Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Online prescription sales among teenagers


What chance do our youth have when they are bombarded with TV ads for pharmaceuticals and tempted by easy access to drugs on the web? Many youth can easily buy Xanax in the school yard while others surf the web to learn about heroin or simple ways to make methamphetamine. Teenage years are already difficult. It is asking a lot for our teens to make it safely through the pharmaceutical gauntlet as they travel their most difficult years.

We must step up our efforts at drug education, but what about those youth who have fallen into the trap of abuse and have already gotten in trouble with the law? What are we to do with them? We are after all, as a society, responsible for the temptations that we are allowing at every hand.

Apparently, most Americans recognize this responsibility and are willing to do something about it.

A recent survey shows that most U.S. taxpayers feel that youth offenders can be rehabilitated and that failing to do so is giving up on their future.

70 percent of Americans surveyed view imprisoning young offenders without rehabilitation negatively. 90 percent believe that young offenders can change if given the chance.

Another survey found that Americans are willing to pay more in taxes in order to rehabilitate our youth.

Jonathan Fanton, president of the John D. and Catherine T. Foundation (which funded the survey) state “The public understands that youth in trouble with the law are not lost, and that working with them to solve problems is a better approach to public safety than just locking them up.”

Learn where your candidates stand on this issue and let them know where you stand at election time.

Please do your part by providing effective drug education to your family and social groups. If you need materials, we will provide them for you.

If you know someone who has already become addicted we can help them too, with our effective drug rehabilitation program.

We are Narconon

– The New Life Program.

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