them the tools and contacts necessary to recovery, but beyond that I must dispense with these friendships that are a danger to sobriety.

There are many things and people I could have in my life but many of these I do not need to have the will power to control and bring into my life.

I have the ability to control every aspect of my life. It is within my power and intentions to dispense emotions, impulses and people that endanger my sobriety.

I also have the ability to acquire the tools and support system and surround myself in a manner that ensures a happy and healthy life. I can have happiness, success and wealth, but this is only possible if I push myself to have and to properly lace the tools I ma learning to stay sober.

I realize that there are so my amazing things and people that I could have in my life.”

While much of the world is caught up in the woes of the depression, Narconon is bringing new life to those who had been at the bottom of despair.

Whether it is heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine or pot Narconon is here for those who know life can be better.

877-413-3073. We are the new life program


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Behavior Problems

Join Together reports that a New Study by the Center for the Advancement of Health reports that physicians “are ignoring national health guidelines by failing to discuss high-risk behavioral issues like alcohol and other drug misuse and safety concerns with teens,”

While it is commonly known that parents make the biggest impact on their teens, the more teens hear that drugs are bad for them, the better. For the most part there is an onslaught of misinformation or at the very least temptation to do drugs. Prescription drugs, marijuana and even heroin – our teens hear a lot about these drugs. There needs to be some balance of information in the other direction.

Doctors can help skip the scales in the direction of the truth about drugs. They are respected and from their perspective can most definitely do a good job of informing teens of the real safety issues involved with drug use.

Let’s push to get these national health guidelines implemented.

In addition to providing effective drug treatment and education, Narconon collaborates with and supports any group that is behind effective prevention. It is too big of a job for Narconon to do alone.



Monday, December 8, 2008

Holiday Cheer


The whole world will want some holiday cheer during the season and many people will try hard to find some. At Narconon we have good will and miracles every day. We are trying to spread the good news especially during the holiday seasons, because we represent hope – real hope for a happy 2009. Here is a recent success story.

“I realize I have total control of my body. I am comfortable with my body and I can move my body in any way I want to. My interpretation of how I move my body may not be the same as that of another individual, but that doesn’t matter because as long as I am not hurting anyone, I have the freedom to do whatever I want.

This particular exercise taught me that I also have to be willing to listen to authority and do as they advise in order to be able to continue to move life forward sober.”

It is simple wins like this that add up to the big win of a happy, drug free and successful life.

Whether it is heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine or pot abuse, the Narconon program continues pouring out the holiday cheer for the addicts, families and anyone else who wants to share in these successes. 877-413-3073


According to the article referenced here and featured in Join Together, there is a shortage of morphine in the world and the proposed solution is to legalize the Afghan poppy supply.

Apparently, according to Gordon Smith, Canada’s former NATO ambassador, the poppy eradication program is Afghanistan is “alienating farmer and forcing them into the arms of the Taliban or drug traffickers.”

While not posed as a perfect solution it presents the possibility of more control over the opium market that is going to exist, whether we like it or not.

Controlling the opium market through determination of who the end user is going to be of the opium is an interesting solution. Perhaps, this coupled with a full scale drug prevention program in the United States (cutting down the heroin customer base) could help eliminate the large market place for heroin that the US is now.

It is known that these fields have long financed the Taliban insurgency. This is an important point, but one perhaps more out of the realm of what the average US citizen can do something about.

The fact is that innocent people are dying from heroin overdoses. Others, while still breathing are the walking dead and the poppy seeds have claimed at least a piece of their life. Let’s deal with casualties of the war here at home.

We can do something about this situation with effective drug education and drug treatment. Narconon provides both. 877-413-3073




Party Drinking

A research project was conducted by Harris Interactive to study the impact of holiday party drinking by surveying 1,973 adults.

Though it took a survey to get percentages, it is of no surprise that the attendees of holiday parties reported the development of alcohol related embarrassing and damaging situations. These alcohol driven incidents included flirting amongst employees, use of profanity, arguing and drunken driving.

Though interesting, this is a short look at a big problem that manifests to the public over the holidays, but lurks more quietly throughout the year within families who have a problem drinker.

Drinking, happiness, remorse, eating – there is more of everything during the holidays- but for some there is too much throughout the whole year. These are the people who need help.

Doing a study and finding out that people are drinking too much over the holidays is easy. The hard part is coming up with an actual solution for the problem drinkers and their families. We may be annoyed at the party, but the family has to tolerate it all year.

Perhaps we are becoming too apathetic to suggest a study that looks for real solutions or to feel emboldened enough to say that possibly there are solutions.

Though nothing is 100%, the stats of Narconon treatment are very good – in fact 76% success rate.

Studies are good, but the rubber meets the road with effective drug and alcohol treatment.

Narconon is a good way to go.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Favorite Season


Here is a success story today from one of our Narconon student, currently on the program.

“When I was using I never noticed the details or what others needed from me and I constantly disobeyed rules and regulations as well as disregarded anything but the drugs. I lost myself and everything I had. Now I see that by following simple rules, having respect for myself and others, being more perceptive and more detail oriented, I can have everything if I simply maintain my sobriety and the success I am making every minute of the day.

When noticing the sunset reflecting off the fall leaves, which is my favorite season, I saw the beauty in the sunset. For so long while I used I never paid attention to the beauty of mother- nature and never appreciated anything. Now that I am seeing these things I see that I didn’t believe in my heart I deserved it. But I do and I see that. I deserve everything I have wanted and want back.”

You can have wins like these too. Narconon helps those with heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, marijuana prescription medication and all drugs of abuse.

Call 877-413-3073 We are the New Life Program

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

I'm a people pleaser

Here is one of the many success stories of the day picked randomly from the Narconon drug treatment students.

“I have worked halfway through this course and I have had multiple people helping me. Before I got here I was a people pleaser and went along with the flow no matter what. I did what I could to keep the peace with anyone. I just wanted everything to be alright with my friends, my enemies and strangers. I would use and use and use and sacrifice myself to keep everyone else happy. After being here for a month I have grown a backbone and stand up for myself.

I have realized that I need to make myself happy first and then let that spread to others and work on the next. I keep myself first now and that feels great.

Today my twin was having a hard time and I was able to help him by putting myself first. I did not even do it selfishly.

I get an amazing feeling helping others by helping myself. I am so thankful for the people here and what I’ve learned to utilize. It is an amazing feeling that I haven’t felt in a long time.”

Whether it is cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine or pot Narconon can help.


Monday, December 1, 2008

My day

My Monday at NARCONON has been pretty good I should say. Many of our students returned from being with their families over Thanksgiving and they really did well away from the program (of course I expected that, lol). Anyway, they are all back and ready to get on with their treatment. I love seeing them so excited to get off their drugs and/or alcohol. It really makes me realize how wonderful my job truly is. It actually started snowing today while I was at work and I couldn't believe. Snow in Central Georgia?? How does that happen?? Anyway, it was a nice change from the nasty rain we have been having for the last 3 days.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Underage Drinking


Recently a restaurant in Georgia lost its liquor license because it had been serving minors. Pictures of the minors drinking were on My Space and the restaurant got caught.

If the owners of the restaurants understood how underage drinking can ruin lives, they would have stopped selling to these minors. (Unless they are sadistic).

The statistics for heavy underage drinkers are not good. They are more likely to drop out of school and have low end jobs. Their lives just don’t turn out well.

American kids start abusing alcohol at an earlier age than their European counterparts and there is a reason. That reason is the adults.

