Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Here is another success story from a Narconon of Georgia student. The success story bodes well for the future of this student in 2009.

“It is essential to be aware of what you can have from your environment that serves your benefit. It is also crucial to be aware of distractions and counter productive things in y our environment. Interact embrace and obtain things that you need and that promoted wellness within. Ignore of the worldly things and people who seek to deviate wellness and promote more negative than positives.

Rebuilding my world is easy. I choose to interact with things that serve me well. Symbiotic relationships are necessary for progress. I dispense of poisons and have success.

I have good things so I allow them to remain in place as long as they stay good.”

This could be the success story of anyone – whether it be a heroin, cocaine, or Oxycontin user. Narconon success carries on. 877-413-3073



Here is another Narconon success. I hope that it makes it way to someone who needs some hope – The hope we give is real.

“Life throws many obstacles at you. There is always a way around or though those obstacles. One always has a choice. One should assess the situation, analyze the best way to get through it and then choose the appropriate course of action that best benefits himself and his environment.

If I am offered a drug, I can accept or decline. The obstacle is the drug, the choices are simple, but the course of action is much more complex.

If I decline, I maintain a body and mind of sound quality or even strengthen it. Also the environment and those in it can stay the same or hopefully I can affect them and that environment positively. By saying “no”, some might see the error in their ways and the environment has one less affected subject. Any progress no matter if slight or large is progress. The potential is the point here. In the process of declining to use the potential for positive growth in me, those around me and the environment is greater.”

Narconon is the New life program and we have successes like this every day. Whether it is heroin, methamphetamine, pot, cocaine or oxycontin – the result is the same – a new life. 877-413-3073


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Eye of the Storm

Narconon Success Story

In the eye of the storm there is stillness. Chaos surrounds me on all sides and the sound of whipping winds invades my ear canals and shakes the drums deep into my body. Fear is the last thing on my mind. There is a calmness that sits inside me, knowing that for now, I am safe.

A question resonates from the inside out….will I remain here or will this storm shift and swallow my spirit into this mess that is worldly? My mind yells to my body to hold tight and hold steady. This is the safest place you can be. This is where you want to be and this is where you shall remain. Do not allow your eyes to wander and grow weary with what surrounds you. Live from inside yourself and out and you will defy the odds.

I am as pure and calm as the eye of this storm. I do not sway – I sustain.

This is a Narconon success as only a genuine Narconon can produce.

Whether it is methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin or pot – these successes are available –Narconon the New Life Program



Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Narconon Success

“I realized how far I have come in only 10 weeks. I’m able to work through intense emotions that I always just swept under the rug. When I first came into the program I was so hateful with tons of aggression and many nervous habits. I couldn’t even make it 10 minutes without upset. Now I can make it through anything.

I have learned patience I though I’d never find within myself and an attitude I thought drugs shattered almost 10 years ago. I’ve learned how to love again, myself and others and I found the smile I lost as a little girl. The pain I’ve felt for so long has been handled now and I’m no longer afraid.

I feel like I can conquer the world. I’m actually excited for the next obstacle that I may face because I have the tools to handle it.”

This is one of many successes, just today. Whether it is methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, we can address it. 877-413-3073

(This is a genuine Narconon story)



Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy to be alive!


“As someone who has been high at many past holidays I want to say the following – I am happy to be alive and this Christmas when I see my family I plan to enjoy the people and the places I am connected to. Because of this, I do not feel the need to drink or do drugs for fear that it would cloud the clear vision I am gaining. Vision is being used here in the spiritual sense. Not just this holiday, but forever and always for the rest of my life.”

Most people would not believe that drug treatment is the place to spend the holidays or that it could be a place from which such joy and hope could come but is true as evidenced by the many wins that we have each and every day here at Narconon.

Let success, happiness and joy replace the cocaine, methamphetamine and pot.

Narconon is the New Life Program 877-413-3073


Happy Holidays from Narconon!


Happy Holidays from Narconon! Here is a little joy to put in your stocking and to pass to others who might need it. For those who are feeling blue – have hope. These are the stories of people whose lives had been devastated by heroin, cocaine and Oxycontin.

