Friday, September 19, 2008

Rehab vs. Incarceration

Alternatives to Incarceration?
The U.S. Sentencing Commission plans to issue a list recommendation on alternatives to incarceration and for some, the notion is not popular.
Given that 44 billion dollars was spent on corrections last year it is no surprise that there would be some objection to attempts to change the system. The U.S. Justice system for one, made the statement through spokesperson, Laura Sweeny "We do not believe the use of alternatives should be expanded without further rigorous research showing their effectiveness in promoting public safety,"
The Criminal Justice Legal Foundation also objected through spokesperson Michael Rushford, president of the crime-victim advocacy.
While no one wants wanton criminals let loose on society, the fact is that unless the two million that are incarcerated now remain in prison for the rest of their lives, they will be out of jail one day and society will have to deal with it
. Without any type of rehabilitation, many will just be more hardened and street smart than when they entered prison and the public will not be any safer For those offenders who are addicts, it simply means time and money wasted that could have been spent rehabilitating the addict into a productive member of society.
Regardless of what any of us think about this, unless Congress rejects the recommendations made by the U.S. Sentencing commission they will become law.

Please contact me at Narconon at 1-877-413-3073 or for information.

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