If enough adults just say NO to participating in underage drinking the statistics will reverse.

Narconon provides drug prevention.

We also have affordable drug rehab. 877-413-3073



Attitude Adjustment


This is really the week of successes! Here again today is another success story from a Narconon student who is in drug treatment. No matter what is going on, I know that I can arrive to Narconon and hear the wins from the students who are turning their lives around.

“I’ve just realized the amazing attitude change in me towards females. When I first came in here I hated every girl that came in my path, but over this period of time here there has been a drastic change in my mentality and I have now made a few friendships that I hold close to my heart. My stubborn ways subsided and the opportunities of growth prospered.

I am also aware now that my family loves me for me and by seeing me go through thick and thin they ignored me while I was using and backed off so they wouldn’t get to know the me I was while using. They have watched me change now and our relationships can flourish.”

Sadly, quite often, addiction ruins relationships. But any relationship can be repaired, using the right tools.

Narconon is the New Life Program and it can help mend broken lives with no thought to the past, only a wonderful future.




Today many students are reporting success and here is another one. Regardless of what is going on in the world with the economy and the stress of the holiday season coming on, we always have joy to report from Narconon of Georgia.

“Dealing with my father situation again, I thought it was going to be hard. I’ve come to terms with it. I have realized that I have the willingness to change myself to make a situation feasible so I can make the best out of it and add wisdom to my life. Since part one of the course, I have noticed I am very good at starting something in my life and I’m willing to change more than ever before.

While I was using, I would make obligations but change and never fulfill them. That’s not the case anymore. I’ve also always been a functioning addict and no matter what I did, I did it well. My job became a huge increasing factor to my drug use and I couldn’t’ force myself to quit, even though I knew it was not OK for me. It was like I was attached. I was forced to quit. When I came to rehab and it was the best change ever and I see that now and I won’t ever put myself in that situation again.”

These are the kinds of wins that anyone can have at Narconon of Georgia. Methamphetamine, ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana, heroin or other drugs – the help is here at the New Life program. 877-413-3073


Baby Steps

Success Story from a Narconon Student

Today I had the privilege of having someone present this success story.

“During my using years the changes in my life were not okay, they were negative. Now that I’ve found a good change I can stop my addiction and maintain sobriety. I see that during my using years I often jumped too far ahead, gave myself too steep of a gradient or jumped to conclusions. I never stepped back and dealt with things or tried to fix what I was losing grasp of. Because of this, I lost everything. I also see that I always thought my life was full of these huge problems. Instead of changing these issues or elements in my life they started and I never changed them. Because of this I had no control- there was not a start, change or stop so everything slowly but surely slipped away. Seeing the different sized objects I see now that no matter how big the problems in my life were, I solved them the same; I used. I never changed anything because I just didn’t care

Baby steps are what works for me changing the elements in my life, little by little the tons of small problems can be solved and a big picture can be clear. I’ve learned that it’s important to do this because otherwise I’ll always think of my addiction.

Since starting this course my awareness to the fact change is important and okay and necessary to grow.

I see how important it is to my addiction so no that I maintain sobriety I can change the factors that were not okay and I’ll be able to accept the change.”

Anyone with a problem methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, oxycontin or any drug can make a change for the better in their life with the Narconon New Life Program. 877 413-3073


Rehab vs. Incarceration


This recent study confirms what those of us who have worked in rehab already knew – Rehab does make a difference and is a viable alternative to incarceration. It is a better alternative for the addict, family and society.

Drug addicts already have a lowered sense of self esteem. Their addiction has driven them to do things that they would not ordinarily do and they feel ashamed. Jail just confirms what they are already starting to believe – that they are no good and there is no hope.

Drug treatment, on the other hand and at the very least, provides a caring atmosphere from which a person can get clean and examine who they really are. Upon examination, most individuals learn that they are basically good people who simply took a wrong turn. From this viewpoint it is easy to decide to learn from rehab and take a new direction in life.

Locking someone up confirms that notion that one is no good. It is not wonder that crime rates are higher when drug addicts are locked up.

Narconon is a good alternative to incarceration and in fact, this Narconon was started as an alternative to incarceration. The first 20 Narconon of Georgia clients came directly from jail as part of a pilot to determine the feasibility of rehab vs. incarceration.

Whether it is crack cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana oxycontin or any other drug, the results are the same. Most people can either be fully rehabilitated from addiction or they can be pushed further into the mud and their lives totally ruined.

It is up to us to say which that will be.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Family relationships

Here is a success story from a Narconon student today: I have had another day of getting to witness great wins from our students.


“I started to come out of my shell a bit and not let people run over me. On this course I am learning to use my judgment, just as I am going to have to filter things in life and decide which things to stop or not.

I thought about my mom while doing this. I tried to be upbeat and reassure her that everything was going okay for me and then I realized that it is not about me – it is about her.

I realized that I can shift away from this and it is my decision whether or not I am going to let her actions affect me. I can also separate myself from her actions which are not helpful to me.”

Often family relations become strained because of addiction and sometimes it is strained family relations that contribute to addiction.

Regardless of which it is, family is always involved in addiction. The Narconon program helps addicts take responsibility for their family as well as themselves.

The Narconon program involves all facets of life in treatment.



Monday, November 17, 2008

Parents Beware


Who would have thought that we would ever see the day that parents would feel the need to hire police dogs to see if their kids have drugs. It seems far-fetched, but it is happening and the reasons are easily understood.

Drug tests can be fooled which can be extremely dangerous. A parent may be content thinking that their teen is not taking drugs, when the actual fact is that the teen is faking the test results. There was a recent report of an overdose when a family thought their son had stopped using opiates because he had a clean drug test. The truth was that he was cheating the test and overdosed and died. He had been using drugs in their presence, but they were looking at the tests, not him.

Additionally, with all the peer pressure and MTV, it is almost impossible for a teen to escape the opportunity to use drugs. Some of them may simply be using drugs because their friends are and inadvertently become addicted through the social drug use. Then the real problems for the family of theft, possible jail time and death begin. A police dog might be a welcome relief – a good excuse to tell the friends why drugs cannot be around.

Another solution is for parents to learn the signs of abuse of the major drugs – methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, and opiates. They all have their own signs and one can tell by observing if they are in the midst of a drug abuser.

However they do it parents have to know if their child is on drugs. Failing to find out can be fatal.

Narconon will provide free brochures to families who want to know the signs of drug abuse. We also provide effective drug treatment – 76% success rate.

Call 877-413-3073





I realized today that when things change a whole new aspect is added to you life – brightness is brought in. Change is good and the ability to stop is good because it shows progress in life and overcoming the uncomfortable and misunderstood rather than hiding it with drugs. This course makes me realize a log about my life and the things that fell apart. My addiction is a prime example. I started using, changed my addiction to heavy drugs and never could stop and it buried the opportunities because my addiction had no control. I then became blurry minded and couldn’t change.

The difference now is that I’m aware of my addiction and I’m making a change to open the opportunities that my life has waiting for me- the ones that addiction did not let me see.

Narconon is the New Life Program 877-413-3073


Friday, November 14, 2008

Today is Graduation Day!

Today at NARCONON is a great day! This afternoon we have a graduation. I always love graduation being able to see the graduate's family being so proud of them and seeing the graduate themselves so happy to be alive and sober.

Our facility is a small facility which makes getting to know each and every student so much easier. We have the one on one contact with each and every student which helps them out so much. I love getting to talk to everyone everyday. It is very rewarding for me.

