Thursday, October 30, 2008

Methadone Addiction


Methadone pain management has moved methadone from the clinic to the medicine cabinet. Anyone taking a methadone prescription almost needs a rule book, or perhaps even a chaperone. Methadone can so easily be misused, usually because of misunderstanding.

Some experts think that Medical Doctors should take special classes on prescribing narcotics. This is especially true in the case of methadone. Increased prescriptions for methadone for pain management has contributed to methadone being the fastest growing source of narcotic deaths in this country.

Through the years the number of methadone prescriptions for pain has increased, with more doctors prescribing it. While doctors who work in methadone clinics are familiar with the drug and its side effects, doctors less familiar might not be as aware of the properties of methadone – it is slow to metabolize. Some patients will think nothing of using alcohol or sedatives with the medication and any doctor prescribing it must be alert to this fact and inform every patient of the dangers.

We have not heard too much about methadone since the death of Anna Nicole’s son, but it is still around and anyone taking it for a while is going to be taking it for the long haul, or will need rehab.

Narconon can help with methadone addiction. Call 877-413-3073,,

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