Friday, March 27, 2009

Narconon Successes

Case studies, evaluations, outcome reports, as well as Narconon internal monitoring of post-program results continue to show dramatic reduction in drug relapse and/or criminal recidivism.

Arizona Correctional Authority Report (Staff report, August 13, 1972, on the first Narconon program) 75% of Narconon students drug-free one year after release.

California Dept. of Corrections Report (L.A. Bennett, Ph. D., June 14, 1974) 70% crime-free one year after release.

California Institute for Women Report (D.R. Jaman, July 15, 974) 78% drug-free

six months - one year after release.

Rikers Island Institute for Men, New York (Internal Report by E. Reiner, July 3, 1974) 73% of Narconon students release from prison remained drug-free on parole.

Narconon Boston Case Study with COntrol (C.H. Washburn, M.D., June 30, 1975) 91% of Narconon case study group reported drug-free 10 months post program, compared to 0% of the control group drug-free.

Delaware Correctional Center Case Study with Control (Narconon Delaware internal report, 1975) 70% with no re-arrest six months to one year after release, compared to 35.6% of controls.

Narconon Stockholm, Sweden, External Case Study without Control (P. Gerdman, May 1981) 78.6% of study group graduates were drug-free four years post-program.

Narconon Los Molinos, Spain. External Study without control group (Spanish Association for Social Improvement, 1985) 78.4% of program graduates drug-free one year later.

Also, although 62.2% of Narconon enrollees reported committing crimes before program, 0% reported criminal offenses after graduation.

"Internal Program Evaluation of Narconon of Oklahoma Results" (SL Beckmann, Ph.D.) Paper presented to Second International conference on Human Detoxification, Stockholm, Sweden, 1997) Two years post-program completion compared to prior-to-program, 86% drop in participation in illegal activities, 99% drop in length of last incarceration, 97% drop in average days incarcerated in last 30 days.

"Analysis of Results in Ensenada State Prison" The Second Chance Program (licensed by Narconon), Ensenada, Mexico (HG. Garcia, Autonomous University of Baja California, 2001) Of the 1,682 inmates who did the Narconon program inside the prison, only 9.51% recidivated to prison within 1 to 5 years of release.

"Intermediate Sanctions for Juvenile Offenders" Utah Fourth District Juvenile Court (MR Phillips, MPA; MA Cecchini, MS; JH Wolfe, MS; Robert Graves, presented to the Conference of Western Attorneys General, Maui, Aug 2005) 100 of the first youths enrolled in this court-ordered program had committed 1,100 misdemeanor or felony offenses within 2 years prior to the Narconon out-patient program, delivered in collaboration with the Court Administration. 63.5% were found to have been totally crime free for two years following the program, compared to 30.1% of a comparison group (Utah juveniles who had done a different court-ordered program).

Summary Analysis on Narconon Arrowhead Routine Outcome Monitoring "6 Month Outcome Results - May 2006" Presentation of this data along with new routine outcome monitoring system to JMATE Conference [Joint Meeting on Adolescent Treatment Effectiveness], Baltimore MD, March 2006 80% of graduates surveyed for three month period: 87.3% drug and alcohol free last 30 days 76.9% regularly employed or in school full-time.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Here is a success story from someone who was in an executive position and is figuring out what went wrong there. The road to success and freedom from drugs involves self examination. The Narconon drug treatment program helps a person examine themselves in a manner where they can learn from their mistakes without feeling awful about them.

Whether a person has abused methamphetamine, heroin, pot or cocaine – the path towards self examination MUST be walked for that person to remain drug free

. Here is a realization for the day:

“True leadership is not a part time game. Leadership is a full time job and one’s character has to be in place at all times.

When I came to work as a leader in the day and ran out to the drug world at night, this was truly the opposite of leadership. In fact, it was cowardly and arrogant

I am very appreciative that I’m given this time with all the patient people here. Thank you for allowing me to stop the clock a moment and learn about me.”

Narconon – New Life Program 877-413-3073




Here is a Narconon success story of someone on the road to truth and freedom from addiction. Though not always easily traveled, the destination is more than most could ever dream of. Whether a person has abused

methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine or cocaine, the Narconon road leads out of misery and suffering and into a new life.

“I am aware that I can be in control of me, but I’ve never done it in the way I need to – which is to leave the drugs behind.

