Friday, March 13, 2009



Over the last several months the intake counselors at Narconon of Georgia have noticed an increase in the number of calls for Oxycontin abuse. Some of these abusers have gotten their Oxycontin through doctor shopping or have bought the pills off the street.

Local law enforcement reports that there are more Oxycontin related arrests and a noticeable increase in Oxycontin abuse, especially over the last 6 months. Most of the Oxycontin tablets are initially legally obtained through a prescription, but later sold on the street for 10 to 50 dollars a tablet, depending on the dosage and some people are addicted to their own prescriptions. Robberies of pharmacies are yet another source Oxycontin sales.

Regardless of where an addict gets their Oxycontin, it is a dangerous drug. The time release nature of it makes it especially dangerous (often deadly) to snort or shoot up. Oxycontin is very addictive

– a person gets addicted quickly. At the same time the withdrawal is extremely uncomfortable, often unconfrontable.

There has been a lot of press on Oxycontin especially concentrating on the fraudulent sales practices of Purdue. The Purdue lawsuits surfaced in 2007 and here in 2009 we are still seeing an increase in Oxycontin abuse.

It is obviously up to families, communities and drug treatment programs to effectively deal with Oxycontin abuse.

If you know someone who is addicted to Oxycontin, get them effective drug treatment. Narconon has a 76% success rate. If you have a bad Oxycontin abuse problem in your neighborhood, call Narconon of Georgia at 877-413-3073 and we will get you some educational materials.

The wrong thing to do is sit back and watch without doing anything.

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