Friday, March 20, 2009




Here is one of many success stories of the day from a Narconon student who is learning about himself and life as he works towards a completely drug free life. A basic premise of the Narconon program is that stable recovery is achievable if one develops a personal and realistic sense of ethics and responsibility. This gentleman is well on his way to achieving this.

“There is great joy in working with my buddy because I can see the pleasure he is getting from helping me. I give him my trust and the communication between us is good. I am learning that by following his lead I am meeting his needs and he can reciprocate. Sincere concern for one generates sincere concern for the other.

Through my active drug use I now can see why others now and then are not really sincerely concerned with my life because it has been a one way relationship with me doing the talking. Real relationships have a two way give or take – mine have not been that way.

This is a small example of what I want in my life. I would these types of feelings between myself and my friends and my family when I leave here.”

Whether a person is using marijuana, cocaine, heroin, Oxycontin

or methamphetamine, a new life is waiting for them with the Narconon program.


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