Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Helping the Native Americans


From the time that the white man introduced blankets with small pox, the Native American population has not fared well from the white man’s trinkets and customs.

White man’s “fire water” has continued to take a huge toll on the lives of Native Americans – 12% of the deaths in that population are due to alcohol. This is three times the national average.

The white man did not need to bring small pox to dwindle the numbers of Indians. The inadvertent introduction of alcohol to these peoples has somehow sinisterly perpetuated the initial destructive intent of the Europeans who came to take their land.

No one is bent on destroying the Native Americans now and they have even been helped to build casinos which apparently are helping their tribes.

But the problem with alcohol seems constant and one that they cannot fix themselves.

Narconon in Oklahoma has taken responsibility and in the past has offered their services in terms of facilities and drug education.

Narconon of Georgia is willing to provide drug education if we are asked.

Let’s take responsibility for our fellows.


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm

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