Thursday, September 25, 2008

My day....

My day at NARCONON was my first day back in the office for a couple of days which always makes for a hectic start to the day. Today at NARCONON was very productive however. I talked to several family members about helping get their family members off drugs and I even talked to a probation officer who is going to recommend sentencing to our facility because of th 76% success rate. I love seeing people walk out of NARCONON drug free and/or alcohol free. They just fall into their famliies arms and it warms my heart. Today I made sure more radio stations got our new Public Service Announcement about the danger of Prescription Drugs that is on the rise with our teenagers. It is truly a scary thought! I am just thankful for the opportunity to help everyone whip the addiction. Well, it's time to get the kids ready for bed and then it's off to bed for me and the hunt for gas in Atlanta will be on tomorrow morning! Wish me luck! My town is completely out of gas.....YUCK!

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