Here is another Narconon drug treatment success story that represents for this person one more step on the way to a drug free life.
“I have had a hard time with my acceptance of people and things around me and when situations would arise I would tend to hold onto feelings and hold a grudge. These things would even hold me back sometimes on my program, but today, I can let things go and if I can’t deal with a certain situation then I have to let it go for the benefit of me and my program.
I have come to terms with a lot of things that have happened to me in my past and a lot of that I have accepted and let go of because holding onto that hurts all aspects of my life.
I can decide what I interact with. I have learned that I can take responsibility for situations, learn from them and move on.”
This student had been a very bad heroin addict and now he is completely clean. However, whether a person has been abusing methamphetamine, cocaine, Oxycontin or marijuana- the steps of the Narconon program lead to a good place, a better place – a New Life. 877-413-3073
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