This success story is written by a student who arrived to Narconon with a drinking and drug abuse problem. As a student moves through the Narconon
program they being to develop a sense of strength and ethics through realizations about self that occur as a result of moving through the program.
“I used to listen to what I was told and didn’t argue even if it wasn’t good for me. I now have the ability to stand up for myself and do what is right for me. I am much stronger and much more capable to stand up for me and change my situation is something is not right or someone is trying to suppress me.
I realize that some things take longer to change than others. Some of the most important changes I have to make will be the hardest. I will have to push through and do what I have to do, whether I lose friends along the way or not.
Before Narconon I was smothered and held captive by addiction. I was moving in circles and not progressing anywhere.
Life after Narconon represents freedom from addiction and freedom from my old life. Freedom is within my reach and I just have to take it.”
Freedom is available to anyone who wants it and willing to work the Narconon drug treatment program. 877-413-3073
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