Well, I am going to blog later today after graduation probably! I must get back to my job at NARCONON.

If you would like to talk to me just give me a call at 1-877-413-3073!

The best drug rehab!

The economy is hard on everyone, but you can't put the needs of someone you care about on hold. IT IS URGENT to get them help NOW! NARCONON will work with you financially. Help is just a phone call away. Make the call. Do an intervention Get them into the program NOW!

NARCONON is the best drug rehabilitation program, hands down!
If you know anyone who needs help, this program should be your choice. The success rate is 76% and after graduation, they have a follow-up program so your student doesn't have to go it alone.

And please remember that you can make a donation to NARCONON in memory of someone. It is important to keep this program going!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jason Lawing


As the holiday season nears and we are approaching a new year, we reflect on some accomplishments of our graduates in 2008. Jason Lawing is a good example of what Narconon staff would want for all families who are affected by addiction.

2009 can be the very best year of your life.

Special Edition: Jason

ASHEVILLE Citzen Times -

Jason Lawing looks at a picture of himself and his 2-year-old son, Jaden, a few months after Jaden was born. Jason Lawing's pupils are completely dilated above dark circles, and his skin clings against his jaw. He was two hours late to pose for the picture, he recalled, and high on cocaine.

No longer. Lawing, 28, celebrated his two-year-anniversary of being drug-free May 25, a success he credits to spending four months at Narconon in Georgia . The nontraditional treatment center encourages addicts to stay for a much longer recovery period than is typical in Western North Carolina .

Lawing's recovery has brought the rewards of a stable life. He now works at Allied Wheel and Alignment in West Asheville with his father, and the courts awarded him full custody of Jaden in January, choosing him over his ex-girlfriend.

It's important to Lawing that his son is brought up by a drug-free parent.

"I know what it's like," he said. "I've been around people that have kids that are drug addicts. If you had a child, how would you feel if every Tom, Dick and Harry came beating on your door at 3 a.m. because they needed another hit?"

Father and son now live close to Jason's parents, Bruce and Nancy Lawing, who baby-sit Jaden when his dad is at work.

Nancy Lawing started her son on the road to recovery when she went to the courthouse during a hearing that would decide whether Jason, having unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and obtaining property by false pretense, was released or held in prison.

"I told the judge that Jason was not a criminal but a drug addict and needed help," said Nancy, who works at UNC Asheville Copy Center . She wanted to get her son out of the area and into a residential program longer than those she found offered by the state. She went online and found Narconon, which treats patients for an average of 150 days.

Most programs shorter
The state-operated Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain treats people for an average of 18-20 days, according to director Doug Baker.

That's long enough for some people, he said, but it's only a fraction of the lifelong commitment to recovery necessary to stay clean.

"You can't dismiss what we do here based on someone's particular needs or experience," Baker said. "Addiction is chronic relapsing disease, you don't come in and get a cure and then go out and you're fine."

The center is now extending its facilities, Baker said, adding 30 beds to the detox unit.

"Jason had known people that had been through (a local) program, and it was a big joke," Bruce Lawing said. "It was a month off of drugs and three free meals ... . It takes time and understanding to make someone quit."

Added Nancy Lawing, "They told us that we could go to jail if we took (Jason) out of Buncombe County , but Buncombe County only has a 28-day (residential) program. We found out that once we got him to Narconon they wouldn't be able to do anything to him because he was under a doctor's care."

Multifaceted program
Jason Lawing agreed to go to Georgia as long as he could have one last week in Asheville . He "smoked so much crack in that week, it wasn't even funny," he said, but at the end of the week he boarded the plane and headed to Narconon.

For the next four months, Lawing went through an extensive program, complete with saunas, exercise, group therapy and a life plan to prepare him for reintegration into life outside the program.

"The first part of our program is a sauna/exercise program where we cleanse the person of the drug metabolites that have been stored in the fatty issue," said Mary Rieser, founder and director of Narconon of Georgia. "After this step, the person starts clean. We recognize that not only is drug addiction social and psychological, it is physical."

Lawing said the four weeks in the detox regimen were "the meat and potatoes" of the program.

Intensive supervision was also important, he said. "I had extensive probation, where I was checked in with every night, for six months. Then I had supervised probation for two years (where he was randomly drug tested each month), which really helped when I would run into people I had known from the past who wanted me to do drugs with them," he said.

Lawing started doing drugs in the sixth grade, popping pills and smoking pot, while his parents thought he was at friends' houses. He eventually ended up making and selling 1-2 kilos of methamphetamine a week.

He even asked his parents for a surveillance system for Christmas.

"We bought him a surveillance system; we thought he was doing it to be safe," Bruce Lawing said. "Boy were we were dumb."

He continued, "We laugh about it now because we went through it. It was the meanest, the sorriest and the worst I've ever felt about anyone in my lifetime. My daddy was a drug addict, but when you find someone like your own child (is addicted), you don't know how much it hurts."

We help addicts everyday create a new life by helping them get past their cravings (which can still occur after withdrawal) with our Narconon New Life Detoxifcation Program (Sauna Exercise Program). After one has a clear head, it is easier to learn those basic life skills that help one stay clean.



Find out about the Narconon Program and its drug free approach.


In love...


“It now bothers me to see others hurt. When I was using I honestly didn’t care how others hurt or felt because I felt like I got rid of my hurts by using so they could too. Wow that is a horrible way to think, but it is a true realization of the way my mind used to process things.

My mom even made a comment when I saw her recently when I was talking about everything I was going to have when I graduate and come home. She smiled and said something like she knows I can have whatever I want now and especially the relationship with my kids. I asked her what she meant and she said that “I see that you are I love with your children.” It gave me chills all over my body and it even gives me chills to write it down right now.

I now have this unconditional love between my children and myself that I did not have before. Mine and their love is reciprocated whereas before I was so caught up in my addiction that I couldn’t love myself much less anyone else. As I talked about in earlier objective, I now appreciate the good qualities that I do have and am grateful for them. I will be able to lobe others because I now love myself. This will enable me to have that relationship.”

Narconon successes like this are why we are here to service YOU and your family.

Whether it is methamphetamine, marijuana, cocaine, heroin or other drugs, we sincerely know we can help you.

Narconon the New Life Program 877-413-3073


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Useful things

Success Story from a Narconon student

“Things come to mind that I can have easily because I believe now that things are precious and need to be appreciated. It is now harder for me to throw away things. When I was using I threw away people, my career, my relationships and my dignity. Those are all very precious things that I did not appreciate but now I realize the significance of each of those things in my life and I intend on having them again.

There is a metal rack in the course room that really is serving no purpose. We’ve danced around it for days saying we could have it or we could let it remain in place. Just then I realized that I have not seen it put into use since I’ve been here. It sits there on the shelf taking up space. So now I’ve decided that the metal rack serves no purpose in this room so I can get rid of it. This relates to my life because how I have the tools and abilities to be able to distinguish between things in my life that are useful and positive influences and the things that are not reparable, replaceable or simply not useful.

This will help me further my sobriety throughout the rest of my life because I am no longer walking around with my blinders on and my mind is no longer clouded with junk.”

I get to see wins like this every day. Whether it is cocaine, pot, methamphetamine, oxycontin or other drugs, I am helping others to overcome their addiction.

Narconon is 877-413-3073. We are the New Life Program


In Control


“I can control my intentions. My control over my intentions and what outcomes result from whether I follow through or choose not to do something is entirely up to me.