I can identify my problems, but in the past I could not find any solution. That is why I come everyday and do my work at Narconon. I am learning how to “think outside of the box” and be the problem solver. It is personally very rewarding.

I will continue to look for my solutions as I move through this program. Since I am enjoying this experience any drama around me doesn’t interest or affect me.

Time flies when you are enjoying what you are doing!”

Narconon is the New Life Program 877-413-3073

Full Recovery


Here is a Narconon success story. Part of achieving full recovery is facing one’s past and learning from it, so that a good future is at hand. Here is the success story of one person who is going through that process:

“Recently I felt a bit frustrated with the fact that I have traveled the world and been to places that most would love to go. I never really saw these places or interacted with them because I was in my zone of drug and alcohol – this was opportunity lost.

I also lost out on marvelous job, education, family friends and other life interactions because I only focused on my needs for drugs or alcohol. Therefore I only touched on real opportunities and I was superficial with very little interaction in order to protect my black box of drugs and alcohol.

All that being said, interaction with others and my environment in a truly honest and sincere way is a change I believe I need to make. I just need to learn how to make these changes and I am learning.”

Whether a person has abused

crack cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin or Oxycontin, the path from addiction to freedom includes self examination for the purpose of learning from the past. Narconon drug treatment has a 76% success rate.

Narconon is the New Life Program 877-413-3073

Monday, March 23, 2009

Realization about Problems




Here is a Narconon student success story. It is not always easy to face where one has been in the past – but it is the only way to ensure that the future can be bright. The Narconon drug treatment program helps students to learn from their mistakes without feeling bad. This does not come without effort, but the results are more than most of our students ever imagined possible. Here is the success story:

“Although I’m frustrated that some of my realizations seems to be negative and point out what I’ve done wrong, I’m happy in a strange way that I’ve made myself painfully aware of my actions and that they are truly NOW a positive reminder and new point of my learning process. It is solid support on how I DO NOT want to interact.

I will now remember it is OK and helpful. Also there are so many more things and people I truly want to connect to in depth. It is my choice and totally in my control.”

Whether a person has abused alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine cocaine or pot

, the road to recovery always involves learning why things went wrong and how to ensure that they go right from now on.

Narconon is the New Life Program 877-413-3073

Friday, March 20, 2009



Here is a success story that though short, is amazing in the scope of influence that it will likely have on the individual who wrote it.

“I have always dated or partnered in business with need individuals so that my imperfections and escape to the drug world would be accepted and protected. The problem with this was that these individuals were so needy, my needs could never be addressed. This fact would send me back out to get the drugs and keep me in the endless cycle.

From now on I must set up business and personal partnerships with the knowledge that everyone gives to each other and that everyone involved can have their needs discussed and addressed.

It is realizations like this that propel Narconon students towards happy and successful life. What happened today with this student at the Narconon program is likely to have an affect on his life will go from here on out.”

The Narconon

program is not superficial. It digs in to the core of the individual and brings out the very best knowledge and talent that is there.

Whether a person has been abusing cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine or pot Narconon the New Life Program can work for them, provided they really want to change the circumstances of their life. 877-413-3073




Here is one of many success stories of the day from a Narconon student who is learning about himself and life as he works towards a completely drug free life. A basic premise of the Narconon program is that stable recovery is achievable if one develops a personal and realistic sense of ethics and responsibility. This gentleman is well on his way to achieving this.

“There is great joy in working with my buddy because I can see the pleasure he is getting from helping me. I give him my trust and the communication between us is good. I am learning that by following his lead I am meeting his needs and he can reciprocate. Sincere concern for one generates sincere concern for the other.

Through my active drug use I now can see why others now and then are not really sincerely concerned with my life because it has been a one way relationship with me doing the talking. Real relationships have a two way give or take – mine have not been that way.

This is a small example of what I want in my life. I would these types of feelings between myself and my friends and my family when I leave here.”

Whether a person is using marijuana, cocaine, heroin, Oxycontin

or methamphetamine, a new life is waiting for them with the Narconon program.





Here is one of many success stories of the day from a Narconon student who is learning about himself and life as he works towards a completely drug free life. A basic premise of the Narconon program is that stable recovery is achievable if one develops a personal and realistic sense of ethics and responsibility. This gentleman is well on his way to achieving this.

