Monday, February 2, 2009

Shrinking your brain with alcohol


Now we learn that even a little bit of alcohol

can make the brain shrink.

This article is for those who drink because “it is good for me”, but really are hoping that no one is noticing that they are drinking a little too much.

The barrier around the brain, which nature put there to keep out viruses and other things that can hurt the brain, does not keep out alcohol. Therefore it makes sense that even a little bit of alcohol would shrink the brain. No one needs to tell us that a lot of alcohol does bad things to the brain – we have all seen people who have drunk so much that they appear to have no brain at all.

Alcohol does a lot of other damage to the body and in fact is the most debilitating of substances, when abused long term. The liver especially can be damaged to the point of no return when someone is a severe alcoholic.

Loss of friends, family and job also frequently accompany the heavy drinker down the road of destruction.

Heavy drinkers seem to hope that the next drink will deliver them some place other than the hell that they are in – but as Johny Cash described it “I went down, down, down and the flames got higher.” No one can drink their way out of a problem – though they may drink themselves right out of life.

If you know someone who has a drinking problem, get them some help NOW before they get into so much trouble that they can’t be helped.

Call Narconon 877-413-3073 We are the New Life Program

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