Friday, October 31, 2008

Common Sense

Common Sense

The Science Daily reported on October 29 “New research suggests that children and adolescents who smoke, abuse alcohol or are sexually active are at a higher risk for methamphetamine use, Science Daily reported Oct. 29.”

The research is interesting, but it is common sense that things like early age alcohol abuse and smoking with youth who should be learning lessons about life will lead to future trouble.

Kids need help growing up and they need a clear head to do it. Teenage years are confusing enough – let’s make them as stable as we can. Don’t let your kids drink and smoke. It leads to other things, including methamphetamine.

If someone you know has started using methamphetamine, get them some help.

Narconon has a 76% success rate. Call 877-413-3073.,,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's Cold Season!

The cold and flue season is here.

Be careful. That over-the-counter cold medicine you have in your medicine cabinet may have some Dextromethorphan (DXM) in it and DXM can make a person high. You may not know about DXM, but most drug abusers do, so check your medicine cabinet.

One former DXM addict told his story this week at a conference about over the counter drug abuse. The abuser described his descent from star football player to DXM addict. “I was on my way to playing in the NFL and I had division one teams talking to me when I was 16 years old. During this time a friend introduced me to cough medicine and said it was a way to ‘expand my imagination.’ After a year of experimentation, I was hooked and continued to abuse the drug for 6 more years. It got to the point where I could not function without DXM and resorted to stealing it.

The whole transition from child to adult was thwarted because I was hooked on DXM. I am 24 years old and finally planning my life. I want parents to know that they can help prevent this in their own children by becoming informed.”

The only program that gave this individual relief has been the Narconon program. His future plans are to go back to school and become a teacher.

However, he hopes that by his warning that others don’t have to waste years of their life, before getting on track.

At Narconon, we have many first hand accounts from clients who abused this drug in the past. One reported that Coricidin (the most popular drug containing DSM) seemed to leap into his pocket when he was in the drug store. Another told a staff member that he has never quite returned to normal after his extensive abuse of the drug.

Call Narconon at 877-413-3073,,

A Better Future


It is not common sense or compassion as much as necessity which drove the state of Pennsylvania to offer early release to some non-violent offenders. Overcrowded prisons helped to prompt the offer of opportunity for offenders to transition back into society sooner through various programs. Participation in drug treatment, literacy and anger management programs can make arrestees eligible for early release.

Long term, this is most likely the best investment that Pennsylvania can make for its economy. While we all understand the expense of keeping someone locked up, there is the constant hidden expense of addiction in terms of lost productivity, theft and increased medical costs due to illiteracy and drug abuse.

It is also humane. At every turn in this society there is the temptation to indulge in drugs and only 25% of our kids are graduating from high school. We are setting them up to fail and then locking them up when they do. Teenage years have always been hard, but this generation has really got it tough.

Whether it be methamphetamine, crack cocaine or heroin abuse, stats show that kids who use drugs are most likely to drop out of school and have legal difficulties. Nobody caught them when they were crashing, but perhaps Pennsylvania can now pick some of their fallen citizens and give them another chance.

It is better to treat addicts before they get caught up in the legal system. If you know someone who is addicted call Narconon at 877-413-3073. We have a 76% success rate.,,

Advice for heavy drinkers


According to research, heavy drinkers are more likely to get the brittle bones caused by osteoporosis than non-drinkers.

Part of the party scene for drinkers is to hit the dance floor.

This article can serve as a warning. Fracturing a hip from a dance move might prove to be embarrassing.

Don’t drink and drive and don’t drink too much and dance.

If you have already started drinking too much and need some help call Narconon 877-413-3073.,,

Prescriptions easier to buy than alcohol

Prescription Drugs easier to buy than Beer

For the first time in the 13 years that CASA has been doing surveys on youth, teens said the prescription medication was easier to buy than beer. The drugs come from home, parents, the medicine cabinet or friends.

Unwittingly, many parents have become drug pushers.

The study shows that parental engagement is the most important factor in preventing prescription drug abuse. Knowing where there kids are and tackling them on the subject of drugs can act as deterrents to possible abuse.

Past generations outgrew the wild keg parties and few ever witnessed an ambulance coming to a party. However, prescription drug abuse is dangerous and something that a kid will never outgrow if they overdose.

Talk to your kids about drugs. If they are already abusing them, get them some help fast.

Narconon has a 76% success rate. 877-413-3073,,

Methadone Addiction


Methadone pain management has moved methadone from the clinic to the medicine cabinet. Anyone taking a methadone prescription almost needs a rule book, or perhaps even a chaperone. Methadone can so easily be misused, usually because of misunderstanding.

Some experts think that Medical Doctors should take special classes on prescribing narcotics. This is especially true in the case of methadone. Increased prescriptions for methadone for pain management has contributed to methadone being the fastest growing source of narcotic deaths in this country.

Through the years the number of methadone prescriptions for pain has increased, with more doctors prescribing it. While doctors who work in methadone clinics are familiar with the drug and its side effects, doctors less familiar might not be as aware of the properties of methadone – it is slow to metabolize. Some patients will think nothing of using alcohol or sedatives with the medication and any doctor prescribing it must be alert to this fact and inform every patient of the dangers.

We have not heard too much about methadone since the death of Anna Nicole’s son, but it is still around and anyone taking it for a while is going to be taking it for the long haul, or will need rehab.

Narconon can help with methadone addiction. Call 877-413-3073,,

Young Adults on Heroin

The New Heroin Crowd

The age group that is using heroin now is 18 to 26. Many live in neighborhoods that are upper middle to upper class and come from good homes.

The image of heroin addicts of the 60s living under bridges and only coming out for a fix is not accurate. Heroin addicts are a different class of people now, though the addiction is as cruel and unforgiving as it always was.

What has changed? Why, despite the fact that most illegal drug use is decreased, has heroin use remained constant or even increased in some areas?

For many youth the road to heroin began innocently with prescription pain medication such as oxycontin. For some it was even prescribed. It’s easy to get hooked on opiates of any kind and once hooked, the 80 dollars per pill is a lot to pay. Heroin is cheaper and with the increased purity throughout the years, has become a relatively better buy.

Even with its cheaper price heroin addiction leads to theft and it is usually from the family. Many families become quite emotional about drug abuse in one of their own, but seldom truly realize the grip that opiates have on a person.

Lock up your prescriptions and if someone you know has begun using heroin don’t wait. They need treatment now. Heroin is very addictive and it is unlikely that they will stop on their own.

