Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Soul


Here is another Narconon

success – another student who has come to realize their power and command over life.

“I ‘m not sure that anyone could ever understand the power and control you feel when you finish Objectives without experiencing it themselves. While my sauna program was wonderful, I believe my soul was repaired through the objectives course. It feels so good to accomplish this and know that I did it correctly for myself and my buddy.

My life is better for what I learned about myself and I want to thank all involved in my journey so far, especially Gene Adams. Thanks for putting up with us. I hope you realize the extremely lasting affect you had upon my life. You are an amazing person that will always have a place in my heart.”

Whether it is cocaine, heroin, oxycontin or pot – anyone can again take full control over their life with Narconon the New Life program. 877-413-3073.

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