Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Monday and this morning

Yesterday was a really awesome day at work at NARCONON. I got many things accomplished and there it seemed that the office was running smoothly all day. It did help that I was in an awesome Go NARCONON mood. We were contacted by several people wanting treatment either for themselves or their family members. It was great. I got to talk about how great NARCONON is. Well, this morning I tried to get to work but several factors stopped me but that's ok I can still help people from the house. If anyone needs anything they can call me at home or my cell. I never stop working for NARCONON. As I have said before it is a 24 hour a day business and I am on board no matter what the issue. Well, I must start working or I won't be able to help people get off of drugs and alcohol. I will blog later!
drugsno.com, atlantarecoverycenter.com, narconon.org

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