Thursday, January 22, 2009

Enhancing communication


Here is another success story for the day, though it will change this student’s life forever.

“The communication Course training has helped me in my social and work environment. I was never aware that I lost my cool in situations that I shouldn’t before. I always felt justified in my actions, my arrogance and my confidence. Using my new communication skills makes me come off as respectful and down to earth and less intimidating. It seems to quicken and enhance communication between my peers and allow smoother relations.”

Often when a person is abusing drugs, they have had difficulty communicating and try to cover up the problem with drugs. Drugs just worsen communication.

Yet communication is the essence of life and necessary for any kind of success. Part of creating a new life is creating the ability to communicate.

Whether a person has used heroin, oxycontin, pot, methamphetamine or cocaine the Narconon program can help them realize a new life through new communication.


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