Wednesday, April 15, 2009



Here is the realization from a student who formally was abusing crack and alcohol. However, whether a person is abusing cocaine, heroin, pot or methamphetamine, the road out of addiction is paved with learning about oneself and tapping into the tremendous amount of ability that we all possess.

I have learned that when I am more sincere in my communication that others are more comfortable with me. When I am acting in a humorous, but not open way, others can sense or feel my lack of sincerity.

When I was an active addict I was not open or sincere. I need to be open and listen to others – I need to live a life that others would like to share.

Listening and making myself truly open to another’s ideas, thoughts or feelings will reconnect me to people and a better way of life.”

Narconon is the New Life Program 877-413-3073

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