Thursday, February 26, 2009



Here is a recent success story. It shows that life is not perfect, but we can all be moving towards a better place:

“Every day I feel better than I’ve ever felt! I get a little sad sometimes, but I get over it quicker than I used to.

I can see a change in me and I want to continue to help myself. I also want to help others so they can feel as good as I feel.

I am finally making my mom, dad and girlfriend happy. No one really knows how happy this makes me! I finally realize what I am doing for myself and how my life is changing for the GOOD!”

At Narconon we would like to see anyone who needs help have successes like this. Whether a person is using heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine or Oxycontin – the suffering really can be over. With Narconon drug treatment, anyone can have a new life.




This success story was written a month ago by a person who was graduating from the program.. We just received a visit from him and he is doing fantastic and attributes his success to the Narconon drug treatment program. Here is his success:

“Narconon is one of the greatest things to ever come into my life. I was paralyzed in a cycle of alcohol and drug abuse as I helpless watched everyone and everything I cherished suffer the emotional and financial backlash of my destructive behavior. I was at the pivotal point of death or redemption. I chose the latter.

Narconon differs drastically from any other program available for several reasons – one, your are given the tools to confront your addiction. Two- you come to understand why you drank, or used. Three, you learn how to detect urges or situations that endanger your sobriety and how to handle them appropriately and four, you come to a person understanding of drugs as poisons that only destroy and kill, which leads you to an intrinsic devotion to abstinence.

Every other program I have ever been through simply pulls you out of society hoping you get used to not using and this never worked for me.

Narconon has helped me take back control of m life, embrace positive change, confront my past and my addiction and has empowered me with the skills and knowledge to live a happy, meaningful, successful and sober life.”

Success stories like this pour out every day from Narconon. Whether a person has been abusing cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine or pot Narconon drug treatment can work for them. Narconon is the New Life Program.




Here is another Narconon drug treatment success story that represents for this person one more step on the way to a drug free life.

“I have had a hard time with my acceptance of people and things around me and when situations would arise I would tend to hold onto feelings and hold a grudge. These things would even hold me back sometimes on my program, but today, I can let things go and if I can’t deal with a certain situation then I have to let it go for the benefit of me and my program.

I have come to terms with a lot of things that have happened to me in my past and a lot of that I have accepted and let go of because holding onto that hurts all aspects of my life.

I can decide what I interact with. I have learned that I can take responsibility for situations, learn from them and move on.”

This student had been a very bad heroin addict and now he is completely clean. However, whether a person has been abusing methamphetamine, cocaine, Oxycontin or marijuana- the steps of the Narconon program lead to a good place, a better place – a New Life. 877-413-3073



Here is another Narconon success story. Each step of the Narconon drug treatment program unfolds a new realization and another step towards full recovery from drug addiction.

“I had a huge realization today. I use an inhaler on a daily basis and after three years of smoking crack, inhaling, holding it in and then blowing it out I realized that my inhaler would remind me of getting high.

Anyway, I guess probably for the first month and ½ , every time I would use my inhaler it was the same thing – being reminded of smoking the pipe.

Finally I am out of the habit of doing that and I owe it all to Narconon and the most amazing supervisors.”

After three months of being at Narconon, my life has definitely changed for the better. I have never felt better in my life.

It is not unusual for our students to realize the day to day things that contributed to their past drug use. Just realizing what these things are can weaken the power they have over the individual.

Whether a person is using crack cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin or Oxycontin, Narconon is the New Life Program that will lead them to a new life. 877-413-3073

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Here is another Narconon success story from someone who earlier, had been addicted to heroin. Now he is getting past his addiction through the Narconon

drug treatment program.

“This course has helped me deal with my past and think about my future. It has made me realize that before I was here, my life was dull boring and monotonous.

This program has helped my future develop into an exciting, colorful and opportunity filled adventure. I am no longer stuck in between my past and my future and I can move onto the rest of my life. I am full of potential and have the world at my feel. It is well within my grasp and I am ready to take hold of it and run.

