Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Liver Damage and Alcohol


We have all met those people who seem to drink a little more than we think they should but they somehow get away with it. They have careers, keep their families and keep going. We watch them drink a little too much but seldom say anything because there is nothing really to talk about. They are unlikely to get help because nobody thinks they need it.

However, research shows that this group is not getting away with drinking a little bit too much – in fact their livers are suffering from it.

Anyone who drinks at all is somewhat at risk – even of DUI because the limits are very low now. It is something to think about.

Those who drink a lot are very much at risk legally, spiritually and physically. If you know someone who drinks too much, we can help.

Narconon. We are the New Life Program 877-413-3073,,

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