Thursday, October 30, 2008

Prescriptions easier to buy than alcohol

Prescription Drugs easier to buy than Beer

For the first time in the 13 years that CASA has been doing surveys on youth, teens said the prescription medication was easier to buy than beer. The drugs come from home, parents, the medicine cabinet or friends.

Unwittingly, many parents have become drug pushers.

The study shows that parental engagement is the most important factor in preventing prescription drug abuse. Knowing where there kids are and tackling them on the subject of drugs can act as deterrents to possible abuse.

Past generations outgrew the wild keg parties and few ever witnessed an ambulance coming to a party. However, prescription drug abuse is dangerous and something that a kid will never outgrow if they overdose.

Talk to your kids about drugs. If they are already abusing them, get them some help fast.

Narconon has a 76% success rate. 877-413-3073,,

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