Thursday, October 30, 2008

Young Adults on Heroin

The New Heroin Crowd

The age group that is using heroin now is 18 to 26. Many live in neighborhoods that are upper middle to upper class and come from good homes.

The image of heroin addicts of the 60s living under bridges and only coming out for a fix is not accurate. Heroin addicts are a different class of people now, though the addiction is as cruel and unforgiving as it always was.

What has changed? Why, despite the fact that most illegal drug use is decreased, has heroin use remained constant or even increased in some areas?

For many youth the road to heroin began innocently with prescription pain medication such as oxycontin. For some it was even prescribed. It’s easy to get hooked on opiates of any kind and once hooked, the 80 dollars per pill is a lot to pay. Heroin is cheaper and with the increased purity throughout the years, has become a relatively better buy.

Even with its cheaper price heroin addiction leads to theft and it is usually from the family. Many families become quite emotional about drug abuse in one of their own, but seldom truly realize the grip that opiates have on a person.

Lock up your prescriptions and if someone you know has begun using heroin don’t wait. They need treatment now. Heroin is very addictive and it is unlikely that they will stop on their own.

Call Narconon 877-413-3073,,

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