Call Narconon 877-413-3073,,

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Liver Damage and Alcohol


We have all met those people who seem to drink a little more than we think they should but they somehow get away with it. They have careers, keep their families and keep going. We watch them drink a little too much but seldom say anything because there is nothing really to talk about. They are unlikely to get help because nobody thinks they need it.

However, research shows that this group is not getting away with drinking a little bit too much – in fact their livers are suffering from it.

Anyone who drinks at all is somewhat at risk – even of DUI because the limits are very low now. It is something to think about.

Those who drink a lot are very much at risk legally, spiritually and physically. If you know someone who drinks too much, we can help.

Narconon. We are the New Life Program 877-413-3073,,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NARCONON success

I realize that being at Narconon is just a moment in time and I need to use this time to readjust myself and train my life skills. I realize how this course helps me with reality and to be more focused.

I am looking forward to getting into book 5 and 6 because I’ve heard from Abby and some senior students how they help a person understand others through life skills.

When I was out there on drugs I lost my focus on life and my understanding of my family and people who I worked around. I am a good person and my family still loves me so maybe with Narconon I can go back to being the real me, the one that God made and the one my children and family want and need in their life.,,

Fake Test Results


Who would have thought that we would ever see the day that parents would feel the need to hire police dogs to see if their kids have drugs. It seems far-fetched, but it is happening and the reasons are easily understood.

Drug tests can be fooled which can be extremely dangerous. A parent may be content thinking that their teen is not taking drugs, when the actual fact is that the teen is faking the test results. There was a recent report of an overdose when a family thought their son had stopped using opiates because he had a clean drug test. The truth was that he was cheating the test and overdosed and died. He had been using drugs in their presence, but they were looking at the tests, not him.

Additionally, with all the peer pressure and MTV, it is almost impossible for a teen to escape the opportunity to use drugs. Some of them may simply be using drugs because their friends are and inadvertently become addicted through the social drug use. Then the real problems for the family of theft, possible jail time and death begin. A police dog might be a welcome relief – a good excuse to tell the friends why drugs cannot be around.

Another solution is for parents to learn the signs of abuse of the major drugs – methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, and opiates. They all have their own signs and one can tell by observing if they are in the midst of a drug abuser.

However they do it parents have to know if their child is on drugs. Failing to find out can be fatal.

Narconon will provide free brochures to families who want to know the signs of drug abuse. We also provide effective drug treatment – 76% success rate.

Call 877-413-3073,,

Helping the Native Americans


From the time that the white man introduced blankets with small pox, the Native American population has not fared well from the white man’s trinkets and customs.

White man’s “fire water” has continued to take a huge toll on the lives of Native Americans – 12% of the deaths in that population are due to alcohol. This is three times the national average.

The white man did not need to bring small pox to dwindle the numbers of Indians. The inadvertent introduction of alcohol to these peoples has somehow sinisterly perpetuated the initial destructive intent of the Europeans who came to take their land.

No one is bent on destroying the Native Americans now and they have even been helped to build casinos which apparently are helping their tribes.

But the problem with alcohol seems constant and one that they cannot fix themselves.

Narconon in Oklahoma has taken responsibility and in the past has offered their services in terms of facilities and drug education.

Narconon of Georgia is willing to provide drug education if we are asked.

Let’s take responsibility for our fellows.


Monday, October 27, 2008

A win for a NARCONON student

Here is a win today from a Narconon of Georgia drug rehab student:

“Delivering a communication is becoming much simpler. Continued practice is revealing the intent of the exercise. The importance of simple communication in the real world is huge and mastering the task is simple but very vital.

Ending a conversation is also becoming much easier. The more I do these exercises, the more comfortable I am with them. I understand the point more and more.”

Often drug abuse can start with difficulty community with family, friends and the world at large. Whether it’s heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine or crack cocaine, once a person starts abusing drugs the communication difficulties get even worse.

We get drug abusers back into communication with life in general.

There is a lot to enjoy about life – one has to be in communication with it first.

The Narconon program addresses communication after a person has successfully completed the Narconon New Life Detoxification Program.


Drugs are Drugs

Drugs are Drugs

Whether they are getting them from their friends or their doctors, kids in this country are getting a LOT of drugs – in fact more than most kids in Europe.

According to this study there are many reasons, but unless the result is that our kids are doing better than their European counter parts the reasons are wrong.

As kids grow up things happen. A kid can stumble, but when they stand up, they are forced to learn a lesson. What kind of conclusions about experience can someone draw when they are on mind altering drugs?

Let’s let kids be kids.

Perhaps this will be easier if doctors are doctor and parents are parents.

Call Narconon for drug prevention materials.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Drug Prevention


How well our culture does in future generation depends on how well our youth are doing now. A generation in trouble portends for future trouble for the civilization.

There is no situation that needs our attention more than that of drug abuse and its prevalence with our youth. It is bright minds that will direct our civilization out of the financial and media maze that it seems to be stuck in now.

Effective drug prevention early enough in life will keep our future bright. The Narconon drug education program works and a study has recently been released and published on the efficacy of its techniques.

Let’s spread the word.

Narconon 877-413-3073,,

Are kids really that smart?


The study from Ireland that finds that children with a higher intelligence are more likely to have drinking problems later is interesting, but there are a lot of questions that are not answered, at least by the summary of the study.

Are intelligent people generally not challenged enough academically to keep them mentally occupied?

Are intelligent people unable to deal with the realities of a harsh world that perhaps they see more clearly because of their intelligence?

Is it a liability in this world to be intelligent and some advantage to “dumbing down” (as obviously occurs with alcohol)?

Perhaps the most important question is – How smart is someone really if they insist on over indulging in alcohol?

Sometimes, no matter how “smart” they are, people who drink too much cannot think for themselves and need some help.

If you know someone who abuses alcohol, call Narconon for a 76% success rate.


NARCONON of Georgia helps clean up the enviornment

Narconon Drug Rehab students visited a local nature trail this weekend as they practiced lessons learned at Narconon about taking responsibility for their environment.

Paint brush in hand, they helped paint the offices and later cleaned the park area.

“We feel we haven’t completed our job unless we not only get our customers off drugs, but on the road to a happy productive life,” comments Ms. Mary Rieser, Executive Director of Narconon Drug Rehab GA. “Part of making them happy, valuable and productive citizens is covered in the last part of their program, The Way To Happiness Course.