“There is great joy in working with my buddy because I can see the pleasure he is getting from helping me. I give him my trust and the communication between us is good. I am learning that by following his lead I am meeting his needs and he can reciprocate. Sincere concern for one generates sincere concern for the other.

Through my active drug use I now can see why others now and then are not really sincerely concerned with my life because it has been a one way relationship with me doing the talking. Real relationships have a two way give or take – mine have not been that way.

This is a small example of what I want in my life. I would these types of feelings between myself and my friends and my family when I leave here.”

Whether a person is using marijuana, cocaine, heroin, Oxycontin

or methamphetamine, a new life is waiting for them with the Narconon program.





Here is another Narconon Success Story. As a student goes through the Narconon program he learns to face life and through this process there are realizations about life. Each realization about life is well earned.

“Being open to listening and following another is not enough. I found that when I drop humorous actions and am more sincere I am able to communicate better.

Not having openness and listening with sincerity in earnest; is I believe a characteristic I have when I’m an active addict.

Openness, listening and following with true sincerely is where I need to be to live a life that others would like to share. I also understand that because I always had “my agenda” (drug related)

that I always set a course to get where I wanted to be and although I heard, to a point, what others said, I never gave the communication a chance.

Listening and making myself truly open to another’s ideas, thoughts or feelings will hopefully reconnect me to people and a better way of life – one where I enjoy people.”

Life is more enjoyable with the Narconon New Life Program. Whether a person is abusing crack cocaine, heroin, pot, Oxycontin or methamphetamine the Narconon program brings them to the same point – A New Life.


Thursday, March 19, 2009



Well done to those parents who know that they have the most influence on their children when it comes to prevention of drug and alcohol abuse.

There are many voices in the ear of youth today through the internet, television and in the school yard – but the one that is most comforting and influential is that of a parent.

We need to keep bringing home the fact to parents that they are the best part of any drug or alcohol prevention program. It seems to be working and they are making a difference.

See the study below:

“Parents are being more effective when they talk to their children about the risks of drug use, according to a new report from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA).

The Associated Press reported Feb. 26 that the 2008 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study found that 37 percent of teens surveyed said they had "learned a lot" from discussions with their parents about drugs, up from 32 percent in 2007 and the first time the measure has noticeably improved since the study began 20 years ago.

"Parents are talking, and what you see in the study, particularly among the girls, is the willingness of kids to listen. They're more open to talking about the drug issue than kids in the past," said PDFA President and CEO Steve Pasierb.

Pasierb said that past research indicates that kids who say they benefited from drug discussions with their parents are 50-percent less likely to use drugs.

The survey also found that 33 percent of teens surveyed reported using marijuana, down from 37 percent in 2005, with past-month marijuana use down 30 percent since 1998.

Parents were most likely to discuss alcohol and marijuana use with their kids than other drugs -- more than three-quarters did so -- while only one in four teens surveyed said their parents had talked to them about prescription-drug misuse. "Parents don't think it's a problem and they think it's safer than illicit street drugs," said Pasierb.”


provides educational materials and effective drug and alcohol treatment.





This Narconon success story is from a student who had abused drugs and alcohol. He is working through things as he moves towards and drug and alcohol free life. It is not always easy, but graduates report that the Narconon program far exceeds their expectations.

“I realized that some things take longer to change than others. While I am changing something there can be difficulties and other problems that arise that I will have to address. Some of the most important changes I have to make will be the hardest. I will have to push through and do what I have to do whether I lose friends along the way or not.

Life is a long journey. There will be a lot of changes, trials and tribulations.

On the other hand there will be a lot of triumphs and victories along the way as well. It is just not about the final destination. The journey along the way, with all of the wins, losses, relationships and many changes are what make the final destination worth it.

I have to live in the moment, take things as they come and remember that everything that comes to me, comes for a reason.

I am ready to embrace it all with a smile on my face.”

The Narconon program can teach anyone how to embrace life –whether one has abused alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine or heroin, the journey through life can be a good one for those who participate in the Narconon program.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Oxycontin Addiction


For 6 years “hillbilly heroin” has lured new users with promises of euphoria and “low risk” hype.  Thousands fell into the snare and are now entrapped in OxyContin addiction.

OxyContin, like all opiates, can become overwhelmingly addictive because the body quickly builds up a tolerance.  Many who thought they were decreasing their chances of addiction with time release OxyContin are at the opposite end of their expectations and in the throes of addiction.

