Thursday, April 9, 2009

Enjoying Life


The Narconon program helps students learn about themselves and then they start to look at life differently. As students are progressing through the Narconon drug rehab here, they begin to want to share their success. Daily realizations, wins and reflections are shared by them in the hopes that others will find the Narconon program.

“Staying focused on the environment and others keeps me outside of my own head and connected to things in the environment. By focusing, I am much clearer in my connections to everything outside of me. Also, when I am focused, external distractions cannot catch my attention.

By having a focus outwards towards what I am doing, instead of struggling with myself, I can make clearer decisions. I can enjoy life without cloudiness.

I also realized that just because I allow others some control in the environment, I still have control myself. When I open up and listen to others I am still in control.

Today has been my most enjoyable day and I am happy to be here. Time really flies when you are enjoying what you are doing.”

Whether a person is abusing cocaine, heroin, pot, methamphetamine or any other drug of abuse, the Narconon program can lead them out of the introverted life of drugs and onto the path of a happy and drug free life. There is a reason why Narconon is called the New Life Program. 877-413-3073

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