Tuesday, January 20, 2009



“I realize that I can dispense with my insecurities and how I have felt about myself in the past. I know that those thoughts are really not what is happening. I need to keep what is real and what is true for me up front, because those thoughts are not worth my time or energy. I need to get rid of these thoughts as soon as they come up.

Things in my life are really moving and I can see that I have a lot of work to do to repair the damage that I did in the past. I can do that and still allow my life to move forward. It’s up to me to keep my sobriety in place and as long as this is my number one priority I can deal with and accomplish anything.”

Anything can be accomplished, whether a person has abused heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine or pot. A new life is waiting for those who honestly do the Narconon program.

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