Friday, November 7, 2008

NARCONON success!


Here is a success story today from one of our Narconon student, currently on the program.

“When I was using I never noticed the details or what others needed from me and I constantly disobeyed rules and regulations as well as disregarded anything but the drugs. I lost myself and everything I had. Now I see that by following simple rules, having respect for myself and others, being more perceptive and more detail oriented, I can have everything if I simply maintain my sobriety and the success I am making every minute of the day.

When noticing the sunset reflecting off the fall leaves, which is my favorite season, I saw the beauty in the sunset. For so long while I used I never paid attention to the beauty of mother- nature and never appreciated anything. Now that I am seeing these things I see that I didn’t believe in my heart I deserved it. But I do and I see that. I deserve everything I have wanted and want back.”

You can have wins like these too. Narconon helps those with heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, marijuana prescription medication and all drugs of abuse.

Call 877-413-3073 We are the New Life Program,,

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