“In this course they learn a non-religious moral code, in The Way To Happiness, written by L. Ron Hubbard, which, if followed, can lead them on The Way to Happiness. ‘Safeguard and Improve Your Environment’ is one of the precepts learned, and helping at the local nature trail was not only fun, but educational.”

The Nature Center is a nonprofit 501-c3 organization established by community volunteers in 1990 to develop, improve, and preserve twenty-two acres of DeKalb County’s Dunwoody Park as a natural classroom for environmental education.

The park features a wetland boardwalk; woodland and streamside trails; display gardens; a picnic meadow; a treehouse classroom pavilion; and a shaded playground.

“We all had a lot of fun at the nature center,” comments Ms. Rieser. “Beating drug addiction is not just stopping using drugs. It’s about learning to live life responsibly, learning to live drug-free, learning to appreciate life.”

If someone you know is drug addicted, call us. We have a 76% success rate.

We are Narconon – The New Life Program.

Call Narconon Drug Rehab in Georgia at 1-877-413-3073.,,

Success Story!


After being at Narconon for only a week I have already seen a huge change in my personality. The biggest change I have noticed was in my comfort level. The day I arrived at the facility, I was a nervous wreck. I really didn’t know what to expect, never having been to a rehabilitation center before. By the end of the first day, I was made to feel more welcome and at home than I had in months. I was expecting a lockdown but what I got was more like a family. I have received nothing but open arms, respect and utmost kindness. Through the help of the various treatments such as nerve assists and training routines I have reached a much more peaceful and calm state of being. The educational films and conversations have made me realize the true dangers of my lifestyle and I see the need for a change. I really can’t say enough good things about the people the people or the program. I have great anticipation for the rest of my treatment and eagerly await the sauna portion of the program.


This could be your success story! Contact Narconon at 1-877-413-3073.,,

Important Study about children!


According to a study published in October issue of Psychological Science the younger kids start abusing drugs, the more chance that their life can be ruined by sexually transmitted diseases, legal troubles and dropping out of school.

A study should be done on the parents of these kids. At the very least it would show that they are uninformed of the world they live in.

Being a parent these days means more than just dropping the kids off at school and the movies. To have any chance of survival in this society kids need strong discipline, good moral teaching and parents who are devoted to helping them maneuver through the booby traps laid at every turn for our youth in today’s society.

It can be difficult being a good parent but it can be done and it must be done for the sake of our future civilization.

Call Narconon for educational brochures and videos.


Parents must still have the final word

Parents Still Have the Final Word

With all the influences that children are exposed to in this multimedia culture, parents still do have the final word.

It is not surprising that a study in South Dakota found that kids that grow up in permissive households are more likely to drink than those from non-permissive households. Without parental control it is not the village that is raising the child, but MTV, the internet and whoever is calling them on their cell phone.

Talk to your kids about the effects of alcohol. They will listen to you. And if you don’t talk to them, someone else will and they won’t be saying the right things.

Promote drug and alcohol prevention in your family and community.

Narconon can provide you with materials. 877-413-3073,,

Drugs and children

Drugs are Drugs

Whether they are getting them from their friends or their doctors, kids in this country are getting a LOT of drugs – in fact more than most kids in Europe.

According to this study there are many reasons, but unless the result is that our kids are doing better than their European counter parts the reasons are wrong.

As kids grow up things happen. A kid can stumble, but when they stand up, they are forced to learn a lesson. What kind of conclusions about experience can someone draw when they are on mind altering drugs?

Let’s let kids be kids.

Perhaps this will be easier if doctors are doctor and parents are parents.

Call Narconon for drug prevention materials.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lock up your medicine cabinet!


It can’t get any worse than children overdosing on their parent’s prescription medication. Anyone taking Oxycontin or other like medication needs to keep at least enough semblance of sobriety to lock up their medication. The pain one is trying to relieve through the medication has no comparison to the pain of losing a child.

If you know of a parent with small children who is abusing prescription medication get them some help fast. It is just not their life at stake.

Narconon 877-413-3073,,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Narconon success story!

This exercise for me has been the most important of all. This has linked all the exercises together into one major realization resulting in a very important life lesson.

I feel as though I’ve reached the summit of Mt. Everest and have gained the wisdom and knowledge of a thousand Sherpas. I finally am now living in present time and have the tools to lead a healthy, sober, successful and happy life.

By using the knowledge I’ve gained from all my wins and realizations I can climb any mountain, conquer any task complete any goal and make everyone around me proud and myself happy.

Objectives to me have been the most rewarding part of my recovery, even more so than the sauna program and that says a lot!

I now understand and am awake, focused and perceptive of so much more than I ever have been in my life especially while living in the present. I have reached the pinnacle and know that I will never go back down that rocky mountain. I have been freed of all malignant thought, emotions and impurities. I now can proceed with the rest of my life with confidence and knowledge. I truly thank you for the wisdom and tools to live.

I will always remember this experience.

Thank You!

Drug Cartel


A lot of hard work is being done, day in and day out to ensure that our youth get addicted to drugs. The work is being done by Mexican drug cartels (amongst others) and they have developed intelligence networks and have hired private armies to ensure that drugs make it to the US and possibly to YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

They don’t care about your kids, your life, safety or anything good. They want your money and they routinely do what it takes to get it, including murdering law enforcement that gets in their way.

There is a lot of work going on to drug up your kids.

What are you doing to prevent it?

Call Narconon for drug educational and prevention literature – the real weapon against the cartel.

Our drug treatment works for those who have already fallen prey. We have a 76% success rate. 877-413-3073,,

Meth is worse than cocaine!


Nothing is good about either of these drugs, but according to research methamphetamine affects more of the brain than cocaine and has longer lasting effects. Since everything excluding the kitchen sink is used to make methamphetamine, it is no wonder that meth brains fair much more poorly than those affected by cocaine.

Anyone who has been around persons using either of these drugs can concur that the behavior of someone on methamphetamine is likely to be more violent and unthinking than someone on cocaine. Not only are the tempers of a meth addicts explosive but there are those occasional explosions in the kitchens used as meth labs. These explosions can tear house apart and spread dangerous chemicals into the environment.

Both drugs are bad and it would seem that no one’s brain is expendable, whether it be a lot or a little bit.

Even using a brain to learn simple ways to make methamphetamine or how to cook crack cocaine indicates a brain that has already short circuited and is not being used for the more pleasurable visions in life.

