The Narconon program works for those who have failed at traditional drug treatment. In fact thousands of Narconon graduates around the world are leading lives that are drug free and more successful than they ever imagined before finally coming to Narconon. Hundreds more, having failed at traditional rehab, are inquiring each day about our methods and learning the secret to our success – We know that a drug addict can be recovered (versus recovering) and that is our goal with each and every client.
This program has changed me. When I came to Narconon I was accustomed to failure. I would set myself up for failure and I would expect it. I had been to drug rehab 6 times, including some of the best – Hazelton and Michael’s House in Palm Beach in others. These were all 12 step programs and the entire time I was seeking treatment I did not know about Narconon.
Then I found Narconon and it this has been more than a wonderful experience.
A big difference between this and the 12 step philosophy is that I do not have to carry around the baggage of feeling like “I am an addict.” In the 12 step program, the only time you will not be an addict is when they bury you – otherwise you are “always an addict”. I am so happy that I have learned that this is not true.
I have also learned that I am in control. I do not have to have a sponsor telling me what to do or attend 90 meetings in 90 days, because I am in control today due to Narconon. I am not carrying around a list of phone numbers of people that I don’t really even know, in case I want to use. Instead I am using my tools to stay clean and get me through any low points. The Narconon staff are there for me, but I am the one who is using the tools everyday to stay clean.
For the first time in my life, every morning I wake up wondering what great thing I am going to get from the program today. Some things I have achieved so far:
Ø My family and my friends don’t even recognize who I have become because I am a totally different man – a happy man who is in control.
Ø I am calm.
Ø I have learned the tools to politely cut off a conversation that in the past would have been detrimental to me.
Ø I see things so much more clearly. When I see things that are negative, I use them to make me stronger.
Ø I like ME today. I have never like ME before but I like the man that Narconon has given me.
Ø Relationships with my family are better than good. I am a better father, brother and won.
It is a blessing that I was court ordered here. I thank my lucky stars that I was able to come to Narconon.
I know that my future is going to be successful, positive and drug free.
Thank you to all the Narconon staff. Randall Shively
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