I choose what I do if I intend to do or not do something the control over what I do or don’t do is in my hands.

I also have my right and left straightened out which is something I have never been able to do. Ever since I was little I have always got my right side and my left side mixed up. However, amazingly enough I have distinguished my right and left and hopefully now I can follow directions a little better.”

Heroin, methadone, cocaine, heroin, crack Oxycontin or most drugs of abuse – we can help. 877-413-3073


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

NARCONON parents advice.


As a parent of a student of the Narconon program, I want to urge parents to stay INVOLVED. Don’t just drop your student off, pay the money and wait for them to complete the program. Let Narconon know how deeply you care and want to be informed every step of the way. In this way, your student will know how important it is for them to complete the program-no matter how long it takes- and begin to find LIFE anew.

Narconon helps parents of children who have been affected by cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana, Oxycontin and other drugs of abuse.

Call Narconon 877-413-3073


NARCONON daily success!


“ I see how this program is helping me and so does my family and my girlfriend. Today I helped my room mate on handling responsibilities in life. As I go through this program I am trying as hard as I can to do the best I can to better my life. I know that I was on the way to ruining my life in a lot of ways and I have been too messed up in the past to see what I was doing to my life.

But now I’m starting to see how I was messing up my life and the reason s why I was doing the things I was doing. My brain is starting to clean up a great deal more than I has ever been since age 21. I am now 49 years old.”

The Narconon program provides assistance in recovery from most drugs of abuse including Xanax, Oxycontin, heroin, marijuana, cocaine and alcohol.

76% rate – really the best around.


Narconon of Ga

Monday, November 10, 2008

NARCONON success keeps rolling on.....


I realized that the things you want in life, in order to keep them, you have to take care of them and hold on to them so that they won’t go away. Some things are easier to keep from going away than others. There are some things in life that will always be there, but sometimes the things that you want you have to work at keeping.

For example, my family will always be there for me when I’m in need of them. Now, on the other hand, if I want my home to be there or my power to be on, or my car to run, I need to work to pay the bills and take care of my things.

Also, if I want to keep a sober life, I have to hold onto that thought and not let anything deter me so I can keep my sobriety from going away. I need to have control of myself and maintain that control in order to not lose it.

I have the ability and the power to re-establish past relationships I’ve lost due to my life style and regain the trust and start living the life I was living before my drug use.

I have the power to show and prove myself to myself and everyone that I want in my life, by staying sober.

Narconon is the New Life Program. We help with heroin, oxycontin, xanax, marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine. If you know someone with a drinking problem we can help that too. 877-413-3073

Narconon Georgia

NARCONON success!

I feel very confident and very in control For the first time since starting the objectives course I was not distracted and I began to feel very light- sort of weightless. When I feel worried, sad or frustrated, I tend to leave the “present time” and search for memories or other things outside of my present time to make me feel better. For example, I think about my relationship or the concert I am going to next weekend or the outfit I’m going to wear tomorrow. This class helped to put me in a good mood without having to use outside sources. I’m trying to explain it as best I can but I feel great.


NARCONON of Georgia

NARCONON success keeps coming!


Here are some excerpts from the week from Narconon students.

“When noticing the sunset reflecting off the fall leaves, which is my favorite season, I saw the beauty in the sunset. For so long, while I used, I never paid attention to the beauty of mother-nature and never appreciated anything. Now that I am seeing these things I see that I didn’t believe in my heart I deserved it. But I do and know that I deserve everything I have wanted.”

“Some of my realizations were funny, some were eye opening and some made me sad and were very hard to handle. I must say that those that were hardest to handle were the ones that helped me the most. I believe in many ways that objectives may have saved my life.”

“I am starting to have power over my own feelings. I’ve had the realization that I am the most important thing in my environment and in control of it through my decisions and emotions.”

“I want to have a clock and a watch. 8 years of using has flown and my life has fallen apart. Now that I am in present time I want to be held accountable and I don’t want to miss out on anymore things that I could have had during those years my using prevented me from having. I want to remember things and enjoy every day.”

“I appreciate my life, the people in it and myself.”

Narconon is the New Life Program and can help with people with heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine problems. Any drug of abuse we can help with.


NARCONON of Georgia

Friday, November 7, 2008

A NARCONON success story from a student!


This objective exercise made me realize that I am now capable of filtering the good, bad, positive and negative in my life. I know trash and negative will be part of every day life and now I am able to see it and choose the good to maintain my sobriety. My environment and surroundings will always have obstacles and hurdles and bad seeds. It’s all about choices and decision and I must make the appropriate ones to maintain my sobriety and get the things back I lost, the things I never could have from using and the things I’ve always had.

You can have wins just like this – this is a real student and this win happened today.

Narconon the New Life Program helps others with cocaine, marijuana, heroin and methamphetamine addiction.

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

NARCONON success!


Here is a success story today from one of our Narconon student, currently on the program.

“When I was using I never noticed the details or what others needed from me and I constantly disobeyed rules and regulations as well as disregarded anything but the drugs. I lost myself and everything I had. Now I see that by following simple rules, having respect for myself and others, being more perceptive and more detail oriented, I can have everything if I simply maintain my sobriety and the success I am making every minute of the day.

When noticing the sunset reflecting off the fall leaves, which is my favorite season, I saw the beauty in the sunset. For so long while I used I never paid attention to the beauty of mother- nature and never appreciated anything. Now that I am seeing these things I see that I didn’t believe in my heart I deserved it. But I do and I see that. I deserve everything I have wanted and want back.”

You can have wins like these too. Narconon helps those with heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, marijuana prescription medication and all drugs of abuse.

Call 877-413-3073 We are the New Life Program

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Success from NARCONON


Here is a success story today from one of our Narconon student, currently on the program.

“When I was using I never noticed the details or what others needed from me and I constantly disobeyed rules and regulations as well as disregarded anything but the drugs. I lost myself and everything I had. Now I see that by following simple rules, having respect for myself and others, being more perceptive and more detail oriented, I can have everything if I simply maintain my sobriety and the success I am making every minute of the day.

When noticing the sunset reflecting off the fall leaves, which is my favorite season, I saw the beauty in the sunset. For so long while I used I never paid attention to the beauty of mother- nature and never appreciated anything. Now that I am seeing these things I see that I didn’t believe in my heart I deserved it. But I do and I see that. I deserve everything I have wanted and want back.”

You can have wins like these too. Narconon helps those with heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, marijuana prescription medication and all drugs of abuse.

Call 877-413-3073 We are the New Life Program

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Red Ribbon Week

We had such a wonderful time at the Red Ribbon Week event. I was so happy to be apart of the excitement and the drug awareness in downtown Atlanta. I have included a video that I shot during the event. It was great!

Remarkable success story from NARCONON

A Narconon Success Story

I have to say out of the time spent here at Narconon I’ve had two life changing experiences. The first was the Sauna program. The sauna for me was phenomenal. However, the objective course far surpassed what I received out of the sauna.

I had some life saving wins and realizations that will forever be remembered and utilized in order to stay clean and healthy. Some of my realizations were funny, some were eye opening and some made me sad and were very hard to handle. I must say that those that were hardest to handle were the ones that helped me the most. These realizations often dealt with my family and friends and more than likely brought up some very touchy subjects. This objectives course was very important to my case because it made me confront the issues in my life which were most important in saving my life. All in all, the objectives course I believe was the most important and helpful thing in this program up to date. In fact I believe in many ways it has quite possibly saved my life.

