Thursday, February 26, 2009



This success story was written a month ago by a person who was graduating from the program.. We just received a visit from him and he is doing fantastic and attributes his success to the Narconon drug treatment program. Here is his success:

“Narconon is one of the greatest things to ever come into my life. I was paralyzed in a cycle of alcohol and drug abuse as I helpless watched everyone and everything I cherished suffer the emotional and financial backlash of my destructive behavior. I was at the pivotal point of death or redemption. I chose the latter.

Narconon differs drastically from any other program available for several reasons – one, your are given the tools to confront your addiction. Two- you come to understand why you drank, or used. Three, you learn how to detect urges or situations that endanger your sobriety and how to handle them appropriately and four, you come to a person understanding of drugs as poisons that only destroy and kill, which leads you to an intrinsic devotion to abstinence.

Every other program I have ever been through simply pulls you out of society hoping you get used to not using and this never worked for me.

Narconon has helped me take back control of m life, embrace positive change, confront my past and my addiction and has empowered me with the skills and knowledge to live a happy, meaningful, successful and sober life.”

Success stories like this pour out every day from Narconon. Whether a person has been abusing cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine or pot Narconon drug treatment can work for them. Narconon is the New Life Program.


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