Narconon has helped many walk out of the road of Oxycontin addiction. Our 76%success rate is based on two year follow up.


Standing up for myself


This success story is written by a student who arrived to Narconon with a drinking and drug abuse problem. As a student moves through the Narconon

program they being to develop a sense of strength and ethics through realizations about self that occur as a result of moving through the program.

“I used to listen to what I was told and didn’t argue even if it wasn’t good for me. I now have the ability to stand up for myself and do what is right for me. I am much stronger and much more capable to stand up for me and change my situation is something is not right or someone is trying to suppress me.

I realize that some things take longer to change than others. Some of the most important changes I have to make will be the hardest. I will have to push through and do what I have to do, whether I lose friends along the way or not.

Before Narconon I was smothered and held captive by addiction. I was moving in circles and not progressing anywhere.

Life after Narconon represents freedom from addiction and freedom from my old life. Freedom is within my reach and I just have to take it.”

Freedom is available to anyone who wants it and willing to work the Narconon drug treatment program. 877-413-3073

Alcohol Success


Here is a success story from a student who has been an alcoholic for years. After participating in countless drinking problems and having several arrests, he had literally given up until recently. Being well into the Narconon program, he has hope. Though there is still more program for him to do, he is likely to be part of the 76% of those who successfully complete the Narconon

drug and alcohol treatment program and remain drug free.

“You might learn in life what’s wrong or right by doing both and finding out what’s the best.

Because we are all going to make mistakes we sometimes have to hit rock bottom to find out we are going the wrong way.

Sometimes it’s just a part of being human and going the wrong way for so long it’s kind of hard to go in the right direction.

I have started to go in the right direction and it all seems to have gotten better.”

Narconon drug and alcohol treatment is the New Life Program. Sobriety is achievable by developing and practicing a sense of personal ethics.

877 – 413-3073

Help the Women


Perhaps it is more difficult for a doctor to diagnose a woman’s drinking problem than a man’s, but any family with an alcoholic female certainly knows that there is a problem, whether it is diagnosed or not.

Attention and studies should be devoted to development of programs to help families learn how to approach a female drinker and where to send them for effective treatment. An official diagnosis isn’t needed when the lady of the house is stumbling about and causing difficulty for the family.

Narconon will help to guide family members through an intervention for the female drinker and help direct them towards appropriate alcohol and drug treatment. Most of these women have successfully raised their children and cared for the home. It’s their turn to get some proper attention.


n 877-413-3073

Here is the study from Join Together

Women with alcohol problems may be under-diagnosed because their symptoms can differ from men's, a new study suggests.

Health Behavior News Service reported April 23 that researcher Penny Nichol and colleagues from the University of Minnesota noted that while men and women share some symptoms of nondependent drinking problems, men are more likely to engage in binge drinking and violence -- behaviors more likely to raise red flags among clinicians.

Researchers looked at pairs of twins who were mostly white, middle-ages and married, focusing on 105 symptoms commonly associated with alcohol use. Nichols and colleagues suggested that the gender differences in symptoms may mean that a separate, female-oriented measure may be needed to detect drinking problems among women. The researchers noted, for example, that some female symptoms of problem drinking, like feelings of guilt and depression, are not even included in standard medical texts.

The research appears in the May 2007 issue of the journal

Friday, March 13, 2009



Over the last several months the intake counselors at Narconon of Georgia have noticed an increase in the number of calls for Oxycontin abuse. Some of these abusers have gotten their Oxycontin through doctor shopping or have bought the pills off the street.

Local law enforcement reports that there are more Oxycontin related arrests and a noticeable increase in Oxycontin abuse, especially over the last 6 months. Most of the Oxycontin tablets are initially legally obtained through a prescription, but later sold on the street for 10 to 50 dollars a tablet, depending on the dosage and some people are addicted to their own prescriptions. Robberies of pharmacies are yet another source Oxycontin sales.

Regardless of where an addict gets their Oxycontin, it is a dangerous drug. The time release nature of it makes it especially dangerous (often deadly) to snort or shoot up. Oxycontin is very addictive

– a person gets addicted quickly. At the same time the withdrawal is extremely uncomfortable, often unconfrontable.