What I am certain of is that my relationship with my family and friends has never been better. I have never been happier and more focused on what is happening today instead of what has happened yesterday. And for the first time in almost ten years I know I will overcome my addiction and become successful - enough to make my loved ones proud and most of all confident in who I’ve become.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

NARCONON detoxification


Many addictive substances can be stored in the fat tissue. Research has established that both pharmaceutical and so-called recreational drugs can remain in the body for extended time. While drugs and their metabolites quickly become undetectable in blood and urine, some as rapidly as 3 days after the last usage, drug metabolites remain stored in fatty tissues for years. These drug residues continue to cause drug cravings and are a factor in relapse. This has led researchers to develop a program aimed at reducing levels of toxins in the body thus assisting recovery.

For example, marijuana can be found in urine up to 77 days after its last use. While cocaine is generally considered to be rapidly metabolized drug, studies of cocaine users show that un-metabolized cocaine is found 5-10 days after the last use of the drug. When fats are mobilized during times of stress or hunger, the drug residues are also mobilized and go into the bloodstream. Cravings are almost impossible to resist – relapse occurs.

Anyone who has used drugs can address this problem with the Narconon New Life Detoxification Program.

Narconon New Life Program 877-413-3073

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Xanax in schools...


Prescription drug abuse happens at school and in some schools the most commonly abused drug is Xanax. According to survey, some kids feel they are addicted to Xanax and were from the first moment they took it. This is not surprising as Xanax is very addictive – in fact a person can become addicted in a few days. The ability to buy Xanax on line and the sale of five dollar pills in the school yard makes addiction all the more likely.

Xanax addiction is dangerous because of the possibility of overdose and the difficulty of withdrawal.

Parents should talk to their kids about the dangers of Xanax. If they suspect addiction, they should call 877-413-3073.

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

NARCONON another success story


“Today I realized while doing the objectives course that since I began using my life has had many holes and cracks in it due to my actions. I’m ready to deal with them and not hide anymore, because I’m ready for the life I once dreamed of and have the things I want and deserve rather than holding on to bad.

During the objective class I also realized I can have new boundaries in my life. I was hurt when I did not have boundaries before and I let people walk all over me until I was emotionally and physically broken.

I had never put any boundaries up with my little sister who is a problem for me in my life. I also need to put boundaries up with my mother so we can have more of a mother daughter relationship rather than friendship because she always gets hurt which triggers my addiction. The bright colored walls here symbolized a positive change in boundaries so I can have things I wasn’t able to keep when I was using.”

If someone you know is abusing drugs call Narconon for a 76% success rate.


drugsno.com,drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Cocaine prices have been going down and the strength is getting stronger – not good news for anyone economically, except the Columbian drug cartel. The more cocaine that is bought, the more expensive it is for us as a nation in terms of health costs, lost production and for some, lost lives.

As a nation we are very concerned about all the American dollars flowing out to other countries for our energy. At least energy is flowing in for our dollars.

When our dollars go to other countries for drugs, our life energy leaves with it.

If someone you know is using cocaine or you find a search “ways to cook crack cocaine”

has been done on your computer, call Narconon. 877-413-3073

We are the new life program.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Meth War


It seemed too good to be true. Most of the local meth labs were being closed down and the sale of ingredients to make methamphetamine were down too. It appeared the methamphetamine was going to disappear as quickly as it appeared on the drug scene in recent years.

Not the case – methamphetamine abusers are now being serviced by Mexican gangs who are moving large amounts through Atlanta Georgia and then throughout other parts of the country. The gangs bring more problems than methamphetamine addiction.

Innocent citizens can drive down streets in Atlanta oblivious to the war is going on right before their very eyes. The soldiers wear construction hard hats and drive white trucks – posing as Mexican construction workers. With so many ambitious Mexicans working at construction, these white trucks carrying methamphetamine are hardly noticed. It probably doesn’t even appear odd when one pulls into a convenience store and unloads some boxes in another truck. However, they are unloading weapons as lethal as any guns used in other kind of wars. The death toll is heavy.

In addition to Mexican meth, there is still plenty locally. Simple ways to make methamphetamines remains one of the biggest search terms on the web for illegal drugs.

Chances are, you know someone who is using methamphetamine. Get them some help quick. The life expectancy for a heavy meth user is about 5 years.

Call Narconon 877-413-3073.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Today is Election Day


All of us in the field of drug and alcohol drug treatment hope that our newly elected officials come to realize that their policies can definitely have an impact on the lives of many when it comes to drug treatment versus incarceration.

However, no matter who is elected, the real drug policy is written at home and is enforced by parents.

Research shows that many kids attend drug infested schools and most are likely to have been exposed to illegal drugs and drinking. Research also finds that kids listen to their parents when it comes to drugs and are less likely to use drugs if they think their parents would object.

The point is, if your kids don’t do ever abuse drugs then whatever national strategy is developed will not involve you or your family.

After all, isn’t there enough government already?

If someone you know has already started abusing drugs, then call Narconon 877-413-3073.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

October Graduation

Here is NARCONON of Georgia's most recent graduate. He is doing very well after graduating just a few short weeks ago! I wish him continued success in life....

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Teenage Drinking

Under Age Drinking

Under age drinking affects many people, but none more than the drinkers themselves. Underage drinkers are more likely to drop out of school, use drugs and engage in unsafe sexual practices. Decisions made at age 15 or 16 can set the stage for a life destined for failure.

It is up to the adults to make the truth available – not alcohol to our youth. Don’t let teens learn the hard way that underage drinking can lead them to a place they really don’t want to go.

Support leaders who discourage alcohol advertising to youth and talk to you kids often about the dangers of drinking. They are getting plenty of communication encouraging them to drink and you will have to be heard over the din. Fortunately, down deep they respect you more than anyone else.

If you know someone with a drinking problem, send them to Narconon – we have a 76% success rate. 877-413-3073


drugsno.com,drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Success Story....

Success Story from a NARCONON Student

While on the objectives course I realized that my sense of perception is much higher sober than when I was on drugs.

My photographic memory has definitely increased. When I was on drugs I thought that my sense of awareness was heightened, when in fact it was the exact opposite.

If you know someone who has lost their perception and is making bad decisions because of drug abuse, call Narconon 877-413-3073


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Monday, November 3, 2008

Balance the Budget

Balancing the Budget

Whether it is a family or a nation, drug addiction wastes money. One drug addict can cost a family and a community a million dollars in legal fees, incarceration expenditures, health costs, and income spent on drugs. There are other costs that are not as easy to measure such as lost production of family members due to stress, increase in insurance rates and general productivity loss.

As long as someone is addicted, the costs continue. A drug addict does not care about the economy – only how to get that next fix.

Effective drug rehab is the best investment in terms of money and quality of life.

Whether they are abusing methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana or cocaine, the drug abuser is costing money and is miserable.

Get behind any leader who understands that providing for effective treatment is the best solution for families and the nation.

If you are having difficulty balancing the budget in your household due to drug abuse, make a wise investment in rehab that works.

Narconon has a 76% success rate.

Call 877-413-3073


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

NARCONON Success Story!


My intentions upon coming to Narconon were simply to try and get clean so I could get my life in order. I’ve been on drugs of all sorts since I was 12 years old. Honestly, I didn’t know who I was anymore, lost in the haze, if you will. I lost friends, hurt family members, neglected my responsibilities, all because of the drugs I was doing, and the lifestyle. I was living to support my habits. As a result, I did even more drugs to escape my feeling about these things. All the while, even though I knew what was causing my problems, I wouldn’t accept that drugs were to blame. I hated the reality that I let an outside entity change the way I thought.