I can handle the insanity that the rest of the world is going to throw at me. This course has prepared me for dealing with the rest of the population.

I feel better now than I have in a long time and it only continues to get better.

I love it. I feel phenomenal.”

This success story was written by someone who had been addicted to heroin. However, whether a person is addicted to cocaine, methamphetamine, pot or Oxycontin, the Narconon program results are the same – a new life for those who honestly do the program. 877-413-3073



This recent Narconon success story is an example how each step of the program brings a person closer to being in control. Each success is one step on the way to freedom from the control of drugs.

“In the past I just reacted. Now I am learning that I need to think about how I am going to approach things and what is the right course to take so good things come into my life. For example, I dearly want to hold onto my sobriety and I need to be aware of how I can do that through what I learn in the program.

There are many things in my life that are constantly moving and changing. For so many years I held my addiction in place and there was no movement or changes in my life. Today I can hold my addiction at bay and choose not to act on my urges.

Today there have been many changes in me and I need to hold onto those changes and keep my life moving in a positive direction.

Today I have the power and control to decide what things I want to hold onto. I have the power to hold onto my sobriety and other things as well!”

Whether a person is abusing cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, crack or marijuana the result is the same with the Narconon program

– A New Life – 877-413-3073

Monday, February 23, 2009

Meth Treatment


There are still many seeking treatment for methamphetamine abuse and many more that should be, but are not.

Let’s make treatment widely available and the availability well known.

It is cheaper for families and tax payers in the long run. And in addition to saving money, many lives will be saved and there no price tag on that.

Push effective drug treatment

for methamphetamine abuses, 877-413-3073. See the article below:

“The number of people seeking treatment for methamphetamine addiction quadrupled between 1993 and 2003, according to a report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The Associated Press reported March 3 that the rise in admissions was especially profound in the Midwest and South, where meth use was almost unknown a decade ago. Nonetheless, SAMHSA spokesperson Mark Weber suggested that the trend did not indicate a rise in meth use.

"It's not that the prevalence of meth is changing, but the addictive nature of this drug and the meth crisis is showing up in drug-treatment programs." he said. "They're being overwhelmed by the number of people showing up for treatment."

Overall, meth admissions rose from 28,000 in 1993 to 136,000 in 2003. Oregon, Hawaii, Iowa, California, and 14 other states had meth admission rates higher than the national average. Rates were lowest in the Northeast.

The report comes as the U.S. Senate voted to approve an anti-meth bill that would require stores nationally to sell from behind pharmacy counters drugs that can be used to make meth, including cold medications like Sudafed. Buyers would face limits on how many pills they can buy and would have to show ID and sign a log to make a purchase. The measure was part of the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act.”

Meth Abuse


This article underscores the fact that methamphetamine abuse didn’t really creep up on us. It seemed to suddenly sweep through the nation, much like a devastating tornado. However, rather than last a few seconds, the devastation went on and on.

This happened because we let it happen unwittingly. However, now that we are armed with the knowledge of the dangers of methamphetamine abuse and law makers seem interested in helping curtail it, we can step the tide.

Drug prevention and drug treatment go further than one would think. Restricting the purchase of chemicals used to make methamphetamine helps a lot too.

If we keep the pressure on, the sun will again shine in a land once covered with ICE.

Let the sun shine in.


drug treatment 877-413-3073

“Methamphetamine and amphetamines are highly addictive central nervous system stimulants. Methamphetamine and amphetamine abuse can lead to serious health consequences, such as rapid or irregular heartbeats, dental problems, mood disturbances, impaired memory, and chronic psychiatric problems.

From 1995 to 2005, the percentage of substance abuse treatment admissions for primary abuse of methamphetamine/amphetamine more than doubled from 4 percent to 9 percent.

This new report from SAMHSA's Office of Applied Studies examines the characteristics of substance abuse treatment admissions in which methamphetamine/amphetamine was the primary substance of abuse and compares them with admissions in which other substances were primary.

