What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?
A recent report from the National Center on Addiction
and Substance Abuse at Columbia University find “Despite a decline in the number of Web sites advertising or selling controlled prescription drugs, like Oxycontin and Valium, Xanax and Vicodin, and Ritalin and Adderall, in the past year, 85percent of the Websites selling such drugs do not require a prescription, according to ‘You’ve Got Drugs!’V Prescription Drug Pushers on the Internet,’ the fifth annual White Paper on this subject…”
The report goes on to state that 365 Web sites are advertising or selling controlled substances, with only two of them certified by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. Many of these web sites state that no prescription is needed while others offer an online consultation.
There are no controls that keep kids and teens from accessing these sites and buying dangerous drugs. Unless this situation is put into check, it is likely that prescription drugs will move from number two to number one as the most abused drug. We have already seen that Xanax is becoming the most popular drug in some school yards. An easy search on the web can inform anyone how to buy xanax. It is not as easy to find an actual solution to the ensuing drug addiction.
This problem would not be hard to fix if there was enough concern from our citizens. The CASA report had a couple of good recommendations that would help alleviate the problem:
“Internet search engines block all advertisements for controlled prescription drugs that do not come from licensed and certified online pharmacies.
“The U.S. negotiate treaties with foreign governments to help shut down Internet trafficking of controlled prescription drugs.”
It is interesting that asking the pharmaceutical companies to have tighter controls on their products is not named as a recommendation.
With most state capitols and the US Capitol swarming with Big Pharma lobbyists, it would take an organized effort to make our voices heard.
The first step is educating enough people on the problem and encouraging parents to check their medicine cabinets and computers for evidence of prescription drug abuse in their kids. They can also go to our website to learn the signs of abuse.
If you know someone who is abusing prescription drugs, please call us at 877-413-3073.
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