In the time I’ve spent here, I’ve learned that I really am a better person than I thought. I’ve come to realize that I don’t have to depend on substances to make me feel good about myself. I have rebuilt relationship with both family and friends, established goals for myself, both personal and professional. Through the patience, determination and true heartfelt care of the entire staff of Narconon, I’ve come to realize that the person I used to be was still there.

I don’t hate myself anymore and I could never thank these people enough. They have been there to support me far more than I ever have for myself and taught me how to stand tall again.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Friday, October 31, 2008

Common Sense

Common Sense

The Science Daily reported on October 29 “New research suggests that children and adolescents who smoke, abuse alcohol or are sexually active are at a higher risk for methamphetamine use, Science Daily reported Oct. 29.”

The research is interesting, but it is common sense that things like early age alcohol abuse and smoking with youth who should be learning lessons about life will lead to future trouble.

Kids need help growing up and they need a clear head to do it. Teenage years are confusing enough – let’s make them as stable as we can. Don’t let your kids drink and smoke. It leads to other things, including methamphetamine.

If someone you know has started using methamphetamine, get them some help.

Narconon has a 76% success rate. Call 877-413-3073.

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's Cold Season!

The cold and flue season is here.

Be careful. That over-the-counter cold medicine you have in your medicine cabinet may have some Dextromethorphan (DXM) in it and DXM can make a person high. You may not know about DXM, but most drug abusers do, so check your medicine cabinet.

One former DXM addict told his story this week at a conference about over the counter drug abuse. The abuser described his descent from star football player to DXM addict. “I was on my way to playing in the NFL and I had division one teams talking to me when I was 16 years old. During this time a friend introduced me to cough medicine and said it was a way to ‘expand my imagination.’ After a year of experimentation, I was hooked and continued to abuse the drug for 6 more years. It got to the point where I could not function without DXM and resorted to stealing it.

The whole transition from child to adult was thwarted because I was hooked on DXM. I am 24 years old and finally planning my life. I want parents to know that they can help prevent this in their own children by becoming informed.”

The only program that gave this individual relief has been the Narconon program. His future plans are to go back to school and become a teacher.

However, he hopes that by his warning that others don’t have to waste years of their life, before getting on track.

At Narconon, we have many first hand accounts from clients who abused this drug in the past. One reported that Coricidin (the most popular drug containing DSM) seemed to leap into his pocket when he was in the drug store. Another told a staff member that he has never quite returned to normal after his extensive abuse of the drug.

Call Narconon at 877-413-3073

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

A Better Future


It is not common sense or compassion as much as necessity which drove the state of Pennsylvania to offer early release to some non-violent offenders. Overcrowded prisons helped to prompt the offer of opportunity for offenders to transition back into society sooner through various programs. Participation in drug treatment, literacy and anger management programs can make arrestees eligible for early release.

Long term, this is most likely the best investment that Pennsylvania can make for its economy. While we all understand the expense of keeping someone locked up, there is the constant hidden expense of addiction in terms of lost productivity, theft and increased medical costs due to illiteracy and drug abuse.

It is also humane. At every turn in this society there is the temptation to indulge in drugs and only 25% of our kids are graduating from high school. We are setting them up to fail and then locking them up when they do. Teenage years have always been hard, but this generation has really got it tough.

Whether it be methamphetamine, crack cocaine or heroin abuse, stats show that kids who use drugs are most likely to drop out of school and have legal difficulties. Nobody caught them when they were crashing, but perhaps Pennsylvania can now pick some of their fallen citizens and give them another chance.

It is better to treat addicts before they get caught up in the legal system. If you know someone who is addicted call Narconon at 877-413-3073. We have a 76% success rate.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Advice for heavy drinkers


According to research, heavy drinkers are more likely to get the brittle bones caused by osteoporosis than non-drinkers.

Part of the party scene for drinkers is to hit the dance floor.

This article can serve as a warning. Fracturing a hip from a dance move might prove to be embarrassing.

Don’t drink and drive and don’t drink too much and dance.

If you have already started drinking too much and need some help call Narconon 877-413-3073.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Prescriptions easier to buy than alcohol

Prescription Drugs easier to buy than Beer

For the first time in the 13 years that CASA has been doing surveys on youth, teens said the prescription medication was easier to buy than beer. The drugs come from home, parents, the medicine cabinet or friends.

Unwittingly, many parents have become drug pushers.

The study shows that parental engagement is the most important factor in preventing prescription drug abuse. Knowing where there kids are and tackling them on the subject of drugs can act as deterrents to possible abuse.

Past generations outgrew the wild keg parties and few ever witnessed an ambulance coming to a party. However, prescription drug abuse is dangerous and something that a kid will never outgrow if they overdose.

Talk to your kids about drugs. If they are already abusing them, get them some help fast.

Narconon has a 76% success rate. 877-413-3073

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Methadone Addiction


Methadone pain management has moved methadone from the clinic to the medicine cabinet. Anyone taking a methadone prescription almost needs a rule book, or perhaps even a chaperone. Methadone can so easily be misused, usually because of misunderstanding.

Some experts think that Medical Doctors should take special classes on prescribing narcotics. This is especially true in the case of methadone. Increased prescriptions for methadone for pain management has contributed to methadone being the fastest growing source of narcotic deaths in this country.

Through the years the number of methadone prescriptions for pain has increased, with more doctors prescribing it. While doctors who work in methadone clinics are familiar with the drug and its side effects, doctors less familiar might not be as aware of the properties of methadone – it is slow to metabolize. Some patients will think nothing of using alcohol or sedatives with the medication and any doctor prescribing it must be alert to this fact and inform every patient of the dangers.

We have not heard too much about methadone since the death of Anna Nicole’s son, but it is still around and anyone taking it for a while is going to be taking it for the long haul, or will need rehab.

Narconon can help with methadone addiction. Call 877-413-3073

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Young Adults on Heroin

The New Heroin Crowd

The age group that is using heroin now is 18 to 26. Many live in neighborhoods that are upper middle to upper class and come from good homes.

The image of heroin addicts of the 60s living under bridges and only coming out for a fix is not accurate. Heroin addicts are a different class of people now, though the addiction is as cruel and unforgiving as it always was.

What has changed? Why, despite the fact that most illegal drug use is decreased, has heroin use remained constant or even increased in some areas?

For many youth the road to heroin began innocently with prescription pain medication such as oxycontin. For some it was even prescribed. It’s easy to get hooked on opiates of any kind and once hooked, the 80 dollars per pill is a lot to pay. Heroin is cheaper and with the increased purity throughout the years, has become a relatively better buy.

Even with its cheaper price heroin addiction leads to theft and it is usually from the family. Many families become quite emotional about drug abuse in one of their own, but seldom truly realize the grip that opiates have on a person.

Lock up your prescriptions and if someone you know has begun using heroin don’t wait. They need treatment now. Heroin is very addictive and it is unlikely that they will stop on their own.

Call Narconon 877-413-3073

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm,drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Liver Damage and Alcohol


We have all met those people who seem to drink a little more than we think they should but they somehow get away with it. They have careers, keep their families and keep going. We watch them drink a little too much but seldom say anything because there is nothing really to talk about. They are unlikely to get help because nobody thinks they need it.

However, research shows that this group is not getting away with drinking a little bit too much – in fact their livers are suffering from it.

