Tuesday, February 24, 2009



This recent Narconon success story is an example how each step of the program brings a person closer to being in control. Each success is one step on the way to freedom from the control of drugs.

“In the past I just reacted. Now I am learning that I need to think about how I am going to approach things and what is the right course to take so good things come into my life. For example, I dearly want to hold onto my sobriety and I need to be aware of how I can do that through what I learn in the program.

There are many things in my life that are constantly moving and changing. For so many years I held my addiction in place and there was no movement or changes in my life. Today I can hold my addiction at bay and choose not to act on my urges.

Today there have been many changes in me and I need to hold onto those changes and keep my life moving in a positive direction.

Today I have the power and control to decide what things I want to hold onto. I have the power to hold onto my sobriety and other things as well!”

Whether a person is abusing cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, crack or marijuana the result is the same with the Narconon program

– A New Life – 877-413-3073

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