The following are brief findings found in the report:

  • In 2005, 169,500 admissions were for primary methamphetamine/amphetamine abuse, representing 9 percent of all admissions
  • Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions were more likely to be female than admissions for other primary substances (46 vs. 31 percent)
  • The criminal justice system was the principal source of referral for 49 percent of primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions compared with 34 percent of other admissions “

Down with Meth Labs



Now the hunters are coming across methamphetamine labs – what next ,the boy scouts? It is going a little too far when our outdoors become dangerous to the hunter, hiker, boy scout, etc. because drug dealers want to make a dangerous and addictive drug, while messing up the environment at the same time.

This article points out that there are laws regulating the sale of ingredients used in the cooking of methamphetamine. However, these laws vary, state by state and the states with the weak laws are likely to have the more methamphetamine labs, In fact, they are a magnet for those who live in states where sales of meth ingredients are regulated.

Methamphetamine labs mean death. They mean death to the user (the expected life span of a heavy meth user is 5 years.) A lab can mean death to innocent children who might be near by when one explodes and a more lingering type death to anyone exposed to the chemicals, such as agents who bust these labs.

There is no use for methamphetamine labs and any state that has not yet worked out how to effectively regulate the sales of those ingredients used in making meth are in some respect, even if unwittingly, working for the meth dealers.

Keep our outdoors safe for our families, especially our children – keep meth labs out.

For those already addicted, get them drug treatment. Narconon


“Hunters in four states recently have discovered methamphetamine labs or their remnants during their excursions in the woods, as drug makers seek more remote areas in which to produce meth, USA Today reported Dec. 11.

With laws regulating the sale of ingredients used in the cooking of methamphetamine, many labs are disappearing, but those who continue to produce meth are moving away from areas where neighbors may notice the activity. This has led to the recent discovery of meth labs or cooking materials by hunters in four states: Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan and Tennessee.

Although state environmental officials say it is more common for hunters to come across remnants than actual labs, some still are warning hunters to keep their distance from sites that could be a meth lab. Also, they are urging hunters to avoid contact with the solvents and acids used to cook the drug.

"Hunters come across a cooler or some other type of containers, and they're curious, and they want to open them," said Wes Baxter, a sheriff's deputy in Craighead County, Ark. "We strongly encourage people not to touch these items," which may require removal from a hazardous-waste removal team. “



This article is particularly relevant to those who live in Georgia. Right now there is a bill that has been presented to the Georgia legislature that would track the purchase of Sudafed, a key drug used in making methamphetamine. Right now, in Georgia the tracking system is poor, being reliant on pharmacist notes without computer tracking with other pharmacies. This point was brought home when a local TV station went undercover and bought enough Sudafed to make 1000 pounds of methamphetamine in one day. The current tracking system did nothing to deter their purchasse.

With controls on Sudafed purchases, the occurrence of methamphetamine labs is likely to be less, therefore keeping more children safe from the dangers of meth labs.

Additionally methamphetamine addicts might seek drug treatment, if the supply runs low.

It makes a lot of sense to track the purchase of Sudafed and really no sense not to. There are more searches on simple ways to make methamphetamine than on how to stop using the drugs.

Let’s make it hard to make this drug a let’s keep our kids safe.

For those who are already addicted to methamphetamine, let’s get them into drug treatment. Narconon 877-413-3073

Social workers are seeing a growing number of children suffering the toxic effects of fumes emitted from home-based methamphetamine labs, the New York Times reported Feb. 23.

In North Carolina, for instance, a teacher noticed that two sisters came to school every day with headaches, colds, and coughs. Police had discovered that the young girls slept right next to a space where their mother and her boyfriend cooked methamphetamine.

Throughout the East Coast in the past few years, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has seen an increase in the number of young children who suffer from methamphetamine contamination.

Authorities said the health risks faced by the children are just as dangerous as those who actually use the drug.

