Thursday, April 2, 2009

Narconon Reflection


Today this Narconon drug treatment student moved one step closer to freedom from drugs by learning about himself and tapping into his inner self. Whatever the drug of abuse – cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, oxycontin or xanax the road out from addiction is clearly mapped for the Narconon student and each realization is a stepping stone.

“I am one with my environment. Today, not only am I one with my environment, but I realize that the choice is still mine on how I interact with each and every part of my environment. Whether it is negative or positive, the choice is mine. I am learning to make the right choices.

Even though I would like to affect everyone and everything in my environment in a positive way, I cannot control how I’m received in either my communication or my actions. I am learning to accept whatever happens and move on.

Narconon New Life Program 877-413-3073

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