There has been a lot of press on Oxycontin especially concentrating on the fraudulent sales practices of Purdue. The Purdue lawsuits surfaced in 2007 and here in 2009 we are still seeing an increase in Oxycontin abuse.

It is obviously up to families, communities and drug treatment programs to effectively deal with Oxycontin abuse.

If you know someone who is addicted to Oxycontin, get them effective drug treatment. Narconon has a 76% success rate. If you have a bad Oxycontin abuse problem in your neighborhood, call Narconon of Georgia at 877-413-3073 and we will get you some educational materials.

The wrong thing to do is sit back and watch without doing anything.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pharm Parties



Sadly, the mother of Aaron Mason is on the wrong side of drug education and prevention-she learned too late about the dangers of prescription drugs and lost her son.

Now her voice is amongst the growing number of concerned citizens that are sounding the alarm - prescription medications are making their way from the medicine cabinet into the school yard. Traveling far from their designated recipient Xanax, morphine, Valium, Percocet and Oxycontin are taken from the family medicine cabinet and brought to school, passed around and often ingested right on the school grounds.

Often these drugs are the theme of “pharm” parties, where the “party goers” are too bleary eyed and doped up to have a good time.

Parents should suspect that their children are being exposed to these drugs in one way or another – even if they are just aware of the fact that they are at school. It is something that must be brought up around the dinner table, because if kids don’t learn the truth about drugs at home, they are going to learn the lies about drugs at school.

If parents find any pharmaceutical drugs they should immediately suspect that there is probably already some element of addiction and get their kid some help- fast. These drugs are dangerous and addictive and are nothing to play around with.

If you need to know the signs of drug abuse

or what to do with someone you know is already abusing drugs, then call Narconon. We will send you a free brochure on the signs of drug abuse and help educate you on drug rehab.

Narconon – The New Life Program 877-413-3073

Binge Drinking 2


We need the next generation to prepare itself for leadership by gaining knowledge through study. This is a little harder to do with an impaired mind. In other words, we don’t need binge drinking in high school and college.

Apparently, according to research, binge drinkers suffer from memory impairment and possible physical harm to their still forming brains.

There are other obvious possible distractions to the binge drinker such as car accidents, DUIs and arrests – not helpful in preparing for the future or studying for exams.

Alcohol has always been around campuses – however it seemed like the majority of the students had enough sense to not ruin their lives through binge drinking and it was the minority that wasn’t really expected to set the world on fire anyway. With the recent “wizard stick” parties being promoted on the internet, we cannot assume that this is now the case. Someone needs to take heed and provide drug and alcohol education and enlighten these kids in a way that communicates.

If you need drug education brochures, we will provide them for you. If you know someone who is binge drinking they need help. Call us and we will help you get them help. We can help with interventions too.

Narconon is the new life program 770-262-4709




Being addicted to drugs is misery. Finding treatment can seem impossible or confusing. There are as many theories about addiction as there are rehabs and those looking for answers are already stressed.

A recent survey showed that 9.2 percent of all Americans fall under the category of abusers of alcohol or drugs – yet just 1.6 percent of the population received any kind of treatment for addiction. 1/3 of those reported that they tried to get treatment but could not.

Certainly, with all the resources this country has to offer, we can do better job of helping those addicted.

It starts with learning the truth about drugs – why people take them and how addiction works. Then one can understand what kind of treatment will work, based on understanding.

Don’t rely on the “experts”. Gain understanding and think for yourself.

Learn about drugs and treatment that works at

Let us know if you are one of those who tried to get treatment and couldn’t.

Friday, March 6, 2009




The study from Ireland that finds that children with a higher intelligence are more likely to have drinking problems later is interesting, but there are a lot of questions that are not answered, at least by the summary of the study.

Are intelligent people generally not challenged enough academically to keep them mentally occupied?

Are intelligent people unable to deal with the realities of a harsh world that perhaps they see more clearly because of their intelligence?

Is it a liability in this world to be intelligent and some advantage to “dumbing down” (as obviously occurs with alcohol)?

Perhaps the most important question is – How smart is someone really if they insist on over indulging in alcohol?

Sometimes, no matter how “smart” they are, people who drink too much cannot think for themselves and need some help.

If you know someone who abuses

alcohol, call Narconon for a 76% success rate.