Anyone who drinks at all is somewhat at risk – even of DUI because the limits are very low now. It is something to think about.

Those who drink a lot are very much at risk legally, spiritually and physically. If you know someone who drinks too much, we can help.

Narconon. We are the New Life Program 877-413-3073


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NARCONON success

I realize that being at Narconon is just a moment in time and I need to use this time to readjust myself and train my life skills. I realize how this course helps me with reality and to be more focused.

I am looking forward to getting into book 5 and 6 because I’ve heard from Abby and some senior students how they help a person understand others through life skills.

When I was out there on drugs I lost my focus on life and my understanding of my family and people who I worked around. I am a good person and my family still loves me so maybe with Narconon I can go back to being the real me, the one that God made and the one my children and family want and need in their life.

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Fake Test Results


Who would have thought that we would ever see the day that parents would feel the need to hire police dogs to see if their kids have drugs. It seems far-fetched, but it is happening and the reasons are easily understood.

Drug tests can be fooled which can be extremely dangerous. A parent may be content thinking that their teen is not taking drugs, when the actual fact is that the teen is faking the test results. There was a recent report of an overdose when a family thought their son had stopped using opiates because he had a clean drug test. The truth was that he was cheating the test and overdosed and died. He had been using drugs in their presence, but they were looking at the tests, not him.

Additionally, with all the peer pressure and MTV, it is almost impossible for a teen to escape the opportunity to use drugs. Some of them may simply be using drugs because their friends are and inadvertently become addicted through the social drug use. Then the real problems for the family of theft, possible jail time and death begin. A police dog might be a welcome relief – a good excuse to tell the friends why drugs cannot be around.

Another solution is for parents to learn the signs of abuse of the major drugs – methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, and opiates. They all have their own signs and one can tell by observing if they are in the midst of a drug abuser.

However they do it parents have to know if their child is on drugs. Failing to find out can be fatal.

Narconon will provide free brochures to families who want to know the signs of drug abuse. We also provide effective drug treatment – 76% success rate.

Call 877-413-3073


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Helping the Native Americans


From the time that the white man introduced blankets with small pox, the Native American population has not fared well from the white man’s trinkets and customs.

White man’s “fire water” has continued to take a huge toll on the lives of Native Americans – 12% of the deaths in that population are due to alcohol. This is three times the national average.

The white man did not need to bring small pox to dwindle the numbers of Indians. The inadvertent introduction of alcohol to these peoples has somehow sinisterly perpetuated the initial destructive intent of the Europeans who came to take their land.

No one is bent on destroying the Native Americans now and they have even been helped to build casinos which apparently are helping their tribes.

But the problem with alcohol seems constant and one that they cannot fix themselves.

Narconon in Oklahoma has taken responsibility and in the past has offered their services in terms of facilities and drug education.

Narconon of Georgia is willing to provide drug education if we are asked.

Let’s take responsibility for our fellows.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Monday, October 27, 2008

A win for a NARCONON student

Here is a win today from a Narconon of Georgia drug rehab student:

“Delivering a communication is becoming much simpler. Continued practice is revealing the intent of the exercise. The importance of simple communication in the real world is huge and mastering the task is simple but very vital.

Ending a conversation is also becoming much easier. The more I do these exercises, the more comfortable I am with them. I understand the point more and more.”

Often drug abuse can start with difficulty community with family, friends and the world at large. Whether it’s heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine or crack cocaine, once a person starts abusing drugs the communication difficulties get even worse.

We get drug abusers back into communication with life in general.

There is a lot to enjoy about life – one has to be in communication with it first.

The Narconon program addresses communication after a person has successfully completed the Narconon New Life Detoxification Program.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Drugs are Drugs

Drugs are Drugs

Whether they are getting them from their friends or their doctors, kids in this country are getting a LOT of drugs – in fact more than most kids in Europe.

According to this study there are many reasons, but unless the result is that our kids are doing better than their European counter parts the reasons are wrong.

As kids grow up things happen. A kid can stumble, but when they stand up, they are forced to learn a lesson. What kind of conclusions about experience can someone draw when they are on mind altering drugs?

Let’s let kids be kids.

Perhaps this will be easier if doctors are doctor and parents are parents.

Call Narconon for drug prevention materials.



drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Friday, October 24, 2008

Drug Prevention


How well our culture does in future generation depends on how well our youth are doing now. A generation in trouble portends for future trouble for the civilization.

There is no situation that needs our attention more than that of drug abuse and its prevalence with our youth. It is bright minds that will direct our civilization out of the financial and media maze that it seems to be stuck in now.

Effective drug prevention early enough in life will keep our future bright. The Narconon drug education program works and a study has recently been released and published on the efficacy of its techniques.

Let’s spread the word.

Narconon 877-413-3073


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Are kids really that smart?


The study from Ireland that finds that children with a higher intelligence are more likely to have drinking problems later is interesting, but there are a lot of questions that are not answered, at least by the summary of the study.

Are intelligent people generally not challenged enough academically to keep them mentally occupied?

Are intelligent people unable to deal with the realities of a harsh world that perhaps they see more clearly because of their intelligence?

Is it a liability in this world to be intelligent and some advantage to “dumbing down” (as obviously occurs with alcohol)?

Perhaps the most important question is – How smart is someone really if they insist on over indulging in alcohol?

Sometimes, no matter how “smart” they are, people who drink too much cannot think for themselves and need some help.

If you know someone who abuses alcohol, call Narconon for a 76% success rate.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

NARCONON of Georgia helps clean up the enviornment

Narconon Drug Rehab students visited a local nature trail this weekend as they practiced lessons learned at Narconon about taking responsibility for their environment.

Paint brush in hand, they helped paint the offices and later cleaned the park area.

“We feel we haven’t completed our job unless we not only get our customers off drugs, but on the road to a happy productive life,” comments Ms. Mary Rieser, Executive Director of Narconon Drug Rehab GA. “Part of making them happy, valuable and productive citizens is covered in the last part of their program, The Way To Happiness Course.

“In this course they learn a non-religious moral code, in The Way To Happiness, written by L. Ron Hubbard, which, if followed, can lead them on The Way to Happiness. ‘Safeguard and Improve Your Environment’ is one of the precepts learned, and helping at the local nature trail was not only fun, but educational.”

The Nature Center is a nonprofit 501-c3 organization established by community volunteers in 1990 to develop, improve, and preserve twenty-two acres of DeKalb County’s Dunwoody Park as a natural classroom for environmental education.

The park features a wetland boardwalk; woodland and streamside trails; display gardens; a picnic meadow; a treehouse classroom pavilion; and a shaded playground.

“We all had a lot of fun at the nature center,” comments Ms. Rieser. “Beating drug addiction is not just stopping using drugs. It’s about learning to live life responsibly, learning to live drug-free, learning to appreciate life.”

If someone you know is drug addicted, call us. We have a 76% success rate.

We are Narconon – The New Life Program.

Call Narconon Drug Rehab in Georgia at 1-877-413-3073.

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Success Story!


After being at Narconon for only a week I have already seen a huge change in my personality. The biggest change I have noticed was in my comfort level. The day I arrived at the facility, I was a nervous wreck. I really didn’t know what to expect, never having been to a rehabilitation center before. By the end of the first day, I was made to feel more welcome and at home than I had in months. I was expecting a lockdown but what I got was more like a family. I have received nothing but open arms, respect and utmost kindness. Through the help of the various treatments such as nerve assists and training routines I have reached a much more peaceful and calm state of being. The educational films and conversations have made me realize the true dangers of my lifestyle and I see the need for a change. I really can’t say enough good things about the people the people or the program. I have great anticipation for the rest of my treatment and eagerly await the sauna portion of the program.


