Saturday, September 20, 2008

Drug Use Increasing in United States

The Federal Government’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, (based on data gathered in 2007) revealed some interesting drug facts about our population:

1 in 20 Americans ages 50 -59 reported that they had used illicit drugs in the last month and half of those used marijuana and cocaine. The list of preferred drugs has expanded since the 60s and 70s for this generation and now includes prescription drugs. The survey report was unclear as to whether this generation has used drugs consistently since youth or reverted in later years.

Without the excuse of the aches and pains of old age, the younger generation abuses prescription medication and street drugs. One third of the young adults ages 12-25 who abuse drugs reported that they had recently abused prescription drugs, including painkillers and tranquilizers.

Kids even abuse prescription psychotherapeutic drugs these days.

Drug abuse influenced the young American culture since the 60s and obviously still does. People are still getting high – they are just using different dealers.

If you know someone whose recreational use has gone too far and they are out of control, then call Narconon. 877-413-3073.,0,409089.story,,

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