The National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver, Colo., which specializes in respiratory illnesses, conducted research that found that poisonous chemicals released in the methamphetamine-cooking process can spread throughout the entire building.

"The study showed that the chemicals are everywhere in the house and that children living in houses with meth labs might as well be taking the drug directly," said Michele Leonhart, the acting deputy administrator of the DEA, which helped finance the research.

In 2002, 3,300 children were found in the 8,000 illegal methamphetamine laboratories seized nationwide.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Rural Meth Abuse


This article underscores the point that rural areas need their own tailor made resources for methamphetamine drug treatment and preventions.

There are plenty of studies that point out the differences between rural meth abusers and their urban counter parts. From these studies could be fashioned a program that would concentrate on this particular public. They could have hotlines and dedicated resources for their own area. Whatever the cost, it will not near the toll of rampant methamphetamine abuse.

Narconon provides effective drug treatment and prevention

‘Rural methamphetamine users living in the Midwest may be at higher risk than urban users for medical complications related to their methamphetamine use, according to a recent study of adult methamphetamine users receiving services at five Midwestern drug treatment centers.

Rural methamphetamine users were significantly more likely to report ever using the drug intravenously as well as exclusive intravenous use of methamphetamine (i.e., they never used the drug any other way).

In addition, rural methamphetamine users were more likely to meet the criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence and to smoke a greater number of cigarettes per day than urban users.

The authors suggest that, “the infectious complications associated with injection drug use and the medical risks associated with greater cigarette use and alcoholism may contribute to a higher frequency of infectious diseases, chronic lung disease, and alcohol-related liver disease in rural than urban methamphetamine users.” ‘

For details, including data charts, source information and caveats, download the PDF file.

Reprinted from CESAR Fax, a weekly, one-page overview of timely substance abuse trends or issues, from The Center on Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) at the University of Maryland.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rehab for America


Let’s get our rural methamphetamine abusers some help. If there are no rehabs where they are, then bring them to rehab. Often times it is better if the addict leaves the area to get treatment.

The fact that drug treatment is available for those in the rural America can be promoted and hot lines can be set up to help these areas find available help. The point is there is always help – it just has to be made known.


New Life Program. 877-413-3073

See the article below:

“Experts say that addiction treatment works for methamphetamine users, but those who live in rural areas -- including regions most affected by meth abuse -- often don't have access to treatment, the Arkansas News Bureau reported June 29.

Leah Heaston, a treatment program director from rural Indiana, recently told members of the House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources that not only is access a problem -- most communities have no public transportation -- but programs located in remote areas have trouble finding and keeping qualified staff. Inpatient treatment and detoxification services also are limited, she said.

Witnesses told the committee that more drug courts are needed in rural communities, as well.”

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

From Meth Lab to Meth Brain


This interesting study suggests something that most people who have worked in drug treatment for any length of time have observed: Methamphetamine is more damaging than other stimulants. This study suggests that the methamphetamine stays in the brain longer than cocaine.

It also appears to cause more dental damage and overall physical destruction as evidenced by the pencil thin methamphetamine addicts, who arrive to drug treatment.

As there will never be any evidence that methamphetamine is anything but bad, let’s suggest a study on how to best remove this plague from this civilization.

Effective drug treatment and education on a broad scale is the place to start and can perhaps stave off the severe consequences of meth for a bit.

The real answers lie in a community that is interested and empowered enough to let their elected officials know they have had enough.

In the meanwhile there is no reason that any meth addict needs to continue to feed this drug to the brain because there is effective treatment. Narconon has successfully helped many methamphetamine addicts not only stop using the drug but regain their life. 877-413-3073.

Here is the report.

‘New research from Brookhaven National Laboratory suggests that methamphetamine enters the brain just as quickly as cocaine but spreads further and stays in the brain longer.

Researchers measured brain uptake, distribution, and clearance of methamphetamine in 19 healthy, non-drug-abusing men by injecting them with radioactively tagged forms of methamphetamine and cocaine in doses too small to have any psychoactive effects. Through brain PET scans, the authors tracked the concentration, distribution and number of dopamine reuptake proteins in each subject's brain.