This could be your success story! Contact Narconon at 1-877-413-3073.

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Important Study about children!


According to a study published in October issue of Psychological Science the younger kids start abusing drugs, the more chance that their life can be ruined by sexually transmitted diseases, legal troubles and dropping out of school.

A study should be done on the parents of these kids. At the very least it would show that they are uninformed of the world they live in.

Being a parent these days means more than just dropping the kids off at school and the movies. To have any chance of survival in this society kids need strong discipline, good moral teaching and parents who are devoted to helping them maneuver through the booby traps laid at every turn for our youth in today’s society.

It can be difficult being a good parent but it can be done and it must be done for the sake of our future civilization.

Call Narconon for educational brochures and videos.



drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Parents must still have the final word

Parents Still Have the Final Word

With all the influences that children are exposed to in this multimedia culture, parents still do have the final word.

It is not surprising that a study in South Dakota found that kids that grow up in permissive households are more likely to drink than those from non-permissive households. Without parental control it is not the village that is raising the child, but MTV, the internet and whoever is calling them on their cell phone.

Talk to your kids about the effects of alcohol. They will listen to you. And if you don’t talk to them, someone else will and they won’t be saying the right things.

Promote drug and alcohol prevention in your family and community.

Narconon can provide you with materials. 877-413-3073

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Drugs and children

Drugs are Drugs

Whether they are getting them from their friends or their doctors, kids in this country are getting a LOT of drugs – in fact more than most kids in Europe.

According to this study there are many reasons, but unless the result is that our kids are doing better than their European counter parts the reasons are wrong.

As kids grow up things happen. A kid can stumble, but when they stand up, they are forced to learn a lesson. What kind of conclusions about experience can someone draw when they are on mind altering drugs?

Let’s let kids be kids.

Perhaps this will be easier if doctors are doctor and parents are parents.

Call Narconon for drug prevention materials.



Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lock up your medicine cabinet!


It can’t get any worse than children overdosing on their parent’s prescription medication. Anyone taking Oxycontin or other like medication needs to keep at least enough semblance of sobriety to lock up their medication. The pain one is trying to relieve through the medication has no comparison to the pain of losing a child.

If you know of a parent with small children who is abusing prescription medication get them some help fast. It is just not their life at stake.

Narconon 877-413-3073


drugsno.com, atlantarecoverycenter.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Narconon success story!

This exercise for me has been the most important of all. This has linked all the exercises together into one major realization resulting in a very important life lesson.

I feel as though I’ve reached the summit of Mt. Everest and have gained the wisdom and knowledge of a thousand Sherpas. I finally am now living in present time and have the tools to lead a healthy, sober, successful and happy life.

By using the knowledge I’ve gained from all my wins and realizations I can climb any mountain, conquer any task complete any goal and make everyone around me proud and myself happy.

Objectives to me have been the most rewarding part of my recovery, even more so than the sauna program and that says a lot!

I now understand and am awake, focused and perceptive of so much more than I ever have been in my life especially while living in the present. I have reached the pinnacle and know that I will never go back down that rocky mountain. I have been freed of all malignant thought, emotions and impurities. I now can proceed with the rest of my life with confidence and knowledge. I truly thank you for the wisdom and tools to live.

I will always remember this experience.

Thank You!

Drug Cartel


A lot of hard work is being done, day in and day out to ensure that our youth get addicted to drugs. The work is being done by Mexican drug cartels (amongst others) and they have developed intelligence networks and have hired private armies to ensure that drugs make it to the US and possibly to YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

They don’t care about your kids, your life, safety or anything good. They want your money and they routinely do what it takes to get it, including murdering law enforcement that gets in their way.

There is a lot of work going on to drug up your kids.

What are you doing to prevent it?

Call Narconon for drug educational and prevention literature – the real weapon against the cartel.

Our drug treatment works for those who have already fallen prey. We have a 76% success rate. 877-413-3073

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Meth is worse than cocaine!


Nothing is good about either of these drugs, but according to research methamphetamine affects more of the brain than cocaine and has longer lasting effects. Since everything excluding the kitchen sink is used to make methamphetamine, it is no wonder that meth brains fair much more poorly than those affected by cocaine.

Anyone who has been around persons using either of these drugs can concur that the behavior of someone on methamphetamine is likely to be more violent and unthinking than someone on cocaine. Not only are the tempers of a meth addicts explosive but there are those occasional explosions in the kitchens used as meth labs. These explosions can tear house apart and spread dangerous chemicals into the environment.

Both drugs are bad and it would seem that no one’s brain is expendable, whether it be a lot or a little bit.

Even using a brain to learn simple ways to make methamphetamine or how to cook crack cocaine indicates a brain that has already short circuited and is not being used for the more pleasurable visions in life.

Save your brain – stay away from the meth and the cocaine.

If you know someone who has used so much meth or cocaine and can’t think for themselves, get them some help – get them into effective treatment.

Narconon is the New Life Program with a 76% success rate.



drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

Drug Court?


Before we get too heavy into the criticism of drug court and questioning the workability of the treatment provided there, let’s make sure that we have fully assessed the alternative which is prison.

We need to ask how well does prison work and what value do we have at the end of the day. A wasted life is of no value to anyone.

We also need to ask who is criticizing drug court. Is it someone who really cares about the problem or a vested interest?

We need a study on the efficacy of drug court vs. jail in terms of cost and effectiveness. Those who are footing the bill (the taxpayers) need to know the result and be given the opportunity to decide what they want as a community.

In this country we have systems for such a process, though it is seldom used in the field of addiction. Drugs are big money for a lot of people and the more people addicted the more money is made for the dealer, the attorneys and the jail. It is LOT of money and we need to beware of criticism of things that could possibly work to decrease the number of persons who flow through the system.

The best thing for families with an addiction problem is to get the loved one into treatment before they get arrested. Do it while you still have the opportunity to help. Once a person is in the system all outside control is virtually lost.

A workable treatment is Narconon. We have a 76% success rate and 40 years of experience. 877-413-3073

Rockefeller Law


No one wants to promote and help a drug dealer – that is for sure. But with mandatory sentencing laws, such as the Rockefeller laws, there is no incentive for arrestees, who are addicted and possibly selling to feed their habit, to get effective treatment. They will receive the same penalty as the hard core drug dealer even if they get off drugs.

Once any arrestee who is an addict enters the system, the opportunity for returning to society drug free and productive is greatly diminished. Addiction is not something that you can usually punish a person out of but it does respond to effective drug treatment.

One would think that a Judge or a Jury could be wise enough to sentence appropriate for the crime and circumstances even as they are in murder.

As the drug problem seems to only be escalating, despite harsher and harsher measures, we are going to have to decide what we want in this country for ourselves and future generations.

We already have the highest rate of incarceration per capita in the world and our youth our drinking more and are more drugged up than their European counter parts.

Do you want more of the same? It is pretty expensive to support such a large population of prisoners, in more ways than one.

Learn the facts and speak up to your state representatives. After all, YOU are the one who is paying for all of this.

If you know someone who needs treatment, get them help before they get arrested. After that you will have no control over their destiny, no matter how much you may want to help them.

Narconon offers effective drug treatment – 76% success



drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm