Friday, January 30, 2009

Super Bowl


Apparently last summer enough people did not contact the NCAA in an appeal to limit beer advertising during the basketball championship. Results showed an increase during these games. There are ads at college football games also.

Since beer is the most abused drug on campus it would behoove communities and families to urge sports vendors to learn from the example set by the Chic-fil-A Bolw, where no beer advertising is allowed.

It might take a bit of work but we can reduce alcohol advertising at College Sports events and perhaps stem the tide on what appears to be ever increasing drinking on the part of American Youth.

For information on Narconon’s drug education program go to

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
1875 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20009

CSPI Study Reveals More Beer Ads, Lax Policies than Other Televised Sporting Events

Despite its claim that the National Collegiate Athletic Association has the most "conservative and restrictive approach" with regard to alcohol advertising of any sporting organization, an analysis by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest reveals otherwise.

CSPI looked at advertising during the three 2008 NCAA "Final Four" basketball games and the 2008-2009 college football Bowl Championship Series. Results showed a higher percentage of beer ads during the "Final Four" games than the BCS. During the "Final Four," 23 out of 196 advertisements—12 percent—were for beer, making it the second most-advertised product. In contrast, during BCS games, just 22 of 380 ads—about six percent—promoted beer, making beer the seventh most-advertised product.

Unlike the NCAA's Final Four and college football's BCS games, the Chick-fil-A Bowl, featuring teams from the Atlantic Coast Conference and Southeastern Conference, prohibits all beer advertisements and in-stadium signs and sponsorships. That prominent game and the Big Ten Network's similar refusal to accept beer ads, are the strongest policies, according to CSPI.

"The NCAA lags far behind other organizations when it comes to exposing its young audience to beer ads," said George A. Hacker, director of CSPI's alcohol policies project. "Beer is the most abused drug on college campuses. But the NCAA is selling out students and other young people to beer marketers. If other college sports can eliminate, or at least limit, these ads, there's no reason the NCAA can't."

In a letter to NCAA president Myles Brand, CSPI repeated its longstanding request for the NCAA to eliminate alcohol ads from televised college sports.

Last summer, hundreds of college coaches, athletic directors and college presidents urged the NCAA to further limit beer advertising during its championship basketball tournament, but the executive committee refused to comply.

CSPI's Campaign for Alcohol-Free Sports TV seeks to reduce youth exposure to beer advertising on televised college sports to limit the promotion of beer consumption, since such exposure is associated with heavier and more frequent drinking among teens. Since 2005, 372—more than one-third—NCAA-member colleges and 16 athletic conferences have signed the campaign's pledge to eliminate beer advertisements from college sports telecasts.”

College Peer Pressure

Narconon Comments on Peer influence regarding drinking

Join together is reporting some good news – college students can have a positive influence on their peers when it comes to alcohol consumption.

Now that something workable has been discovered, why not capitalize on it? Peer training for those who want to have a positive influence on their fellows would be a good place to start. Probably most college students would want the opportunity to positively affect a life, were they given the chance. Peer training on how to encourage sobriety would be a good place to start. Narconon drug prevention program

has a component that does this.

Here is the article:

“Just one personalized intervention session from a fellow college student was effective in reducing alcohol consumption among heavy drinkers on campus, according to a new study from the Netherlands.

The Health Behavior News Service reported Jan. 27 that researchers led by Heleen Riper, Ph.D., of the Trimbos Institute in Utrecht found that one in eight of the students who received peer feedback about how their drinking aligned with norms among other college students later reduced their consumption to normal levels. The success rate compared favorably to similar interventions conducted by mental-health professionals.

"This is the most minimum intervention possible and the results were better than we thought," said Riper, who noted that peer feedback could even be delivered by mobile phone or online. Riper said that student-to-student intervention "allows people to compare their own drinking to their own peer group, and you leave a lot of space for their own responsibility. You approach it more from a health point of view and comparison than from an approach of 'it's forbidden to drink alcohol.' I think that¹s a good motivation."”

The findings will appear in the March 2009 issue of the American

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A lot to be accomplished!


Here is another Narconon success- one of many today, representing a new life. This one is dedicated to those who are doing a search for famous heroin addicts. We think all of our students, though not famous, are the luckiest people in the world.

“My life before Narconon consisted of bad relationships and everything else that can be bad. I have turned the corner and now reached a life that is prosperous, successful and sober.

I used my addiction to dig a hole and once I was in it, the drugs kept me there. I have climbed out of the hole I was in for 6 years and a lot has changed since then. I have grown into a healthy and smart young man and I have lots of potential. When I was in the hole I lost contact with family, friends and myself, but I have regained contact with all of them. I filled the hole up because I never want to return to it.

I have all the time in the world to do great things and better myself and others. I let go of time while I was addicted to drugs

and it began to pass by me. I was using drugs, so it didn’t matter.

I will use my time wisely and as productively as possible. There is a lot of time left for me and that means that there is a lot to be accomplished!”

No matter how much time a person has wasted on methamphetamine, opiates, cocaine, benzodiazepines or pot they still have the rest of their life to live. The new beginning of that life starts at Narconon 877-413-3073

My Soul


Here is another Narconon

success – another student who has come to realize their power and command over life.

“I ‘m not sure that anyone could ever understand the power and control you feel when you finish Objectives without experiencing it themselves. While my sauna program was wonderful, I believe my soul was repaired through the objectives course. It feels so good to accomplish this and know that I did it correctly for myself and my buddy.

My life is better for what I learned about myself and I want to thank all involved in my journey so far, especially Gene Adams. Thanks for putting up with us. I hope you realize the extremely lasting affect you had upon my life. You are an amazing person that will always have a place in my heart.”

Whether it is cocaine, heroin, oxycontin or pot – anyone can again take full control over their life with Narconon the New Life program. 877-413-3073.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Not too bad but not too good


Here is another success story. We have had several today, but this one is dedicated to those who have lost hope of getting off heroin. You can do it and a new life awaits you here at Narconon.

“I have used the expression “not too bad but not too good” all of my life. I’ve been in the middle for a very long time. I didn’t stray to one side or the other because I was too scared. And I didn’t want to disturb the peaceful waters. I realized today that in the last 3 or 4 years I have been stuck in between my past and my future. I worked through high school and went onto college but my addiction kept me from moving on into my future. I was stuck in the middle using every day and not achieving any of my goals or even trying to work on them.

After this course I came to terms with where I was but I am ready to take the first step into my future and see where it leads me. Now is the time and I am prepared for all challenges that come my way.”

Whether it is abuse of heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine or pot


the Narconon program provides hope and a new life. 877-413-3073

Alcohol among teenagers! Parents Beware!



According to an article in Join Together (see below) teenage girls could encouraged to drink by through promotion of “girl friendly flasks.” We encourage parents to be alert to what could appear to be a stylish flask decorated with charms. It may appear harmless, but if your teen has one, chances are she is drinking. A non-drinker is not likely to be drawn to such a product. If you suspect your teenager may be drinking, visit

for signs of abuse. You can also call 877-413-3073 to speak to a staff member about the suspected problem.

“Underage drinking advocates are calling on the teen accessory store chain, Icing by Claire's, to stop selling girl-friendly flasks, the Chicago Sun Times reported Jan. 23.

Flasks decorated with charms and designed to hold 5 ounces of liquor are available for $12.50, and one-shot keychain flasks with room for the individual's initials are available for $8.50 each.

The flasks show disclaimers that the product is not meant for minors, and warns that the flasks are designed to carry alcoholic beverages and should not be used for beverages with acidic contents like fruit juices.

Advocates are concerned that Icing by Claire's is encouraging underage drinking by selling flasks, while targeting its products to girls as young as 17. Icing by Claire's is a subsidiary of Claire's, Inc., which operates approximately 3,000 stores throughout the U.S. and Europe.

Recent studies show that girls are drinking earlier and increasing their alcohol intake. For example, the rate of 14-year-old girls using alcohol escalated from one in ten to almost one-third over the last 40 years. "In many cases, the girls are outdrinking the boys, putting themselves at greater risks," said Janet Williams, co-chairman of the Illinois Coalition to Stop Underage Drinking, which wrote a letter to parent-company Claire's.

It appears that youth are gravitating towards hard liquor like rum and tequila in an effort to get drunk faster, according to Elizabeth Nelson, a community health specialist at the Lake County Health Department.

"Anything that promotes the perception that alcohol use is acceptable with young people is really disturbing," Nelson said.

Oregon Partnership announced that Icing by Claire's said it will continue selling the flasks at its 3,000 stores, but will post signs at store counters supporting "responsible" alcohol consumption. “

Letting it Go


Here is another Narconon success story. This is for all those who have abused methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, pot oxycontin or other drugs of abuse and have wondered if there is any hope.

“There are things in my life that are constantly moving and changing for so many years I held my addiction in place and there was no movement or changes in my life. Today I can keep my addiction at bay and choose not to act on any urges. There have been many changes in me and I need to hold onto those changes and keep my live moving in a positive direction.

I have the power and control to decide what things I want to hold onto. By coming to Narconon

and working this program, I have the power today to hold onto my sobriety and other things as well. I can decide how long I want to hold onto those things and if I want to let them to, these are things that I’ve held onto from my past.

Today I no longer have to hold onto bad things. I can decide when to let them go.”

Narconon is the New Life Program. 877-413-3073

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Triumps and Victorys


Here is another Narconon success story. These stories are real and we hope they reach out to the audience who today, were doing searches for: “simple ways to make methamphetamine” and “How long does cocaine stay in your system?”

If they knew there was hope they would have been looking for the Narconon program nearest them. This success story is for those people:

I was smothered by life before Narconon and held captive by my addiction. I was moving in circles and not progressing anywhere. There is now distance between my addiction and me. My freedom is within my reach – I just have to take it as my own.

Life is a long journey. There will be a lot of changes, trials and tribulations. On the other hand there will be a lot of triumphs and victories along the way as well. The journey along the way with all of the wins, losses relationships and the many changes are what make the final destination worth it.

I have to live in the moment, take things as they come and remember everything that comes to me, because it comes for a reason and I just have to figure out how it is going to affect me.

I am ready to embrace it all with a smile on my face. I am ready to do great things for myself and the rest of the world.”

Whether it is cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin or pot the New Life Program can offer anyone these changes. 877-413-3073

Monday, January 26, 2009

Over the Counter Addiction

Over the last few weeks Narconon of Georgia has received more reports of cold medicine abuse. This warning is again being re-issued.

Have a winter cold?
Be careful. That over-the-counter cold medicine you have in your medicine cabinet may have some Dextromethorphan (DXM) in it and DXM can make a person high. You may not know about DXM, but most drug abusers do, so check your medicine cabinet.

DXM can produce a high similar to LSD; including hallucinations, vivid dreams, loss of motor control and "out of body" states. This high is described as “robo tripping” by DXM users. It takes an overdose of DXM to produce a high and this overdose can also cause health problems like rapid heart beat, high blood pressure, kidney damage, liver damage, seizures and even death.

This drug is easy to get and emergency rooms are reporting waves of young people who are overdosing on it. Estimates are that over two million teens in the United States have abused DXM products to get high. Often, these teens are finding information about DSM on the internet and then find that it is all too easy to buy DXM products at the local drug store.

At Narconon, we have first hand accounts from clients who abused this drug in the past. One reported that the most popular drug containing DXM seemed to leap into his pocket when he was in the drug store. Another told a staff member that he has never quite returned to normal after his extensive abuse of the drug. One client describes how he forfeited a football scholarship due to years of DXM abuse and “robo tripping”.

It is sometimes difficult to tell if someone is abusing an over-the-counter medication containing DXM. Be alert if the person is acting stoned but there is no tell-tale smell. This is a key sign. Other symptoms are:

  1. Dilated pupils;
  2. Confusion;
  3. Slurred Speech;
  4. Dizziness;
  5. Loss of coordination.

DXM is found in over 140 products. Look for those products that say "DM" or "Tuss".

Don't leave it to law enforcement to solve this problem. Drugs with DXM can be bought and consumed in large amounts without any laws being broken. Be alert for theft when you are in a drug store with an abuser or if you work in a retail facility that sells cold medication.

The best defense against this drug is education. The dangers are real and probably unknown to any would-be- user. This is one of the most dangerous ways to get high and unfortunately the most available. Anyone about to take this stuff for fun needs to know it could kill them. Let’s pass the word.

Mary Rieser CCDC

Executive Director

Narconon of Georgia with questions or visit our web site

Copyright © Narconon of Georgia Inc. All rights reserved. Narconon and the Narconon Logo are trademarks and service marks owned by the Association for Better living and Education International and are used with its permission. Narconon of Georgia is a non-profit 501© public benefit corporation.


Past and Future


Another hour passes and many more successes occur at Narconon. Here is one of many. This one is dedicated for those who are searching for simple ways to make methamphetamine or ways to cook crack cocaine on the web. You may feel that there is nothing more hopeful to search for – but there is. There is a new life waiting for you if you want it.

“I am putting my past completely behind me. It will no longer affect me. I will only use the past to learn from, but I am done with it. I am a much happier person for having faced it and moved on.

I need to keep a tight firm grasp on the future and my goals. Losing sight of my goals is not an option. I never stuck to any of my goals before, but now I have to hold onto them. I have the majority of my life ahead of me and it will be without drugs. I will live longer and achieve more.

Life up to this point was a kind of preseason. I was getting myself ready for the real thing,

but fell off the path for a while. Narconon has set me straight and I am ready to start the rest of my life.

My future is waiting for me to arrive.”

None of us know our future, but one thing is for sure, especially with the current situations in the world. Life will be as good as we make it and we can make it better if we are sober and have the tools to stay that way. Tools to maneuver through life successfully will also help guide one towards a great future.

Narconon drug treatment provides these tools. Narconon is the New Life Program.


So Grateful


The new week has started and the success stories are already rolling out. Here is a success story for those who feel that there is probably no real solution for addiction, but in the back of their minds still hold a bit of hope.

“I feel like the longer I stay sober, the more I can learn about the world and I have a lot to learn! I want to learn something everyday.

Instead of wasting money and my life on the bad things of the world I am using this program to help me see how I can do it myself with my own will power and strength that God allows me to have.

I feel so grateful because I am where I need to be right now to straighten out my life and feel good WITHOUT alcohol – which has messed up my life so many times.

I am so thankful for my mom, dad, girlfriend and this program. You have all helped me to better my life.”

Whether a person has abused methamphetamine, cocaine, pot Oxycontin or heroin these wins are available from Narconon. Drug Treatment can have a very happy ending.


Embracing the World


Here is another Narconon success story. These stories are real and we hope they reach out to the audience who today, were doing searches for: “simple ways to make methamphetamine” and “How long does cocaine stay in your system?”

If they knew there was hope they would have been looking for the Narconon program nearest them. This success story is for those people:

I was smothered by life before Narconon and held captive by my addiction. I was moving in circles and not progressing anywhere. There is now distance between my addiction and me. My freedom is within my reach – I just have to take it as my own.

Life is a long journey. There will be a lot of changes, trials and tribulations. On the other hand there will be a lot of triumphs and victories along the way as well. The journey along the way with all of the wins, losses relationships and the many changes are what make the

final destination worth it.

I have to live in the moment, take things as they come and remember everything that comes to me, because it comes for a reason and I just have to figure out how it is going to affect me.

I am ready to embrace it all with a smile on my face. I am ready to do great things for myself and the rest of the world.”

Whether it is cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin or pot the New Life Program can offer anyone these changes. 877-413-3073

Full Realization


Here is another Narconon success story. Though it is short, it represents one step along the way of moving towards the full realization that one can have a drug free life.

“Drugs will always make me feel the same way emotionally. The first line will always be the only fun part of it. The crash will always stick. I will always hurt the people I love. It will always be a waste of time and money. I will always make stupid decisions while messed up.

I’m tired of knowing the end result. I am ready for something new.”

Narconon is the New Life Program for anyone – whether the drug is alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine or cocaine. 877-413-3073

Reform Drug Laws


Anyone working in drug treatment for any period of time has become familiar with the oddity that lots of community resources are devoted to catching the drug users and locking them up without much effect on the tide of drug abuse or much return to the society that is footing the bill. This article says it all.

“No You're Wrong: Reform state drug laws or leave them alone”

“The draconian Rockefeller Drug Laws have been on the books for 35 years and they have failed to curb drug use, drug sales and drug trafficking.
Yet what they have accomplished is arguably nothing short of dastardly.
These laws have been aimed primarily at minority offenders, further broadening the gap between races.
They have forced judges to mandate costly incarceration for low-level dealers and non-violent addicts, and prevented meaningful rehabilitation.

They have torn apart families, robbed children of mothers and fathers and in some ways assured these children a life of poverty and substance abuse.
My colleague may think that important information has been gained with the threat of harsh sentences looming over their heads; but the truth is that people without information to give were instead given the hardest time of all. And that, in my opinion isn't justice. That is how racism continues to flourish.
My colleague may think that the Drug Law Reform Act of 2004 corrected some of the law's flaws, but it didn't go far enough.
It didn't restore judicial discretion. It didn't fund alternatives to incarceration, such as more beds for drug treatment, and it didn't significantly reduce sentences.
According to the Drug Policy Alliance Network, the DLRA did not significantly lower prison populations, and in fact, the number of people incarcerated non-violent drug offenses increased in 2006 to 6,039 as compared to 5,657 in 2004.
Furthermore, the state Department of Correctional Services has not expanded drug treatment in prison, as required.
The thing is we have to stop looking at drug addiction as a crime and look at it as a societal ill. We must make its treatment -- medically and mentally – a priority if we ever want to see a reduction in the true crimes that drugs cause. We must stop equating being smart on the drug problem as being soft on crime. They are not one in the same.”
— Siobhan Connally

For the entire article and the opposing view, go to
Narconon works to get addicts help before they get caught up in the legal system. Whether it is cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin or pot abuse, the abuser can be helped before it is too late. 877-413-3073

Friday, January 23, 2009

Reflection in the Mirror


“Today I saw my reflection in the mirror. My face has color, shows emotion and is full. When I arrived here was pale, boney and lifeless. Narconon has given me my body and my life back. My abilities

and drive in life have been reawakened and amplified, thanks to this program.”

Narconon is the New Life Program. 877-413-3073

The Good Life


In one day many lives can turn around and head in an entirely new and better direction here at Narconon. Here is an example.

“This course helped me to realize I was angry because I could have had anything, but I chose drugs over life. I realized that drugs add obstacles and distance to achievement of dreams. Having a clean mind and clean body helps me go straight to my goals.

I have just begun – I am off towards the finish line, leaping over hurdles with ease and striving for person bests. I realize that I have already chosen knowledge, love, spirituality and most of all life over drugs.

I am fighting the good life now and I am on the team I’ve wanted to be on for so long.”

Anyone can join the winning team. Whether they have abused marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, Oxycontin or pot – the team is waiting for them and ready to show them a new life.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My day at Narconon

I have started my day at Narconon quite early today to get things started the right way.  I really love helping people while working here.  The successes that I have seen over the last 6 months have been amazing.  I have seen countless graduations

Just one of our many success

and watching someone coming into the program and then graduate is the best thing in the world.  They come in one person and leave another person. It’s great. 


If you would like to be a success call us at 1-877-413-3073.

My Vision is Back


Another success – another new life.

“The objectives course was a huge success for me mentally and emotionally. Throughout my sessions I had strong revelations about my personal wellness. Now that I am drug free

I know how to sustain that life style.

I am an objective person more than an emotional one, most often than not. Still, during my drug use I was stuck in the past and very introverted. Through sauna, I was able to start physically feeling normal again. The Objectives Course reminded me of who and what I am mentally and reinforced how aware I can be of my environment and that I have the power to control myself. The course cleared my skewed perceptions and denial of the past and allowed me to confront the demons and move back into present time.

In a sense, this course has given me my vision back. I know where I’ve been, where I am and where I am going.

Objectives have replaced blindness and ignorance with clarity and knowledge.”

This type of success is amazing for anyone, whether they have done drugs or not. Narconon is not just drug treatment – it is the new life program. 877-413-3073

Enhancing communication


Here is another success story for the day, though it will change this student’s life forever.

“The communication Course training has helped me in my social and work environment. I was never aware that I lost my cool in situations that I shouldn’t before. I always felt justified in my actions, my arrogance and my confidence. Using my new communication skills makes me come off as respectful and down to earth and less intimidating. It seems to quicken and enhance communication between my peers and allow smoother relations.”

Often when a person is abusing drugs, they have had difficulty communicating and try to cover up the problem with drugs. Drugs just worsen communication.

Yet communication is the essence of life and necessary for any kind of success. Part of creating a new life is creating the ability to communicate.

Whether a person has used heroin, oxycontin, pot, methamphetamine or cocaine the Narconon program can help them realize a new life through new communication.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009




“I realize that I can dispense with my insecurities and how I have felt about myself in the past. I know that those thoughts are really not what is happening. I need to keep what is real and what is true for me up front, because those thoughts are not worth my time or energy. I need to get rid of these thoughts as soon as they come up.

Things in my life are really moving and I can see that I have a lot of work to do to repair the damage that I did in the past. I can do that and still allow my life to move forward. It’s up to me to keep my sobriety in place and as long as this is my number one priority I can deal with and accomplish anything.”

Anything can be accomplished, whether a person has abused heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine or pot. A new life is waiting for those who honestly do the Narconon program.

Drug Dealers vs Drug Addicts

See the article below from the Independent Mail. It seems that the District Attorney has the right idea here and at Narconon we are anxiously awaiting the outcome of finding treatment for offenders who are addicts. According to the article:

“TOCCOA, Ga. — Brian Rickman, district attorney for the Georgia Mountain Judicial Circuit, draws a clear line between drug addicts and drug dealers.
“We believe there is a fundamental difference in the addict and the dealer,” he explained. “The addict, while they have to be responsible for their actions, can be helped with treatment. The dealer is making money off the misery of someone else.”
With that distinction, Rickman and his staff at the Mountain Judicial Circuit DA’s office are taking a new and creative approach to handling drug crimes.
The DA’s office has recently begun partnering with the Stephens County Anti-drug Coalition to match drug addicts who have been arrested for drug possession with qualified treatment programs. Part of the condition of that person’s bond is successfully completing the treatment program, Rickman said.
“Our philosophy is that with non-violent addicts, we want to find creative ways to use treatment rather than have them sit in the county jail. On the flip side, by freeing up resources that we would use on those cases, our time can be spent on taking it to the dealers,” he said.”
Good idea Toccoa! Any addict at least deserves one chance at treatment – whether they have abused heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine or prescription medication – Thanks for giving them a chance.

The Past

Narconon Success Story

Here is another Narconon Success Story. It is another victory over slavery and celebrated by this student with the same enthusiasm that many celebrated Martin Luther King’s birthday (which is obviously quite important.)

“I have faced my past and everything in it – my old friends and my old life style. The past is behind me and the future with its new friends and life style is in front of me. I cannot see my future if I am focused on the past.

I learned today that drugs are nothing but a repetitious cycle of damage. The end result is always the same with drugs.

I know I am powerful because I will not let drugs back into my life. I’m the only one who had control over my past and I’m the only one who has control over my future and my future can be anything I want it to be!”

Whether they arrive for addiction toheroin, pot, methamphetamine, cocaine or any other drug of abuse, the result is the same for those who honestly complete the Narconon drug treatment program - a new life. 877-413-3073

Drug Free


While the world is worried about financial stability, Narconon students remind us that many things in life don’t cost much at all, but are priceless. Here is another Narconon success story.

“I can find just about anything these days. Since beingdrug free I find that working out, eating well, sleeping well and being positive are all the things that touch me the right way.

In the present, being drug free allows me to live life the way I want to live it. I have also made up my mind to let go of the past and live in the present. I decide what I do and don’t do because I am empowered to do so. I have faith that being drug free will allow good things to happen. The program will give me the skills to deal with the bad and let go of it when the time is right. I make up my mind and have faith that it is going to work out because my mind and body are working the way that they are supposed to.

I have now confronted the damage drugs have done, gotten better and taken control.”

The wins are there – whether a person has abused pot, alcohol or methamphetamine, there is a new life waiting for those who want it. Narconon is the New Life Program. 877-413-3073.

Say No


Here is the success of a Narconon student who has learned how to say NO to drugs and yes to success.

“Just because you find drugs doesn’t mean you have to do them. I was at the movies on Monday and some dude came up to me and asked if I would give him money in exchange for some drugs so he could get home. I told him to get away from me and that I didn’t do that shit. Drugs found me and I chose to not touch them because I have let go of that life style and those cravings of artificial pleasures.

I am empowered and in the present. I apply strength, intention and commitment to a healthy life style that bears way more fruit than drugs ever did or could. By making up my mind just because I am around drugs doesn’t mean I have to do them anymore. In fact, I don’t want to do them. They disgust me and so do people who are on them.

I found Narconon, I made up my mind to embrace it and because of that I have let go of a drug infested and negative life style. I have moved into a healthy and positive drug free present.”

Whether they came here on heroin, Oxycontin, methamphetamine, cocaine or pot, our students are saying NO drugs and YES to happiness and success.

Narconon is the New Life Program. 877-413-3073

Monday, January 19, 2009



At Narconon we frequently meet individuals who are addicted to Oxycontin. This drug can affect anyone from any strata of life. There are stories of people who took Oxycontin for a simple sports injury or after a surgery and became hopelessly addicted. Some got it from a friend just for fun, but were addicted after that first pill.

Oxycontin can take a person from the path of a normal life to another path – one that is ruthlessly led by addiction.

It is unfortunate that this drug was ever created - but it was and many good people are addicted. The recent criminal conviction of key executives of Purdue pharmaceutical does not seem to have stopped or slowed down the number of persons that we speak to that are addicted to Oxycontin.

It is going to take the friends and families and effective drug treatment to do something effective about Oxycontin. We have to roll our sleeves up and one by one, get these people some help.

At Narconon we have helped many overcome their Oxycontin addiction and they are now living a drug free and happy life. 877-413-3073

Prescription Medication


If you work in the field of drug treatment long enough, you come to realize that the problem of drug addiction and abuse goes far beyond illegal drug abuse. It includes prescription drug abuse and sometimes just prescription drug use – just as it is prescribed.

Recently drug manufacturer, Eli Lilly, settled $1.42 billion in a Zyprexa suit.

The company pled guilty to criminal conduct for pushing lethal psychiatric drugs on children and elderly. The company paid the largest fine in Department of Justice history.

The video below explains.

Whether it’s abuse of heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, pot or prescription medication such as Oxycontin or Xanax – Narconon is the New Life Program for all who reach for it.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Ruining my life


I have realized that I enjoy an endless amount of freedom. I am seeing through, that it can get me in trouble. Today I was tossing a bottle up and then catching it. The last time I did it, I missed the catch and the bottle fell to the floor and smashed. This happened even though I had dropped it several times before without it breaking. This relates to my drug use because I have been caught several times using or having drugs, yet, I still used drugs. It seems to me that I like to push things to the limit even though I knew the consequences. I am the type who likes to experience things on my own, first hand. With my drug use, I was told what was going to happen, but I still had to experience it myself.

When I broke the bottle, I saw what my drug use had done to my life and how it destroyed my body, friendships and relationships with my family.

The difference between the bottle and my life is that I know that I can repair all of the negative that I have caused. Secondly, I realized that by choosing to come to rehab I have chosen to get rid of my addiction

I see more clearly now that the mind crushing and body destroying addiction that I let rule my life for so long is never going to enter my life again.

The teachings here have shown me that it I hold full intention that I am going to keep my sobriety forever!

This is just a sample of a daily win from someone who came to us abusing heroin. Whatever drug a person has been abusing - methamphetamine, cocaine, pot or oxycontin- the road from Narconon leads to the same place – to a drug free and happy life.


