Saturday, April 25, 2009



Here is another Narconon realization, written in the hopes that it will touch someone who has given up hope that drug treatment works. It can work.

“While I was working with my buddy I found an ease to perform and work with him. There is no confusion with my environment and my connection with it. Everything is actually wonderful.

I am aware that no matter where I go I must be cognizant of me and that where I go effects me. At times, the locations I go to might not be of my choice. I need to make sure that they are suitable to me once I get there. Also I need to accept every part of me as I am.

Have a great day. I’m extremely happy and aware.”

Whether a person has been abusing crack cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, pot, or any drug of abuse, Narconon drug treatment walks them down the same road – the one that leads out of addiction. Narconon is the new life program 877-413-3073

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