Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Full Recovery


Here is a Narconon success story. Part of achieving full recovery is facing one’s past and learning from it, so that a good future is at hand. Here is the success story of one person who is going through that process:

“Recently I felt a bit frustrated with the fact that I have traveled the world and been to places that most would love to go. I never really saw these places or interacted with them because I was in my zone of drug and alcohol – this was opportunity lost.

I also lost out on marvelous job, education, family friends and other life interactions because I only focused on my needs for drugs or alcohol. Therefore I only touched on real opportunities and I was superficial with very little interaction in order to protect my black box of drugs and alcohol.

All that being said, interaction with others and my environment in a truly honest and sincere way is a change I believe I need to make. I just need to learn how to make these changes and I am learning.”

Whether a person has abused

crack cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin or Oxycontin, the path from addiction to freedom includes self examination for the purpose of learning from the past. Narconon drug treatment has a 76% success rate.

Narconon is the New Life Program 877-413-3073

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