Thursday, April 2, 2009

Drug Realization



Each day our Narconon drug treatment students write down their realizations and many of them ask that we share them online. They want others to know that that they too can be free of addiction.

“Since the age of 13 when I began to believe that I “was not good enough” I set my ambition to be things like “big man on campus”, “the man” “the best” essentially anything but “being me” and accepting me. Because I did this, I’ve lived a life of setting my goals based on the evaluation or judgment of others. It was all connected to a warped, naïve, know it all attitude connected to not being good enough.

My new affirmation is that “I am good enough already”. This removes pressure and allows me to be more open in communication and conversation. I could give a litany of examples of my “know it all” failed decisions that have produced guilty feeling that further created pressure – failed decisions piled on top of failed decisions.

I know now that I can just be me and through my actions I’ve become who I am meant to be. I cannot create my image from who I should be to others. That image belongs to them.”

Gather your thoughts, learn about yourself and become drug free. The Narconon program is a workable way out of addiction for any drug of abuse – methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, pot, xanax or any drug of abuse.

Narconon New Life Program 877-413-3073

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