The authors found that both drugs enter the brain quickly, but that methamphetamine clears the brain later and affects more brain regions than cocaine. "This ... may help explain why the drug has such long-lasting behavioral and neurotoxic effects," lead author Joanna Fowler said.

The researchers also separated their subjects by race to see if there were any differences that might explain why rates of methamphetamine abuse are lower among African Americans than Caucasians. However, while the scientists found significant differences in rates of uptake of cocaine -- African Americans showed higher uptake, later rise to peak levels, and slower clearance -- the scientists failed to find similar differences in methamphetamine metabolism.

"The differences observed for cocaine pharmacokinetics are surprising considering there are no differences in cocaine abuse prevalence between these two ethnic groups," Fowler noted.

The findings will be published in the Nov. 1, 2008 issue of the journal NeuroImage.’

Failing Economy


While government is busy figuring out how to spend our money, maybe it would be behoove a few of us to realize that in one year alone, the cost of methamphetamine use in the United States reached 23.4 billion dollars.

Effective treatment is obviously more economical for the individual and the society at large. Perhaps there would be a reduction of flow to the jails and the lawyers, but we would have more productive citizens and their families could spend their money on other things than lawyers and doctors.

The next study needs to be on how much effective treatment would affect this staggering number.

Anyone who has worked in drug treatment

has a sense that it would make a huge difference.

Narconon 877-413-3073.

Here is the report:

“A report released by the RAND Corporation concluded that the cost of methamphetamine use in the U.S. reached $23.4 billion in 2005, Reuters reported Feb. 4.

The analysis considered lost lives and productivity, drug-treatment and law-enforcement expenses, and other factors to determine the yearly cost.

"Our study represents the most comprehensive assessment so far of the economic costs of meth use in the United States," said RAND economist Nancy Nicosia. "It shows the impact of methamphetamine is substantial."

The report said that nearly two-thirds of the economic cost of methamphetamine use resulted from the addiction burden on thousands of individuals and 900 deaths among users. An additional $4.2 billion was spent arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating methamphetamine users; the cost of crimes committed by meth users also factored into this calculation.

Other costs included $546 million for drug treatment, $687 million for lost productivity, and $905 million spent removing children from the homes of users.”

Heartache of Meth


Methamphetamine causes heartache in many ways, including directly affecting the heart muscle.

Heartache on many different levels can be avoided by avoiding methamphetamine. There is no happy ending to any story about meth – so why begin?

Let’s push effective drug treatment and education and spend our money on more interesting studies than the one below –and learn something that many of us don’t already know.

Also, we can all simply agree that meth is bad and begin to spend our money on effective treatment such as the Narconon program

. 877-413-3073

Here is the study:

“Young patients diagnosed with a disease of the heart muscle called cardiomyopathy had a high incidence of methamphetamine use, reseachers found in a recent study.

Reuters reported Feb. 14 that researchers led by Khung-Keong Yeo of the University of California Davis Medical Center estimated that meth use triples the risk of cardiomyopathy. Yeo and colleagues drew their conclusions from an examination of the medical records of 107 cardiomyopathy patients under age 45.

Yeo said the drug could cause the disease by causing spasms in the heart arteries, by direct toxicity, by elevating blood pressure and heart rate, or by causing hardening of the arteries.”

The study appears in the February 2007 issue of the American Journal of Medicine.

Monday, February 16, 2009




Have you noticed that someone you love is a little over anxious or sweating at odd times, even when it is cold?

These are a couple of the signs of methamphetamine abuse and usually families are the last to know when there is a problem.

Here are some other signs:

  • Rotting teeth
  • Sores all over the body
  • High doses can elevate body temperature to dangerous, sometimes lethal levels that can cause convulsions.
  • Irritability and aggressive behavior
  • Anxiety, stress and paranoia
  • Auditory and visual hallucination
  • Profuse sweating at in appropriate times
  • Long catatonic like sleep after long periods of being awake.
  • Decreased appetite leading to severe weight loss and emaciation.

