Monday, September 29, 2008

NARCONON Success Story 2

I recently had some great realizations and a few of them have been at home. Most of the time I experience them while laying in bed just before I got to sleep, however the past cognition I had yesterday while in the gym working out.

I realized how out of shape, I’ve let myself become and that I haven’t been in a gym in years and that this is a direct result of doing drugs. You see, many years I was to drugged up or sedated to have energy or care about my physique. I mostly realized that have been robbed of my ambition in all aspects of my life. I have not followed through on a single thing in many years.

I’ve defiantly noticed how easy it is to commit to things now and how ambitious I’ve been lately. My body will now be in better shape and my life can be in better shape too! I’ve been working out everyday and I’m ready to make some long term goals and commitments to improve my life!

My ambitions is back baby!!
If you or a loved one has a problem with drugs or alochol call
1-877-413-3073.,,, addiction

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