Save your brain – stay away from the meth and the cocaine.

If you know someone who has used so much meth or cocaine and can’t think for themselves, get them some help – get them into effective treatment.

Narconon is the New Life Program with a 76% success rate.


Drug Court?


Before we get too heavy into the criticism of drug court and questioning the workability of the treatment provided there, let’s make sure that we have fully assessed the alternative which is prison.

We need to ask how well does prison work and what value do we have at the end of the day. A wasted life is of no value to anyone.

We also need to ask who is criticizing drug court. Is it someone who really cares about the problem or a vested interest?

We need a study on the efficacy of drug court vs. jail in terms of cost and effectiveness. Those who are footing the bill (the taxpayers) need to know the result and be given the opportunity to decide what they want as a community.

In this country we have systems for such a process, though it is seldom used in the field of addiction. Drugs are big money for a lot of people and the more people addicted the more money is made for the dealer, the attorneys and the jail. It is LOT of money and we need to beware of criticism of things that could possibly work to decrease the number of persons who flow through the system.

The best thing for families with an addiction problem is to get the loved one into treatment before they get arrested. Do it while you still have the opportunity to help. Once a person is in the system all outside control is virtually lost.

A workable treatment is Narconon. We have a 76% success rate and 40 years of experience. 877-413-3073

Rockefeller Law


No one wants to promote and help a drug dealer – that is for sure. But with mandatory sentencing laws, such as the Rockefeller laws, there is no incentive for arrestees, who are addicted and possibly selling to feed their habit, to get effective treatment. They will receive the same penalty as the hard core drug dealer even if they get off drugs.

Once any arrestee who is an addict enters the system, the opportunity for returning to society drug free and productive is greatly diminished. Addiction is not something that you can usually punish a person out of but it does respond to effective drug treatment.

One would think that a Judge or a Jury could be wise enough to sentence appropriate for the crime and circumstances even as they are in murder.

As the drug problem seems to only be escalating, despite harsher and harsher measures, we are going to have to decide what we want in this country for ourselves and future generations.

We already have the highest rate of incarceration per capita in the world and our youth our drinking more and are more drugged up than their European counter parts.

Do you want more of the same? It is pretty expensive to support such a large population of prisoners, in more ways than one.

Learn the facts and speak up to your state representatives. After all, YOU are the one who is paying for all of this.

If you know someone who needs treatment, get them help before they get arrested. After that you will have no control over their destiny, no matter how much you may want to help them.

Narconon offers effective drug treatment – 76% success


Life of a Drug Addict


A drug addict’s life is an unhappy one. In spite of the sometimes ill-tempered, un-ethical and uncaring attitude that many addicts display, deep inside they are hoping for a way out of their dilemma. Their behavior can make it hard to care and yet we must- at least until they can care for themselves.

Prison for offenders who are addicts just reinforces the lack of esteem that these people already feel and pushes them further to the point in their lives from which they may never fully recovery.

Community Drug Court can be an answer – a workable alternative. The opportunity to receive treatment instead of jail gives the addict the impression that the Courts and society believe that there is hope for addiction and that it can be overcome. It restores the hope of dignity and points to a more humane way to deal with this sector of mankind.

Whether the addiction is heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine or prescription medication – we can help these people. The situation is not going to go away unless we pay attention.

(Narconon use a drug treatment method that works and can prevent a person from being arrested to begin with. 877-413-3073,,,

Drug Talk during the Presidential Campaign

Wrong Message?

The New York Times has been blasting Cindy McCain and seems to be taking issue with the fact that Senator McCain married a human – a human who spends her spare time being a saint every once in a while when she does charity work.

One point of attack is her past bout with addiction. Why should the public be anything but forgiving about this? After all, the wife of a past president opened up a rehab center after dealing with her own addiction. The daughters of the current president apparently had a brush with drugs and we all remember Clinton’s apparent anguish over his brother’s cocaine problem. Anyone reading the New York Times has most likely been impacted in some way by drug abuse and not likely to be shocked by yet another public figure admitting that they live on the same planet as the rest of us.

Cindy McCain’s honesty about her past problem serves her country well. Such honesty from such a poised and attractive woman can reduce the stigma and encourage the secretly addicted hockey moms to get help for their prescription drug abuse. If such an elegant woman can admit to a problem, then maybe it won’t be so bad for others to report their own drug problems and get some help.

Criticizing Cindy McCain in veiled ways about her past drug abuse will push some back into the dark corners of the closet – a dangerous place to be when it comes to drugs.

Prescription Drug abuse is on the rise. Drug companies sell a lot of drugs and they have to wind up somewhere. Truth is they often wind up in the hands of good people who never had an inkling they could get addicted.

Well done to anyone who publicly admits they had a drug problem and it was overcome.

We all need a bit of good news every once in a while.


Narconon helps with all kinds of people with all kinds of addictions.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Drugs on the Internet


Online seems to be the place to be if you want to promote drug abuse or find out how to do it. According to this survey teens watch drug use and see people high on social networking groups like MySpace.

As the article points out, a parent would not allow someone in their house that was promoting drug abuse, yet that is what is happening when someone gets online and talks to your kid about drugs. This is how kids learn about “robo tripping, pharm parties and how to buy xanax on line.

Parents need to control communication in the household regarding drugs. They should kick the bad guys out and hold court with their kids. Tell them the truth about drugs – probably no one else is.

If you need drug educational materials, call Narconon. 877-413-3073

If someone you know needs treatment we have a 76% success rate.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Drug Prevention and the Economy


While we tighten our belts and button down the hatches, there is another measure that we need to take during this time of economic strain – lock up the medicine cabinet.

The medicine cabinet sits quietly in our bathroom and looks innocent enough. However, its ingredients portend for the future of the family it belongs to. If the contents are used correctly then there can be good health and resultant productivity. It the contents of the medicine cabinet wind up in the wrong hands it can be very expensive in terms of health and finance.

Kids today are finding it easy to get mind altering drugs from the family medicine cabinet. Sometimes they bring some to school for their friends and sometimes they take a mixture of what they find. Once they become addicted and the pills at home run out, the expense really begins. These kids will be surprised to learn that the drug they are now addicted to can sell for as much as fifty to hundred dollars a pill on the street. Not being versed at robbery but driven by addiction, they will often choose to steal from their own family.

The expenses start to mount up. The next expense hopefully will be rehab and if it works, that is the end of it. But there is always the chance that the cops will find the addict before treatment and lawyers can cost a lot of money. A bond usually requires that someone put their house up. Health consequences of drug abuse cost money and cut productivity. Less often the grim reaper comes but that happens too with prescription medication and is the most expensive consequence of all.

A lot of this can be prevented with every family locking up their medicine cabinet. If all the cabinets are locked then no one will have any to give out at school or at a party. “Pharm parties will be a thing of the past.” It will save money and more importantly, it will save lives.

Ride out the recession safely and effectively. Button up the hatches, tighten your belt and lock up that medicine cabinet.

If you know someone who has already discovered a medicine cabinet and they have become addicted, call Narconon 877-413-3073. We have a 76% success rate.,,,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Success Objectives

This is a success from a Narconon drug treatment student, currently enrolled in the program.

“This course has shown me that I am a part of the overall environment and I have value. As I have been moving through this course I have become more aware of myself. I see my environment in a way I never have before and I am more aware of myself and others.

I know that the value that I place on myself has increased. How I treat others reflects how I treat myself. How I treat my environment reflects how I treat myself. It seems that when I orient myself correctly in my environment, when I am aware of others in my environment and when I realize I am more than just another object, I begin to assign better values to myself and those around me.

What once seemed very important now seems less important.

Where I look myself for granted or abused myself I now find something precious.”If you or a someone you know needs help please contact me at NARCONON at 1-877-413-3073.,,,,

Narconon success story Objectives course


Doing the Narconon objectives course was so far one of the best things I have done besides sauna in the Narconon drug rehab. The best way to explain it is “sauna for the mind”. I definitely notice a big difference.

I have learned to be more open minded and just give things a chance before I try to knock them down. I also feel like a big burden has finally been lifted off my chest and I feel good. My thoughts don’t seem so sporadic and backwards. I think and feel clearer than I ever have before. I know that these objectives are life changing and I feel like the course has helped change my life.

I am grateful for the opportunity of doing objectives because I know that this is something I needed to do to move on and have a good drug free life.

Success from a Narconon student 877-413-3073,,,

What's in your medicine cabinet?


Sadly, the mother of Aaron Mason is on the wrong side of drug education and prevention-she learned too late about the dangers of prescription drugs and lost her son.

Now her voice is amongst the growing number of concerned citizens that are sounding the alarm - prescription medications are making their way from the medicine cabinet into the school yard. Traveling far from their designated recipient Xanax, morphine, Valium, Percocet and Oxycontin are taken from the family medicine cabinet and brought to school, passed around and often ingested right on the school grounds.

Often these drugs are the theme of “pharm” parties, where the “party goers” are too bleary eyed and doped up to have a good time.

Parents should suspect that their children are being exposed to these drugs in one way or another – even if they are just aware of the fact that they are at school. It is something that must be brought up around the dinner table, because if kids don’t learn the truth about drugs at home, they are going to learn the lies about drugs at school.

If parents find any pharmaceutical drugs they should immediately suspect that there is probably already some element of addiction and get their kid some help- fast. These drugs are dangerous and addictive and are nothing to play around with.

If you need to know the signs of drug abuse or what to do with someone you know is already abusing drugs, then call Narconon. We will send you a free brochure on the signs of drug abuse and help educate you on drug rehab.

Narconon – The New Life Program 877-413-3073,,

Monday, October 13, 2008

Graduation Friday

NARCONON had a graduation on Friday. It was wonderful. I love watching our students fulfill their commitment to get clean and stay off of drugs. This student in particular is a very happy and committed student. He is also going to be working at the housing that our students live in. NARCONON made a tremendous difference in his life and I got to watch his transformation myself. The first picture is of James and the other 2 graduates that have graduated in the last month from NARCONON. They are all drug free and they say they feel great! I do know they look great. Well, I will blog later. I am so excited about getting to work today at NARCONON.If you or someone you know needs help please call me at NARCONON at 1-877-413-3073.,,,

Friday, October 10, 2008

Alcohol Among Teenagers

Drinking Problems Start at an Early Age

I have had the privilege of interviewing hundreds of persons who have come to Narconon in order to conquer their drug or alcohol addiction. I have learned first hand through these interviews that most of those who have a bad drinking problem started at an early age. Whether they found the liquor in the family bar or got it from the next door neighbor, many of our clients started secretly drinking at an early age – 12 to 14 for many of them.
The individuals who market for the liquor industry also apparently know that long term drinkers start at an early age. There would be no other reason for the large amount of advertising money that they are obviously spending on targeting youth as customers for their brew.
Fortunately, there are more concerned families than there are persons marketing for liquor companies. We just have to alert families and let them know what they can do in order to send a message to make this marketing to their children stop.
This article does just that – Pass it along.

I hope that you don’t already have someone in your family who has a drinking problem, but if you do call 877-413-3073,,,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My awesome Thursday

My awesome Thursday started as well as just about any other day here at NARCONON. It is usually one of the busiest days of the week for us here at NARCONON. It's the day we really try and get people in here to help them recover from drug and alcohol addiction before the weekend hits. We had 2 new students comes in today and several students complete different parts of the course here at NARCONON. It's great seeing the successful wins that our students are getting and the people calling just to get information for their friends and family. You really don't realize how much someone cares until they make that phone call. It's great. Well, it's time for me to start driving home in this nasty weather so I will blog tomorrow!,,,

Drug Paraphenalia

Oil Companies Take Action but they need to do more

It is a great idea that gas stations are taking measures to ensure that they are not the purveyors of cigarettes to underage smokers, but what about the drug paraphernalia that is in many of these locations.
Blunts, crack pipe, papers and scales are for sale, along with other items and most likely minors can buy these quite easily. The places are magnets for dealers – what better place to find your customers?
Cleaning up our gas station/convenience stores starts really with each of us, not the oil companies.
Next time you are at a convenience store check to see what paraphernalia is for sale. Note down the address and inform others in the neighborhood what is really going on in these places. The majority of citizens don’t want drugs in their neighborhood.
Also look around your environment. If items like spoons, light bulbs and brillo pads are out of place, look for the drug addict in your life and get them some help.
Those struggling with addiction or those who want more information on how to clean up their community can visit or call 877-413-3073.
Together we can take back our communities. It is up to us.

Mary Rieser CCDC,,,

What's in your medicine cabinet? (cough and cold)

Drug makers announced yesterday that over- the-counter cough and cold medicine should not be given to children younger than four years old. This announcement was accompanied by plans for new measuring devices and child resistant packaging.
This announcement came after a flurry of protest, especially from the medical community about the marketing of these products to young people. 7000 children a year visit the emergency rooms because of complications from cold and cough medicine, many of them because parents don’t understand how to correctly dispense these drugs.
The validity of dispensing cold and cough medication to children is still not resolved and there seems to be very little evidence that these medications are actually helpful. While there is more work to be done to keep our kids safe from the medicine cabinet, this announcement was a move in the right direction.
In a small way it demonstrates that it is possible for responsible citizens and professionals to make a difference with big Pharma. The consumer is ultimately in control as is always the case in free enterprise. It is a matter of ensuring that consumers are informed so they can take appropriate action -the public obviously will refuse to buy products that are harmful. They just have to know.
With prescription drug abuse eclipsing illegal drug abuse, responsibility for drug prevention and education has squarely arrived on the doorstep of the Medical Community. They did fairly well on this one – let’s hope they continue.
Call Narconon of Georgia if you know someone who is abusing cold medication. Many cold medications contain DXM. DXM can make a person high, is addictive and can cause long term physical and mental damage.
Call Narconon 877-413-3073 We are the New Life Program.;_ylt=AonCi5GeM.NFoAT_ubSBr5iCSbYF,,,


What’s in Your Kitchen Cabinet?
A few years ago I heard that an old friend of mine was in some kind of trouble. She was having a nervous breakdown or losing her mind – no one seemed to know. I travelled across the country by plane and car to see what could have happened to my bright and effervescent friend and to see if there was some way I could help.
When I finally got to see her I was alarmed when my attempts at conversation were met with non-sequitur responses. She thought that some Indians were running around the house and that particles were flying out of my mouth as I spoke. Her once beautiful face was gaunt and ghostlike. I checked with our common friends to see what life circumstances could have provoked this devastating rapid deterioration of what seemed to be the fabric of her being.
It was inhalants they told me. She had a problems years past with them and had stayed away from them successfully for quite a while. But she picked them up again and had gone too far with their abuse. Now she lost her mind and no one knew if she would find it again. It was scary. I left after a few days, wondering where my friend was – she no longer seemed to inhabit her own body. A year later I heard she was doing better and living with her mother, but she never really got back to normal.
Inhalant abuse is sniffing or huffing products like markers, nail polish, spray paint, glue and rubber cement. The high comes from oxygen starvation. The oxygen starvation can also kill.
Some of the physical effects of inhalants are:
Sudden death
Violent behavior
Muscle weakness

These are all bad things, but it seems like the first one would be enough to keep someone from trying inhalants even once. That one time could kill.
Inhalants are addictive and they are easy to get. They are right in our homes. If you suspect someone is abusing inhalants, then call us. 877-413-3073. We are an effective drug treatment program. We are the New Life Program.,,,

Know before you go

To a place from where you might not return

What if a friend told you they knew a way that you could become angry, hostile, confused and possibly mentally ill? Could you be tempted with the possibility of convulsions, chest pain or an inability to sleep?
If someone talks you into taking methamphetamines, this is really what they are talking you into.
Methamphetamine is a stimulant that affects the nervous system in a negative way. A lot of it is produced in illegal laboratories and has bacteria and other nasty stuff in it. Drug dealers look for simple ways to make methamphetamine –not healthy ways.
Methamphetamine addiction never leads to anything good – never. The only methamphetamine addicts that are happy are the ones who get effective drug treatment before their brains are totally fried. Meth addicts don’t live long – usually only about 5 years if they are really addicted. They often lose their hair and teeth along the path of destruction.
Only a person whose mind was fried from methamphetamine would think that others might enjoy such self destruction.
If someone asks you to try methamphetamine walk the other way quickly or give that person the number of a drug rehab.
If someone you care about is addicted to methamphetamine they need help. They might not make it unless you make the effort to try and point the way. Narconon offers effective drug treatment. The success rate is 76%

Free Samples in your medicine cabinet

How Many Free Samples are in Your Medicine Cabinet?
Anyone who has treated drug addicts for very long knows about the dealers on the streets and in the school yards who give drug free samples to potential customers. The street dealer finds a potential client and hands them a sample, knowing that chances are, they will return. Other kids get their first free sampler from the dealer at school. Once the customer gets addicted and has to start paying there is trouble – that is when we see them at rehab.
When pharmaceutical companies give samples of Schedule II drugs intended for kids they are advertising for future business. A free sample of Adderal without proper drug education can leave a child wanting more of the high, without a real understanding that a continued yen for that high can get them strung out or in rehab.
Bravo to the physicians who are questioning the safety of this. Please continue to make your voices heard.
If you know someone who has had too many free samples and needs effective drug treatment call Narconon the New Life Program.NARCONON uses the sauna detoxification system to help get people off drugs if you or a family member need help please call me at 1-877-413-3073.,,,

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Synthetic Narcotics

"Synthetic narcotics are not usually associated with addiction, but many are now being associated with drug overdoses," states Ms. Mary Rieser, Executive Director of Narconon Drug Rehab in Georgia.
"Heroin, cut with fentanyl, is a cause of many overdose deaths nationwide. Drug addicts don't know what heroin is cut with, take an amount they think is normal, and die from an overdose. Fentanyl patches, used in pain relief for chronic pain, are stolen and used by drug addicts. Narconon Drug Rehab in Georgia is concerned that these synthetic narcotics are being abused by teens who steal them from medicine cabinets. Lock these up; drug addiction is not what you want in your family."
In contrast to the pharmaceutical products derived from opium, synthetic narcotics are produced entirely within the laboratory. The continuing search for products that retain the analgesic properties of morphine without the consequent dangers of tolerance and dependence has yet to yield a product that is not susceptible to abuse. A number of clandestinely produced drugs, as well as drugs that have accepted medical uses, fall within this category.
Introduced as an analgesic in the 1930s, meperidine produces effects that are similar, but not identical, to morphine (shorter duration of action and reduced antitussive and antidiarrheal actions). Currently it is used for pre-anesthesia and the relief of moderate to severe pain, particularly in obstetrics and post-operative situations. Meperidine is available in tablets, syrups, and injectable forms under generic and brand name (Demerol®, Mepergan®, etc.) Schedule II preparations. Several analogues of meperidine have been clandestinely produced. During the clandestine synthesis of the analogue MPPP, a neurotoxic by-product (MPTP) was produced. A number of individuals who consumed the MPPP-MPTP preparation developed an irreversible Parkinsonian-like syndrome. It was later found that MPTP destroys the same neurons as those damaged in Parkinsons Disease.
A close relative of methadone, dextropropoxyphene was first marketed in 1957 under the trade name of Darvon®. Oral analgesic potency is one-half to one-third that of codeine, with 65 mg approximately equivalent to about 600 mg of aspirin. Dextropropoxyphene is prescribed for relief of mild to moderate pain. Bulk dextropropoxyphene is in Schedule II, while preparations containing it are in Schedule IV. More than 150 tons of dextropropoxyphene are produced in the United States annually, and more than 25 million prescriptions are written for the products. This narcotic is associated with a number of toxic side effects and is among the top 10 drugs reported by medical examiners in drug abuse deaths.
First synthesized in Belgium in the late 1950s, fentanyl, with an analgesic potency of about 80 times that of morphine, was introduced into medical practice in the 1960s as an intravenous anesthetic under the trade name of Sublimaze®. Thereafter, two other fentanyl analogues were introduced: alfentanil (Alfenta®), an ultra-short (5-10 minutes) acting analgesic, and sufentanil (Sufenta®), an exceptionally potent analgesic (5 to 10 times more potent than fentanyl) for use in heart surgery. Today, fentanyls are extensively used for anesthesia and analgesia. Duragesic®, for example, is a fentanyl transdermal patch used in chronic pain management, and Actiq® is a solid formulation of fentanyl citrate on a stick that dissolves slowly in the mouth for transmucosal absorption. Actiq® is intended for opiate-tolerant individuals and is effective in treating breakthrough pain in cancer patients. Carfentanil (Wildnil®) is an analogue of fentanyl with an analgesic potency 10,000 times that of morphine and is used in veterinary practice to immobilize certain large animals.
Illicit use of pharmaceutical fentanyls first appeared in the mid-1970s in the medical community and continues to be a problem in the United States. To date, over 12 different analogues of fentanyl have been produced clandestinely and identified in the U.S. drug traffic. The biological effects of the fentanyls are indistinguishable from those of heroin, with the exception that the fentanyls may be hundreds of times more potent. Fentanyls are most commonly used by intravenous administration, but like heroin, they may also be smoked or snorted.
The effort to find an effective analgesic with less dependence-producing consequences led to the development of pentazocine (Talwin®). Introduced as an analgesic in 1967, it was frequently encountered in the illicit trade, usually in combination with tripelennamine and placed into Schedule IV of the CSA in 1979. An attempt at reducing the abuse of this drug was made with the introduction of Talwin Nx®. This product contains a quantity of antagonist (naloxone) sufficient to counteract the morphine-like effects of pentazocine if the tablets are dissolved and injected.
While butorphanol can be made from thebaine, it is usually manufactured synthetically. It was initially available in injectable formulations for human (Stadol®) and veterinary (Torbugesic® and Torbutrol®) use. More recently, a nasal spray (Stadol NS®) became available, and significant diversion and abuse of this product led to the 1997 control of butorphanol in Schedule IV of the CSA. Butorphanol is a clear example of a drug gaining favor as a drug of abuse only after it became available in a form that facilitated greater ease of administration (nasal spray vs. injection). *source:
For more information on drug addiction rehab, narcotic drug abuse, or drug education, call Narconon of Georgia at,,,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Narconon video wins award

Narconon Video Wins Award
Narconon of Georgia’s “Narconon-The Real Story” Video Honored
Atlanta, GA 1/17/2008 09:02 PM GMT (FINDITT)

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“Narconon-The Real Story” was honored on as a Top Favorite Video today in the category of Non-Profits and Activism.
The new video, featuring Gordy Weinand, a founding graduate of the program, was released only a few days ago, and has been viewed by many interested in the history of the Narconon non-12 step drug treatment program. In the video Mr. Weinand, in charge of Public Relations for Narconon of Georgia, recounts the beginning days of Narconon, how he became involved, and how far Narconon has grown in the last 40 years. “I am pleased that so many people are interested in the video,” states Mr. Weinand. “Many people are looking into non-traditional drug treatment for themselves or a loved one, and I am happy to share my experiences. I was in the first Narconon program, developed by William Benitez, so I know what we went through in the early days. Little did we know that over the decades our little group of twenty drug addicts looking for help with drug addiction would grow to an international organization spanning six continents and 35 countries.” The new video can be viewed on the Narconon of Georgia website,, as well as on the Videos @ website. On this website one of the Most Viewed Videos is "Interview with Mary Rieser", in which the Executive Director of Narconon of Georgia explains the Narconon Program. Narconon of Georgia is a non-traditional drug abuse treatment program. The primary objective is to clean up communities with drug treatment and prevention. They work with families, community leaders and law makers to achieve this end. For more information on non-twelve step drug addiction rehabilitation, or drug education, call Narconon of Georgia at 1-877-413-3073. Copyright © 2008. Narconon of Georgia Inc.( Call 1-877-413-3073. All rights reserved. Narconon and the Narconon Logo are trademarks and service marks owned by the Association for Better Living and Education International and are used with its permission.,,

Narconon receives a plaque for it's help!

Narconon of Georgia has a new plaque. An orphanage in Honduras sent it in thanks to Narconon, a non-12 step drug rehab, for establishing a sauna and exercise program for drug addicted orphans.
As a long term non traditional drug treatment center, Narconon of Georgia helped a Honduran medical doctor establish the Narconon New Life Detoxification Program in this orphanage to aid in the growing epidemic of addicted street orphans in their country. The sauna program had astounding results with the children as reflected by the words on the plaque: “With eternal gratitude to Narconon of Georgia and to each of you for your personal dedication to the training of our staff, so that the children can live free of drugs and prosper.”
The children also sent handmade Christmas cards reflecting the relief they felt after completing the sauna program: Gerson, a 17 year old addict, wrote, “When I finished sauna I felt different, for example I no longer think of drinking liquor or smoking tobacco. I am happier then ever.” Kevin, 16 years old, stated: “I haven’t met you but I am very happy because you helped me by bringing the sauna, and I no longer have cravings for drugs.”
Narconon of Georgia is a non-traditional drug abuse treatment program which was founded in 1967 whose mission also includes drug education and working with children. While many drug rehab statistics are nebulous, Narconon boasts a 76% success rate (based on a two year follow-up) through a non-12 step drug treatment program. This program provides body detoxification through a sauna and exercise program that helps eliminate or reduce cravings. After the sauna program, the client learns those life skills essential to success in life and the ability to stay clean. They graduate from Narconon with a life plan and continued support to make sure they make it in life.

