Monday, November 3, 2008

Balance the Budget

Balancing the Budget

Whether it is a family or a nation, drug addiction wastes money. One drug addict can cost a family and a community a million dollars in legal fees, incarceration expenditures, health costs, and income spent on drugs. There are other costs that are not as easy to measure such as lost production of family members due to stress, increase in insurance rates and general productivity loss.

As long as someone is addicted, the costs continue. A drug addict does not care about the economy – only how to get that next fix.

Effective drug rehab is the best investment in terms of money and quality of life.

Whether they are abusing methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana or cocaine, the drug abuser is costing money and is miserable.

Get behind any leader who understands that providing for effective treatment is the best solution for families and the nation.

If you are having difficulty balancing the budget in your household due to drug abuse, make a wise investment in rehab that works.

Narconon has a 76% success rate.

Call 877-413-3073,,

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