Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Say No


Here is the success of a Narconon student who has learned how to say NO to drugs and yes to success.

“Just because you find drugs doesn’t mean you have to do them. I was at the movies on Monday and some dude came up to me and asked if I would give him money in exchange for some drugs so he could get home. I told him to get away from me and that I didn’t do that shit. Drugs found me and I chose to not touch them because I have let go of that life style and those cravings of artificial pleasures.

I am empowered and in the present. I apply strength, intention and commitment to a healthy life style that bears way more fruit than drugs ever did or could. By making up my mind just because I am around drugs doesn’t mean I have to do them anymore. In fact, I don’t want to do them. They disgust me and so do people who are on them.

I found Narconon, I made up my mind to embrace it and because of that I have let go of a drug infested and negative life style. I have moved into a healthy and positive drug free present.”

Whether they came here on heroin, Oxycontin, methamphetamine, cocaine or pot, our students are saying NO drugs and YES to happiness and success.

Narconon is the New Life Program. 877-413-3073

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