“On this course I cam to the realization that I have control over my own destiny. I can look and find something in my life such as a new job or family.”


It was like I was in an airplane climbing above the thick gray storm clouds. I began to see myself and my choices and my surroundings from a new perspective. I had abundant realizations about my environment and self control. Once I realized some very important mistakes I was making, my attitude changed over night. No longer was acting or feeling silly. I saw my present space, time and problems in the large scheme of things. I know I’m on my way to discovering some very important things about my past choices and most definitely about my future choices in regards to what I can actually consider important in my life.


I realized that not only do I exist, but objects around me exist and I can touch them. I have felt alive since sauna and now I realize that there are things that exist besides me. These things exist to such a high level that those objects around me fit together to form the larger physical universe around me. I realized I am not merely a living entity that is separate from my surroundings, but rather an actual part of my environment.

877-413-3073 - New Life Program


Healthy Lifestyle


Here is another success story from a Narconon student. It is our hope to spread holiday cheer.

“I realized there are friendships that I have to detach from. I had always taken the stance they might change and choose healthy lifestyle and I could be that model of sobriety in their lives. Instead, I always ended up falling back into the using life style I was trying to help them out of. Now I see it is not my responsibility to pull these people out of addiction. I can offer them the tools and contacts necessary to recovery, but beyond that I must dispense with these friendships that are a danger to sobriety.

There are many things and people I could have in my life but many of these I do not need to have the will power to control and bring into my life.

I have the ability to control every aspect of my life. It is within my power and intentions to dispense emotions, impulses and people that endanger my sobriety.

I also have the ability to acquire the tools and support system and surround myself in a manner that ensures a happy and healthy life. I can have happiness, success and wealth, but this is only possible if I push myself to have and to properly lace the tools I ma learning to stay sober.

I realize that there are so my amazing things and people that I could have in my life.”

While much of the world is caught up in the woes of the depression, Narconon is bringing new life to those who had been at the bottom of despair.

Whether it is heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine or pot Narconon is here for those who know life can be better.

877-413-3073. We are the new life program


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Behavior Problems

Join Together reports that a New Study by the Center for the Advancement of Health reports that physicians “are ignoring national health guidelines by failing to discuss high-risk behavioral issues like alcohol and other drug misuse and safety concerns with teens,”

While it is commonly known that parents make the biggest impact on their teens, the more teens hear that drugs are bad for them, the better. For the most part there is an onslaught of misinformation or at the very least temptation to do drugs. Prescription drugs, marijuana and even heroin – our teens hear a lot about these drugs. There needs to be some balance of information in the other direction.

Doctors can help skip the scales in the direction of the truth about drugs. They are respected and from their perspective can most definitely do a good job of informing teens of the real safety issues involved with drug use.

Let’s push to get these national health guidelines implemented.

In addition to providing effective drug treatment and education, Narconon collaborates with and supports any group that is behind effective prevention. It is too big of a job for Narconon to do alone.



Monday, December 8, 2008

Holiday Cheer


The whole world will want some holiday cheer during the season and many people will try hard to find some. At Narconon we have good will and miracles every day. We are trying to spread the good news especially during the holiday seasons, because we represent hope – real hope for a happy 2009. Here is a recent success story.

“I realize I have total control of my body. I am comfortable with my body and I can move my body in any way I want to. My interpretation of how I move my body may not be the same as that of another individual, but that doesn’t matter because as long as I am not hurting anyone, I have the freedom to do whatever I want.

This particular exercise taught me that I also have to be willing to listen to authority and do as they advise in order to be able to continue to move life forward sober.”

It is simple wins like this that add up to the big win of a happy, drug free and successful life.

Whether it is heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine or pot abuse, the Narconon program continues pouring out the holiday cheer for the addicts, families and anyone else who wants to share in these successes. 877-413-3073


According to the article referenced here and featured in Join Together, there is a shortage of morphine in the world and the proposed solution is to legalize the Afghan poppy supply.

Apparently, according to Gordon Smith, Canada’s former NATO ambassador, the poppy eradication program is Afghanistan is “alienating farmer and forcing them into the arms of the Taliban or drug traffickers.”