It’s not easy to face the fact that someone we know may be addicted to meth. However, the consequences of not facing it are far more uncomfortable. We can help.

Narconon 877-413-3073

NARCONON Anniversary

Dear Friends,

February 19th marks the 43rd anniversary of Narconon. This is the date when William Benitez started Narconon in the Arizona State Prison.

Since February 19th 1966 thousands across the world have attended the Narconon program and are now living happy, productive and drug free lives.

At Narconon of Georgia, we want to bring in the 43rd year of Narconon by helping many more people, including you and your family.

If you or someone you know has an addiction problem, then please call one of our registrars and find out how we are doing all we can to make the Narconon program

available to as many people as possible as we celebrate drug free lives.

Call 877-413-3073 to speak to a intake registrar

Friday, February 13, 2009

Economy and drugs

News Beyond The Economy

With all the news about the economic problems, no one seemed to pay much attention to what President Bush was doing his last days in office.

However, one of the last bills that Bush signed, could be the beginning of turning around a situation that has gone very bad – online drug pushing under the guise of online pharmacies. This new law intends to crack down on shady online prescriptions and prohibits the dispensing of drugs by a pharmacy unless the patient has been examined by a doctor.

Given that a CASA survey revealed that teens 12-17 find it increasingly easy to obtain prescription drugs, any action that thwarts the illegal flow of prescription drugs does show that at least someone understands that there is a problem.

Let’s stand behind actions like these and those who promote them.

Web searches on how to buy Xanax online along with Lunesta and Ambien will be a thing of the past and the future will be much brighter.


Narconon provides effective drug treatment for those who have already become addicted to prescription medication. We have a sauna detoxification program followed by a life skills program. Our program has a 76% success rate.


Online Drug Abuse

What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

A recent report from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University find “Despite a decline in the number of Web sites advertising or selling controlled prescription drugs, like Oxycontin and Valium, Xanax and Vicodin, and Ritalin and Adderall, in the past year, 85percent of the Websites selling such drugs do not require a prescription, according to ‘You’ve Got Drugs!’V Prescription Drug Pushers on the Internet,’ the fifth annual White Paper on this subject…”

The report goes on to state that 365 Web sites are advertising or selling controlled substances, with only two of them certified by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. Many of these web sites state that no prescription is needed while others offer an online consultation.

There are no controls that keep kids and teens from accessing these sites and buying dangerous drugs. Unless this situation is put into check, it is likely that prescription drugs will move from number two to number one as the most abused drug. We have already seen that Xanax is becoming the most popular drug in some school yards. An easy search on the web can inform anyone how to buy xanax. It is not as easy to find an actual solution to the ensuing drug addiction.

This problem would not be hard to fix if there was enough concern from our citizens. The CASA report had a couple of good recommendations that would help alleviate the problem:

“Internet search engines block all advertisements for controlled prescription drugs that do not come from licensed and certified online pharmacies.

“The U.S. negotiate treaties with foreign governments to help shut down Internet trafficking of controlled prescription drugs.”

It is interesting that asking the pharmaceutical companies to have tighter controls on their products is not named as a recommendation.

With most state capitols and the US Capitol swarming with Big Pharma lobbyists, it would take an organized effort to make our voices heard.

The first step is educating enough people on the problem and encouraging parents to check their medicine cabinets and computers for evidence of prescription drug abuse in their kids. They can also go to our website to learn the signs of abuse.

If you know someone who is abusing prescription drugs, please call us at 877-413-3073.

We are the New Life Program.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What’s in your medicine cabinet?


What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

If you have Oxycodone in the cabinet and kids in the house, beware. According to scientists at Rockefeller University adolescents are more likely to become addicted to Oxycodone than adults.

The research was done on mice and though we cannot be sure that adolescent humans react the same as adolescent mice, common sense dictates that drugs and developing brains are not a good combination.

