Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Life of a Drug Addict


A drug addict’s life is an unhappy one. In spite of the sometimes ill-tempered, un-ethical and uncaring attitude that many addicts display, deep inside they are hoping for a way out of their dilemma. Their behavior can make it hard to care and yet we must- at least until they can care for themselves.

Prison for offenders who are addicts just reinforces the lack of esteem that these people already feel and pushes them further to the point in their lives from which they may never fully recovery.

Community Drug Court can be an answer – a workable alternative. The opportunity to receive treatment instead of jail gives the addict the impression that the Courts and society believe that there is hope for addiction and that it can be overcome. It restores the hope of dignity and points to a more humane way to deal with this sector of mankind.

Whether the addiction is heroin, methamphetamine, crack cocaine or prescription medication – we can help these people. The situation is not going to go away unless we pay attention.

(Narconon use a drug treatment method that works and can prevent a person from being arrested to begin with. 877-413-3073


drugsno.com, drugsno.com/addiction.htm, drugsno.com/identify_abuse.htm, atlantarecoverycenter.com

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