This is a spectacular success from a student, who prior to the Narconon program was primarily interested in furthering his cocaine addiction. Now he is ready to embark upon his new life.
“Before, I chose drugs over life. I have realized that drug use adds obstacles and distance to my hopes and dreams.
I realized that being clear minded and having a clean body is helping me go towards my goals. I am off the starting blocks and racing toward the finish line, leaping over hurdles with ease and striving for personal bests.
I realize I have already chosen knowledge, love spirituality and most of all a life without drugs. I am fighting the good fight now and I am on the team I have wanted to be on for a long time. “Long is the way that leads up and out of hell and into the light.”
While this course was not always easy, it has enlightened me. An indescribable wave of relief and self empowerment has washed over me and I must say- the water is lovely.”
Sobriety is worth working hard for if it means that along with sobriety comes a new life – one filled with hope and certainty, even during these uncertain times.
Whether one has abused cocaine, pot, marijuana, Oxycontin or any drug of abuse, at the end of the road of addiction starts the path of a new life for our Narconon graduates.
Narconon is the New Life Program. 877-413-3073
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