Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Prevention Watch

Prevention Watch

Intravenous drug abuse has increased over the last decade and as many as 3 million people might be HIV positive world wide.

In the United States approximately 15% of the IV users are HIV positive. While this information might appear to be irrelevant to most Americans, who have a lot to think about right now, if one has teenagers in the house, it is time to have a family talk.

Over the last decade heroin has crept into new neighborhoods and has tapped younger people on the shoulder with its allure, apparently without proper warning. Without effective drug education, not only is overdose a possibility for a young user, but so is an infected needle.

Once a person has HIV they have it for a lifetime. HIV compromises life style, general health and finance.

With proper drug education and prevention measures HIV can be prevented.

Talk to your kids.


We are Narconon – The New Life Drug Treatment and Prevention Program
drugsno.com, atlantarecoverycenter.com, narconon.org, addiction, heroin

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