Thursday, January 15, 2009


Here is another Narconon success story – one of many that we will have today.

“I have the ability to think my decision through before I act and to see if it’s the right or correct action to take. Most of my life I acted without weighing the consequences and I was a very non-reflective person. I could not process the thoughts to make a decision or to think things through. My whole life was act and react on first thought or impulse. Today, I don’t have to do this. I can think things though, weigh out my pros and cons and decide how I want to act or react.

I have the ability to make things easy or difficult in my life. I chose to make things difficult for myself when there was a better way to live or handle situations. I always chose the most negative or difficult way to do something.

I can choose now how easy or difficult I make things for myself.”

Anyone can learn to make better decisions. There is a New Life available for anyone. Whether they have been abusing heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine or Oxycontin a new life is waiting for them if they want it.



Friday, January 9, 2009

Risky Behaviors

This article shows that we CAN have a positive influence on our teens, despite the negative and dangerous messages that come at them everyday through the internet and television. According to this article in Join Together:

“Researchers say that half of teen MySpace sites include references to sex, drug use, or other high-risk behavior, with 41 percent of sites studied featuring drug-related information, Reuters reported Jan. 6.

In one study, researcher Dimitri Christakis of Seattle Children's Research Institute and Megan Moreno of the University of Wisconsin looked at randomly chosen profiles of 18-year-olds on the social-networking site MySpace and found that 54 percent of profiles available to the public showed information regarding high risk behavior.

The researchers sent messages to 95 adults ages 18 to 20 whose profiles showed risky behavior, warning them of the risks of sharing such information on the internet and providing a link to a website with information about sexually transmitted diseases. A second study found that many of the subjects subsequently removed references to sex and substance abuse or limited viewing privileges on their profiles.”

The good news is that some teens responded to warnings about sharing certain information on the web and removed the references to sex and substance abuse from their sites.

The point is that no one was sending these teens the positive message they needed – when they got it, there was response.

We can’t let our kids continue to play in the middle of the information highway where they can be hit from any side by deadly information without at least a few crossing guards to help them to safety.

Narconon can help with drug education. There is a lot of drug talk on the web and kids can get into trouble. We talk straight and we talk truth. 877-413-3073


Being Negative

Here is another success story from today. It is from a Narconon student and it represents a life saved.

“I realize when I choose people or things I like, it makes my happy. Whenever I think of anything bad, my mood drops. I don’t even have to say it out loud and the negativity has a bad effect on me. I don’t even have to say it out loud and the negativity has a bad effect on me. The same happens when I permit good things or people to remain in place. I also feel much better when I dispense with bad things or situations.

I have to make the conscious decision to have good things and people so I remain happy and sober as well as dispense with the bad to keep my sobriety and happiness also.

After naming objects that I could have I realized that certain things that I can have open doors to other wonderful things. Having this program allows me to have my sobriety and happiness. Having my education allows me to have a good career and have a successful life. Once I obtain certain larger things in my life. I also gain a plethora of other good things. Setting large goals gives me the determination to get them and have all of the ripple effects. I also gain a plethora of other good things. Setting large goals gives me the determination to get them and have all of the ripple effects as well.

The staff of Narconon endeavor to help anyone move from drug addiction to these wins. We just need to find the people who need and want the chance at a new life.



Friday, January 2, 2009

Coming to a realization

I know that I could have, let things stay in place, or dispense of anything in the room or in my life. I realized when I choose people or things I like to have I am happy. Whenever I think of anything bad I my mood drops. I don't even have to say it out loud and the negativity has a bad effect on me. The same happens when I permit good things or people to remain in place. I also feel much better when I dispense of bad people around me as well as bad things such as cigarettes. I know I have the power to do all 3 things to anything but I have to make the concsious decision to have good things and people so I remain happy and sober as well as dispense the bad to keep my soberity and happiness also.

After naming objects that I could have, I realized that certain things that I can have open doors to other wonderful things. Having this program allows me to have my soberity and happiness. Having my education allows me to have a good career and have a successful life. I also gain a plethera of other good things. Setting large goals gives me the determination to get them and have all of the ripple effects as well.