Regardless of the obvious physical developmental problems for addicted kids, mental and ethical development is also stunted. When they should be learning life’s important lessons and opening the books, these kids are busy hunting drugs so they don’t have to experience the anguish of withdrawal. Fighting withdrawal can be an all consuming job, with time for little else.

Some kids get off drugs and open their eyes to the world, only to realize that they haven’t been to a movie or really had a good time for years. A frequent comment is “I didn’t know I could have this much fun straight.”

Life is great without pills. Give your kids the chance to learn this and lock up the prescription medicine.

If they have already gotten on the path of addiction, get them off fast and call Narconon

at 877-413-3073. We are a drug treatment center with a 76% success rate.

Medicine Cabinet

What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

Many American medicine cabinets need yellow crime scene tape in front of them. They have become the scene of some serious crimes.

Recently and amazingly enough a potentially lethal crime was perpetrated on my aging mother. Looking in her medicine cabinet for relief from minor discomfort she saw a bottle that said oxycodine. Remembering as a child the relief she got from cough syrup with codeine and mistaking it for the same thing she took a swig. She drove a half mile down the road to make her doctor’s appointment and ran into the dumpster in the parking lot. She composed herself enough to walk into the office then nearly collapsed on the floor in a drunken like stupor, remarking to the front desk that she had never had such a reaction to codeine before.

Obviously the lethal weapon has been taken away from her and her medicine cabinet searched. She is not one for medication so we did not find anything else. But the point is that this highly educated scholar and author found herself in an embarrassing situation because she had a bottle in her cabinet with a label she did not understand and no obvious visible warning on the possible hazards.

With billions of dollars of sales of pharmaceuticals, drugs have to be kept somewhere and that somewhere is usually the medicine cabinet.

Benzos, opiates, stimulants – What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet? Find out for sure and take action to keep everyone safe.

If some pills are missing then get out the yellow crime scene tape and find the perpetrator before real damage occurs.

Narconon is an effective Drug treatment and education program 877-413-3073

Monday, February 9, 2009

Gamer Finds Freedom


There once was a charming, sensitive, caring, selfless and driven young man. This young man maintained his purity when all other around him were sacrificing theirs. Corrupted by worldly things and fearful, envying and seeking to bring this young man down, the other began to slowly but cleverly destroy this young man’s purity. For now, we will call the “others” the “game” The young man being part of the game, was blinded by his purity and the others broke him down bit by bit, hope by hope and dream by dream until there was no more to destroy.

The purity in this man’s heart had been so strong that it clouded his blue eyes with naiveté, compassion and ignorance to the game. Finally, the game gamed him so hard that purity went away and all seemed to be lost to this young man except self destruction and darkness.

What a sight, it was to the game, a pitiful sight indeed it thought. Having won and growing tired of the young man, the game abandoned what it had destroyed.

The universe wastes nothing and for everything that is destroyed, another is created.

The game had given birth to a gamer. What once was a young man with purity in his heart was now a bitter, careless destructive gamer that gamed everything and everyone in his path with no respect or empathy for anything, including himself. Misery fell over the land of the gamer and all was grim, all seemed to be lost.

In a beautiful twist of fate this gamer had what alcoholics call a “moment of clarity.” The gamer remembered times of old which warmed his heart and thought about the times of new and grew cold and sad. In desperate times, mean can take desperate measures. Seeking purity, power, control, compassion, happiness and love the Gamer befriended Narconon and asked to be mentored and nurtured back to a clear blue eyed man that could walk the earth and have purity and wisdom and strength in his heart. Narconon obliged him and helped him to get in touch with his environment and self empowered him so he could resist the worldly ways of the game and enable him to have vision of the past, present and future so that he could walk the path of a righteous man.

In the present, the young man continues to walk that path and move towards his happy ending.

Life is beautiful. Embrace it wise man and you can have it all.”

A beautiful life awaits anyone who wants to get clean. Narconon is the New Life Program.