While not posed as a perfect solution it presents the possibility of more control over the opium market that is going to exist, whether we like it or not.

Controlling the opium market through determination of who the end user is going to be of the opium is an interesting solution. Perhaps, this coupled with a full scale drug prevention program in the United States (cutting down the heroin customer base) could help eliminate the large market place for heroin that the US is now.

It is known that these fields have long financed the Taliban insurgency. This is an important point, but one perhaps more out of the realm of what the average US citizen can do something about.

The fact is that innocent people are dying from heroin overdoses. Others, while still breathing are the walking dead and the poppy seeds have claimed at least a piece of their life. Let’s deal with casualties of the war here at home.

We can do something about this situation with effective drug education and drug treatment. Narconon provides both. 877-413-3073




Party Drinking

A research project was conducted by Harris Interactive to study the impact of holiday party drinking by surveying 1,973 adults.

Though it took a survey to get percentages, it is of no surprise that the attendees of holiday parties reported the development of alcohol related embarrassing and damaging situations. These alcohol driven incidents included flirting amongst employees, use of profanity, arguing and drunken driving.

Though interesting, this is a short look at a big problem that manifests to the public over the holidays, but lurks more quietly throughout the year within families who have a problem drinker.

Drinking, happiness, remorse, eating – there is more of everything during the holidays- but for some there is too much throughout the whole year. These are the people who need help.

Doing a study and finding out that people are drinking too much over the holidays is easy. The hard part is coming up with an actual solution for the problem drinkers and their families. We may be annoyed at the party, but the family has to tolerate it all year.

Perhaps we are becoming too apathetic to suggest a study that looks for real solutions or to feel emboldened enough to say that possibly there are solutions.

Though nothing is 100%, the stats of Narconon treatment are very good – in fact 76% success rate.

Studies are good, but the rubber meets the road with effective drug and alcohol treatment.

Narconon is a good way to go.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Favorite Season


Here is a success story today from one of our Narconon student, currently on the program.

“When I was using I never noticed the details or what others needed from me and I constantly disobeyed rules and regulations as well as disregarded anything but the drugs. I lost myself and everything I had. Now I see that by following simple rules, having respect for myself and others, being more perceptive and more detail oriented, I can have everything if I simply maintain my sobriety and the success I am making every minute of the day.

When noticing the sunset reflecting off the fall leaves, which is my favorite season, I saw the beauty in the sunset. For so long while I used I never paid attention to the beauty of mother- nature and never appreciated anything. Now that I am seeing these things I see that I didn’t believe in my heart I deserved it. But I do and I see that. I deserve everything I have wanted and want back.”

You can have wins like these too. Narconon helps those with heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, marijuana prescription medication and all drugs of abuse.

Call 877-413-3073 We are the New Life Program

drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

I'm a people pleaser

Here is one of the many success stories of the day picked randomly from the Narconon drug treatment students.

“I have worked halfway through this course and I have had multiple people helping me. Before I got here I was a people pleaser and went along with the flow no matter what. I did what I could to keep the peace with anyone. I just wanted everything to be alright with my friends, my enemies and strangers. I would use and use and use and sacrifice myself to keep everyone else happy. After being here for a month I have grown a backbone and stand up for myself.

I have realized that I need to make myself happy first and then let that spread to others and work on the next. I keep myself first now and that feels great.

Today my twin was having a hard time and I was able to help him by putting myself first. I did not even do it selfishly.

I get an amazing feeling helping others by helping myself. I am so thankful for the people here and what I’ve learned to utilize. It is an amazing feeling that I haven’t felt in a long time.”

Whether it is cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine or pot Narconon can help.


Monday, December 1, 2008

My day

My Monday at NARCONON has been pretty good I should say. Many of our students returned from being with their families over Thanksgiving and they really did well away from the program (of course I expected that, lol). Anyway, they are all back and ready to get on with their treatment. I love seeing them so excited to get off their drugs and/or alcohol. It really makes me realize how wonderful my job truly is. It actually started snowing today while I was at work and I couldn't believe. Snow in Central Georgia?? How does that happen?? Anyway, it was a nice change from the nasty rain we have been having for the last 3 days.