Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What's in your medicine cabinet?

What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

If you have Oxycodone in the cabinet and kids in the house, beware. According to scientists at Rockefeller University adolescents are more likely to become addicted to Oxycodone than adults.

The research was done on mice and though we cannot be sure that adolescent humans react the same as adolescent mice, common sense dictates that drugs and developing brains are not a good combination.

Regardless of the obvious physical developmental problems for addicted kids, mental and ethical development is also stunted. When they should be learning life’s important lessons and opening the books, these kids are busy hunting drugs so they don’t have to experience the anguish of withdrawal. Fighting withdrawal can be an all consuming job, with time for little else.

Some kids get off drugs and open their eyes to the world, only to realize that they haven’t been to a movie or really had a good time for years. A frequent comment is “I didn’t know I could have this much fun straight.”

Life is great without pills. Give your kids the chance to learn this and lock up the prescription medicine.

If they have already gotten on the path of addiction, get them off fast and call Narconon at 877-413-3073. We are a drug treatment center with a 76% success rate.,,

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