Baby Boomers



The fastest growing group to enter drug rehab is the group in their early 50s – the baby boomers. We need to recognize who they are and service them accordingly. They usually have little in common with more elderly clients and don’t want to be around kids. They are a group onto themselves.

These baby boomers most likely attended Rolling Stone and Grateful Dead concerts before these guys turned gray themselves. Many remember the days when there was talk of peace and love over a joint and they were the first generation of pot smoking politicians. This generation safely brought us into the new high tech century, still maintaining their individuality in a world where computer screens have replaced faces.

These “young old” need help in addressing substance abuse problems on their own terms. Most struggle with alcohol and prescription addiction, but unlike addicts older than them, many have problems with marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine.

Experts predict that by 2020 there will be 4.4 million older people in the US with a substance abuse problem.

As this group is growing and will continue to, as providers we must be prepared to service them. Some facilities have already started to only accept persons age 55 and older. Others are not even aware of the baby boomers because they are servicing a younger crowd and the baby boomers won’t be coming around.

At Narconon, while we service all ages, we provide the opportunity to live and associate with those who are similar in age and interests while doing the program.

The baby boomers can remain the free thinking and independent group that they have always been.

Call Narconon

of Georgia if you know someone who needs our services.

We are the new life program.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pharm Parties


According to USA Today “Spending on direct-to consumer advertising of prescription drugs continues to rise, but a new study suggests it might not always be a wise investment.” The article goes on to explain that the 4.24 billion dollars that the pharmaceutical companies spent in 2005 on advertising might not have resulted in an increase in sales of pharmaceuticals from those advertisements. Well, all that marketing has resulted in something.

Regardless of what the study shows on sales trends, it is a fact that since direct to consumer advertising of drugs has increased, so has the abuse of pharmaceuticals. The numbers of deaths from prescription medication, whether it was obtained illegally or illegally has been on the rise. Kids have learned enough about pharmaceutical medication to have “pharm parties” and many have learned to buy Xanax online.

We don’t know for sure that TV ads are the cause of these increases, but what else could it be? The voice of pharmaceutical advantage seems to be much louder and more clear that the voice of drug abuse prevention.

Someone is talking to our kids about prescription medication. Prescription drug abuse

can be deadly.

Regardless of who is talking to our kids, we need to have the last word.

Keep your kids safe.

If someone you know is abusing prescription medication then call 877-413-3073.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No Fun


Someone needs to get the message across to kids that a life with alcohol can become a life that is really no fun. While there is no lack of communication about the virtues of alcohol, including the example set by adults, there is a dearth of information that contradicts the extolled virtues of drinking.

Even the reasoning voice of a parent can be droned out by magazine ads and television promoting the youthfulness and fun of alcohol. No one in these ads looks the least bit compromised by the alcohol – in fact it appears alcohol makes them gorgeous and confident. No one is stumbling about.

We need a third party communication that kids will accept that teaches them the real dangers of alcohol.


drug education is that. It is interactive and kids like it. They learn through communication, not being lectured at.

Call us if you need more information.

If someone you know got the message too late and has a drinking problem, call us at 877-413-3073. We are the New Life Program and we have a 76% success rate.

Drugs and Jail


According to a recent article in Join Together

“Half of all prison inmates are dependent on drugs -- including many incarcerated on non drug-related offenses -- but less than 20 percent get the treatment they need, according to a new report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

"Addiction is a stigmatized disease that the criminal justice system often fails to view as a medical condition; as a consequence, its treatment is not as available as it is for other medical conditions," said Redonna K. Chandler, principal author of the report and chief of NIDA's Services Research Branch.

NIDA researchers stressed that the criminal-justice system is ideal for getting people into treatment and applying pressure to complete therapy. They noted that a dollar spent on drug courts, for example, saves $4 in healthcare costs, while a dollar spent on prison-based treatment saves $2-$6.”

It is true that we need to face the fact that most people are in prison

because of drug abuse and the issue should be addressed when there is plenty of time in prison.

However, we need to ensure that as people leave prison they have a supportive drug treatment program to report to upon entering back into real life. This is the time when they will be tempted to hook back up with their old friends and pick up old habits, knowing little else.

Through an effective treatment program they will learn that there is more to life than drugs and in fact, anyone can turn their life around given the proper guidance, tools and desire.

Narconon has worked with several persons who had recently gotten out of prison or jail for drugs with a high percentage of success and little recidivism. 877-413-3073