Narconon helps open up communication skills.

The Narconon Drug Rehab Program emphasizes communication as a key ingredient, not only for recovery, but for a successful life. Therefore, communication skills are taught at two different points in the program.
It has been commented upon in drug rehab circles that communication skills are frequently poor in drug users. In fact, drugs are often used to avoid facing life or communicating with others. Taking drugs then further reduces the person’s ability to communicate or face life. Drug users avoid facing life and take drugs to feel better – the drugs cause them to avoid life even more, causing them to take more drugs, etc. – thus the dwindling spiral downward ensues. The communication of the addict at this point is greatly reduced and is often deceitful when it does take place.
The way out of this trap starts with communication. Regardless of what type of drug rehab treatment program the addict is in, recovery will not occur without eventual honest and meaningful communication. There is no “pill” or technique that can take the place of real communication.
Through study and practical application, the student is taught that communication rather than drugs can be used to handle life’s difficulties.
The Narconon Communication Course has a number of practical exercises which increase the student’s ability and desire to face life and communicate freely about it. The student practices communication skills for some hours, under supervision, all the while becoming more comfortable and improving their skills. Communication Course length varies student to student as the student is not allowed to move on with their program until they have demonstrated that they can successfully apply what they have learned on the course and that they are doing it in real life. Families often report that after this course, they feel like they have communicated with their loved one for the first time in years.
The technical supervisor Abby Bailey stated: “Communication makes the world go round. Whether someone is applying for a job, proposing for marriage or trying to make a sale, it all depends on communication. My job is to get my students back to first base – get them talking about what is important to them and get them able to stand up to any communication that comes at them. Sometimes the word NO is the most powerful communication a recovering addict can say. I am here to teach them to say that and much more. Life is about communication.”
Narconon of Georgia was founded in 2001. This program provides body detoxification through a sauna and exercise program that helps eliminate or reduce cravings. After the sauna program, the client learns those life skills essential to success in life and the ability to stay clean.
For more information on drug addiction rehabilitation, call Narconon of Georgia at,,,

The truth about steroids.

The Olympics were an exciting time, watching athletes from around the world vie for the coveted gold medals.
It was also a reminder that steroid abuse is still alive and strong in competetive athletics.
"Many people don't realize how prevalent steroid abuse is in competitive sports, not only at the professional level, but at high school and college level," comments Mary Rieser, Executive Director for Narconon Drug Rehab GA. "Steroids are considered by many to be benign, and simply enhance performance. The fact of the matter is that these substances can lead to serious physical problems as well as physical and mental drug addictions.
"Someone who has been taking steroids for a while will go through withdrawals if they stop taking them."
Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are manufactured substances related to male sex hormones (e.g., testosterone). “Anabolic” refers to muscle-building and “androgenic” refers to increased male sexual characteristics. “Steroids” refers to the class of drugs. These drugs can be legally prescribed to treat conditions resulting from steroid hormone deficiency, such as delayed puberty, but also body wasting in patients with AIDS and other diseases that result in loss of lean muscle mass.
Some people, both athletes and non-athletes, abuse anabolic-androgenic steroids in an attempt to enhance performance and/or improve physical appearance. AAS are taken orally or injected, typically in cycles of weeks or months interrupted by shorter resting periods (this is referred to as “cycling”). In addition, users often combine several different types of steroids, a practice referred to as “stacking.”
Taken together, the preclinical, clinical, and anecdotal reports suggest that steroids may contribute to mental dysfunctions. Research shows that abuse of anabolic steroids may lead to aggression and other adverse effects. For example, many users report feeling good about themselves while on anabolic steroids, but extreme mood swings can also occur, including manic-like symptoms that could lead to violence. Researchers have also observed that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility.
Studies have shown that anabolic-androgenic steroids are reinforcing; that is, animals will self-administer AAS when given the opportunity, just as they do with other addictive drugs. This property is more difficult to demonstrate in humans, but the potential for anabolic-androgenic steroids abusers to become addicted is consistent with their continued abuse despite physical problems and negative effects on social relations.
Also, steroid abusers typically spend large amounts of time and money obtaining the drugs, which is another indication of addiction. Individuals who abuse steroids can experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking steroids, such as mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, reduced sex drive, and steroid cravings, all of which may contribute to the need for continued abuse. One of the most dangerous withdrawal symptoms is depression, because, when persistent, it can sometimes lead to suicide attempts.
Research also indicates that some users might turn to other drugs to alleviate some of the negative effects of steroids. For example, a study of 227 men admitted in 1999 to a private treatment center for dependence on heroin or other opioids found that 9.3 percent had abused AAS before trying any other illicit drug. Of these, 86 percent first used opioids to counteract insomnia and irritability resulting from the steroids.
Steroid abuse can lead to serious, even irreversible health problems. Some of the most dangerous among them include liver damage, jaundice (yellowish pigmentation of skin, tissues, and body fluids), fluid retention, high blood pressure, increases in LDL (bad cholesterol), and decreases in HDL (good cholesterol). Other reported effects include renal failure, severe acne, and trembling. In addition, there are some gender- and age-specific adverse effects:
-For men—shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, increased risk for prostate cancer
-For women—growth of facial hair, male-pattern baldness, changes in or cessation of the menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, deepened voice
-For adolescents—stunted growth due to premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes; adolescents risk not reaching their expected height if they take anabolic-androgenic steroids before the typical adolescent growth spurt
-In addition, people who inject steroids run the added risk of contracting or transmitting HIV/AIDS or hepatitis, which causes serious damage to the liver.
Narconon Drug Rehab is a non-traditional drug abuse treatment program which was founded in 1967. Narconon of Georgia was founded in 2001. While many drug rehab statistics are nebulous, Narconon boasts a 76% success rate (based on a two year follow-up) through a non-12 step drug treatment program. This program provides body detoxification through a sauna and exercise program that helps eliminate or reduce cravings. After the sauna program, the client learns those life skills essential to success in life and the ability to stay clean. They graduate from Narconon with a life plan and continued support to make sure they make it.
*Source: NIDA
If you know someone who is already addicted call us. We have a 76% success rate.
We are Narconon – The New Life Program.
Call Narconon Drug Rehab in Georgia at 1-877-413-3073.,,,