Monday, February 16, 2009

NARCONON Anniversary

Dear Friends,

February 19th marks the 43rd anniversary of Narconon. This is the date when William Benitez started Narconon in the Arizona State Prison.

Since February 19th 1966 thousands across the world have attended the Narconon program and are now living happy, productive and drug free lives.

At Narconon of Georgia, we want to bring in the 43rd year of Narconon by helping many more people, including you and your family.

If you or someone you know has an addiction problem, then please call one of our registrars and find out how we are doing all we can to make the Narconon program

available to as many people as possible as we celebrate drug free lives.

Call 877-413-3073 to speak to a intake registrar

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