Monday, January 26, 2009

So Grateful


The new week has started and the success stories are already rolling out. Here is a success story for those who feel that there is probably no real solution for addiction, but in the back of their minds still hold a bit of hope.

“I feel like the longer I stay sober, the more I can learn about the world and I have a lot to learn! I want to learn something everyday.

Instead of wasting money and my life on the bad things of the world I am using this program to help me see how I can do it myself with my own will power and strength that God allows me to have.

I feel so grateful because I am where I need to be right now to straighten out my life and feel good WITHOUT alcohol – which has messed up my life so many times.

I am so thankful for my mom, dad, girlfriend and this program. You have all helped me to better my life.”

Whether a person has abused methamphetamine, cocaine, pot Oxycontin or heroin these wins are available from Narconon. Drug Treatment can have a very happy ending.


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